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Contributed modules
zzolo edited this page Nov 29, 2011
11 revisions
This page is focused on giving a brief description on why and how contributed modules are used on the application. Most modules are installed with a pretty specific purpose in mind (or hopefully they are). This list was compiled by looking at code, and not necessary what is installed.
Keeping track of this is important to undersand the application as a whole, and to get a view of possible performance or functional issues.
DFP = Disable for Production
. There are a number of modules that can be disabled for production. This is not currently done, but could be. This might be depending on the Development Workflow and Configuration Management.
- Block Class: (??)
- Add Another: Used so that users can easily create more nodes (specific content types?) of the same type by choosing "Save and Add".
- Address Field: (??)
- Add to Any: Used so that (specific) content can be "socialized" with the Add-to-Any/Lockerz service.
- Admin Menu: Creates a helpful administration menu to get to almost all configuration pages of the site. Only for administrators. (DFP)
- Advanced Help: Provides an interface for modules that provide integration (help text). This is most often for site building help. (DFP)
- Auto Node Title: Based on fields or other node data, create a title automatically. (where specifically used?)
- Backup and Migrate: Used to export the database easily through the interface without having to log into the server. (this could be used to set up regular backups too)
- Book Made Simple: (??)
- CCK Phone: Provides a field (was CCK in D6) for phone numbers. (specific content?)
- Corresponding Node References: Creates a link from a referenced node to the referring node. (specific content?)
- Conditional Fields: Provides an abstracted way of having fields depend on other fields (this value is needed for this other field to be available). (Is there a specific reason this is installed?)
- Content Taxonomy: Provides some interface enhancements for taxonomy, specifically around the Taxonomy field widgets. (specific content?)
- Context: An abstract module to provide a basic condition/reaction system, like place blocks on these pages. Used mostly to place blocks and ??. What is the blocks system used for, difference ??. The UI submodule can be DFP.
- Custom Breadcrumbs: Custom breadcrumbs for nodes. (specifics??)
- CTools: An API module and dependency for other modules.
- Custom Search: Provides some interface enhancements for the default search block(s). (specifics??)
- Date: An API module as well as provides a general Date field. (specific content??)
- Delta: Theme configuration helper, utilizes Context. (specifics??)
- Devel: Development tools. (DFP)
- Diff: Provides nice revisions for content. (specifics??)
- Editable Fields: Allows for inline editing of fields on node view. (specific content??)
- Email: Field for email address. (specific content??)
- Entity API: API module for working entities. Needed for module ??.
- Entity Views Attachment: Provides a way to attach a View to different entities, like a list of blog posts to a user. (specific use??)
- Features: Provides a mechanism for configuration management. See Configuration Management.
- Features Extras: Makes other objects, like nodes and block exportable. (specific use??). Please note that, even the project page states that UUID Features is a better way.
- Field Group: Provides a generic way to group fields on edit and display. Used on most content types.
- Fivestar: A rating system. (specific use??)
- Flag: An abstract module for creating arbitrary flags on content. (specific use??)
- Geofield: A field used to store geospatial data. (specific content??)
- Global Redirect: Provides better handling of aliasing and redirects for Drupal. (specific use??)
- Google Analytics: Integrates with Google Analytics.
- Google Fonts: Integrates with Google Fonts. (specific use??) Should move to Font Your Face.
- Imagecache Actions: Provides image styles. (specific use??)
- Jump Menu: An API for creating a drop down for a menu for navigation purposes. (specific use??)
- Libraries: An API module to manage non-module code. Dependency for other modules.
- Link: Provides a field for hyperlinks. (specific content??)
- [Login Toboggan][http://drupal.org/project/logintoboggan]: Enhancement to the user login and register process. (specific use??)
- Lucene API: Lucene integration. Not installed. REMOVE CODE
- Media: Provides an abstracted way of handling media for a site. (specific use??)
- Media Youtube: Embedding Youtube video for Media module. (specific content??)
- Modal Forms: Provides a modal popup for specific forms. (specific use??)
- Nice Menus: Provides Drupal menus to use dropdowns for nested elements. (Specific use??)
- Nodereference URL: Allows for node reference field to be populated with URL query value and hide input. (specific use?)
- OpenLayers: Mapping module. Used for all the site's mapping.
- Pathauto: Provides ability to automatically create URL aliases for content, users, etc. Used with content, taxonomies, and users ??.
Prepopulate: Allows for node fields to be populated by query string values. Used when:
- adding interactions from applications
- Other use??
- References: Provides a node and user reference field. Used in many content types on the site.
- Jainrain Engage (RPX): Integration with Jainrain Engage service. Used so that users can login via Facebook.
- Rules: An abstract module to provide an event system for Drupal. (specific use??)
- Services: An abstract module for integration with outside services (or providing services). Used for REST API??
- Services Tools: Provides versioning of an API for services, as well as a easy way for an API definition. (specific use??)
- Shadowbox: Modal media viewer. (specific use??)
- Styles: Provides different display mechanisms for content or fields. (is this needed?) Modal media viewer. (specific use??)
- Token: Provides a general API for token replacement. Dependency of Pathauto.
- View Field: A field that can contain a View. (specific use??)
- Views: A general module for querying and displaying data. Used in many places on the site.
- Views Bulk Operations (VBO): Creates the ability to use a View as a list of content to perform operations on, such as deleting nodes. (specific use??)
- Views PHP: Allows PHP to be entered in Views fields. (specific use??) This should be removed!! This makes a site very hard to maintain. It becomes very hard to figure out where logic is for something. It also puts the code in the database, or maybe a feature (as a string).
- Views Random Seed: Allows for consistent random sorting in Views. (specific use??)
- Voting API: A general API for voting functionality. Dependency of Fivestar.
These are modules that are not-managed on Drupal.org.