Releases: CircleCI-Public/server-terraform
Releases · CircleCI-Public/server-terraform
3.3.0 Release
Corresponding server-terraform
for the server 3.3.x release.
- Nomad instances are now Intel-based by default
- Added support for AWS Gov Cloud
- Added support for shared VPCs on GCP
- Optionally generates credentials for Nomad Autoscaler
3.2.0 Release
Corresponding server-terraform for the server 3.2.x release.
- Support multiple subnets in AWS
- Support backwards compatibility with Nomad subnet in AWS
- Add an autoscaling group in AWS
- Add the nomad security group id in the module output in AWS
- Upgrade docker to 20.10.07
- Update nomad to 1.1.2
- Documentation improvements
3.1.0 Release
Corresponding server-terraform
for the server 3.1.x release.
- name for Nomad clients in GCP can now be customized via variable
- Telemetry configuration added
- Moving to Terraform v0.15.4 as minimum required version which involved some changes around handling sensitive output and syntax
- Removed an unnecessary ingress rule for AWS
- Documentation improvements
3.0.0 Release
🎉 First GA release of server-terraform. Includes:
- Support for Nomad clients on Google Cloud Platform
- Smaller userdata in AWS as we were quite close to the limit (thanks @iserko 🥇 )
3.0.0 RC7
Nomad performance improvements
Private Orbs
Security fixes
3.0.0 RC5
Major security improvements:
- mTLS support for Nomad clients
- support for private Nomad clients
- S3 encryption support
- Adjusted cluster defaults to match application demands
- Several bug fixes
A variety of security fixes
3.0.0-RC3 Enable SSH to Nomad configuration for GCP (#8)