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Section 2 -- Source

File metadata and controls

253 lines (193 loc) · 6.53 KB

Source Schema

The GraphQL Composite Schemas spec refers to downstream GraphQL APIs that have been designed for composition as subgraphs. These subgraphs may have additional directives specified in this section to indicate semantics of type system members in the overall graph.


Subgraph directives offer instructions for the schema composition process, detailing type system member semantics and specifying type transformations. In some cases subgraph schemas can be composed without any directives.


directive @entityResolver on FIELD_DEFINITION

Entity resolvers are fields on the query root type of a subgraph that can resolve an entity by a stable key. The stable key is defined by the arguments of the field.

extend type Query {
  version: Int # NOT an entity resolver.
  personById(id: ID!): Person @entityResolver

extend type Person {
  id: ID! # matches the argument of personById

The arguments of an entity resolver field must match fields of the returning type.

extend type Query {
  node(id: ID!): Node @entityResolver

interface Node {
  id: ID!

When an entity resolver returns an interface all implementing types are inferred as entities.

extend type Query {
  entityById(id: ID!, categoryId: Int): Entity @entityResolver

union Entity = Cat | Dog

extend type Dog {
  id: ID!
  categoryId: Int

extend type Cat {
  id: ID!
  categoryId: Int


directive @is(
  field: FieldSelection
  coordinate: Schemacoordinate

The @is directive is utilized to establish semantic equivalence between disparate type system members across distinct subgraphs, which the schema composition uses to connect types.

In the following example, the directive specifies that the id argument on the field Query.personById and the field on the return type of the field are semantically the same. This information is used to infer an entity resolver for Person from the field Query.personById.

extend type Query {
  personById(id: ID! @is(field: "id")): Person @entityResolver

The @is directive also allows to refer to nested fields relative to Person.

extend type Query {
  personByAddressId(id: ID! @is(field: "address { id }")): Person

The @is directive not limited to a single argument.

extend type Query {
    id: ID! @is(field: "address { id }")
    kind: PersonKind @is(field: "kind")
  ): Person

The directive can also establish semantic equivalence between two output fields. In this example, the field productSKU is semantically equivalent to the field Product.sku, allowing the schema composition to infer the connection of the Product with the Review type.

extend type Review {
  productSKU: ID! @is(coordinate: "Product.sku") @internal
  product: Product @resolve

The @is directive can use either the field or coordinate argument. If both are specified, the schema composition must fail.

extend type Review {
  productSKU: ID!
    @is(coordinate: "Product.sku", field: "product { sku }")
  product: Product @resolve


  • field: Represents a GraphQL field selection syntax that refers to field relative to the current type; or, when used on arguments it refers to a field relative to the return type.
  • coordinate: Represents a schema coordinate that refers to a type system member.


directive @shareable repeatable on OBJECT | FIELD_DEFINITION

By default, only one subgraph is allowed to contribute a particular field to an object type. This prevents subgraphs from inadvertently defining similarly named fields that are semantically not the same.

Fields have to be explicitly marked as @shareable to allow multiple subgraphs to define it. And it ensures the step of allowing a field to be served from multiple subgraphs is an explicit, coordinated decision.

If multiple subgraphs define the same field, these are assumed to be semantically equivalent, and the executor is free to choose between them as it sees fit.

Note: Key fields are always considered sharable.


directive @require(
  field: FieldSelection!

The @require directive is used to express data requirements with other subgraphs. Arguments annotated with the @require directive are removed from the public exposed schema and the value for these will be resolved by the executor.

type Product {
  id: ID!
    zip: String!
    size: Int! @require(field: "dimension { size }")
    weight: Int! @require(field: "dimension { weight }")
  ): DeliveryEstimates

This can also be done by using input types. All fields of the input type that match the required output type are required. If the input type is only used to express a requirement it is removed from the public schema.

type Product {
  id: ID!
    zip: String!
    dimension: ProductDimensionInput! @require(field: "dimension"))
  ): DeliveryEstimates


directive @provides(fields: SelectionSet!) on FIELD_DEFINITION

The @provides directive is an optimization hint specifying child fields that can be resolved locally at the given subgraph through a particular query path. This allows for a variation of overlapping field to improve data fetching.



The @external directive is used in combination with the @provides directive and specifies data that is not owned ba a particular subgraph.


directive @override(from: String!) on FIELD_DEFINITION

The @override directive allows to migrate fields from one subgraph to another.



The @internal directive signals to the composition process that annotated type system members shall not be included into the public schema but still can be used by the executor to build resolvers.


scalar Schemacoordinate

The Schemacoordinate scalar represents a schema coordinate syntax.