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Contributed modules

zzolo edited this page Nov 28, 2011 · 11 revisions

This page is focused on giving a brief description on why and how contributed modules are used on the application. Most modules are installed with a pretty specific purpose in mind (or hopefully they are).

Keeping track of this is important to undersand the application as a whole, and to get a view of possible performance or functional issues.

DFP = Disable for Production. There are a number of modules that can be disabled for production. This is not currently done, but could be. This might be depending on the Development Workflow and Configuration Management.

  • Block Class: (??)
  • Add Another: Used so that users can easily create more nodes (specific content types?) of the same type by choosing "Save and Add".
  • Address Field: (??)
  • Add to Any: Used so that (specific) content can be "socialized" with the Add-to-Any/Lockerz service.
  • Admin Menu: Creates a helpful administration menu to get to almost all configuration pages of the site. Only for administrators. (DFP)
  • Advanced Help: Provides an interface for modules that provide integration (help text). This is most often for site building help. (DFP)
  • Auto Node Title: Based on fields or other node data, create a title automatically. (where specifically used?)
  • Backup and Migrate: Used to export the database easily through the interface without having to log into the server. (this could be used to set up regular backups too)
  • Book Made Simple: (??)
  • CCK Phone: Provides a field (was CCK in D6) for phone numbers. (specific content?)
  • Corresponding Node References: Creates a link from a referenced node to the referring node. (specific content?)
  • Conditional Fields: Provides an abstracted way of having fields depend on other fields (this value is needed for this other field to be available). (Is there a specific reason this is installed?)
  • Content Taxonomy: Provides some interface enhancements for taxonomy, specifically around the Taxonomy field widgets. (specific content?)
  • Context: An abstract module to provide a basic condition/reaction system, like place blocks on these pages. Used mostly to place blocks and ??. What is the blocks system used for, difference ??.
  • Custom Breadcrumbs: Custom breadcrumbs for nodes. (specifics??)
  • CTools: An API module and dependency for other modules.
  • Custom Search: Provides some interface enhancements for the default search block(s). (specifics??)
  • Date: An API module as well as provides a general Date field. (specific content??)
  • Delta: Theme configuration helper, utilizes Context. (specifics??)
  • Devel: Development tools. (DFP)
  • Diff: Provides nice revisions for content. (specifics??)
  • Editable Fields: Allows for inline editing of fields on node view. (specific content??)
  • Email: Field for email address. (specific content??)
  • Entity API: API module for working entities. Needed for module ??.
  • Entity Views Attachment: Provides a way to attach a View to different entities, like a list of blog posts to a user. (specific use??)
  • [Features](]: Provides a mechanism for configuration management. See Configuration Management.
  • Features Extras: Makes other objects, like nodes and block exportable. (specific use??). Please note that, even the project page states that UUID Features is a better way.
  • Field Group: Provides a generic way to group fields on edit and display. Used on most content types. Modules

These are modules that are not-managed on

  • Geocode: This is actually a port (and fork) and the module on that is for D6. This should move to a sites/all/modules/other directory. This should be replaced with the proper fork module: Geocoder.
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