docker run -it --rm --name chaste -v chaste_data:/home/chaste bdevans/chaste-docker:2017.1
docker run -it --rm --name chaste -v $(pwd)/chaste:/home/chaste bdevans/chaste-docker:2017.1
Running the continuous test pack (
OS | src in Volume | src on host | Difference |
Linux [1] | |||
macOS [2] | |||
Windows [3] | 19m21.260s | 6m48.780s | -64.8% |
- [1]: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS;
- [2]: macOS 10.13.5; Intel i7 @ 3.1GHz; 8GB (of 16GB) RAM. Docker: 18.03.1-ce-mac65 (24312)
- [3]: Windows 10; Intel i7 6700 CPU @ 3.40GHz; 8GB (of 64GB) RAM. Docker: 18.03.1-ce-win65 (17513)
Windows 10; Intel i7 6700 CPU @ 3.40GHz; 8GB (of 64GB) RAM. Docker: 18.03.1-ce-win65 (17513)
from os import environ, system
from time import time
from statistics import mean, stdev
cmake_times = []
make_core_times = []
make_mesh_times = []
test_mesh_times = []
num_cores = '-j3'
num_runs = 5
for i in range(num_runs):
# Reset environment
environ['CC'] = ""
environ['CXX'] = ""
environ['PETSC_DIR'] = ""
environ['PETSC_ARCH'] = ""
# Reset build directory
system('rm CMakeCache.txt')
system('make clean')
# Time configuration
start = time()
system('cmake ..')
cmake_times.append(time() - start)
# Time building libraries
start = time()
system('make %s chaste_core' % num_cores)
make_core_times.append(time() - start)
# Time building tests
start = time()
system('make %s mesh' % num_cores)
make_mesh_times.append(time() - start)
# Time running tests
start = time()
system('ctest %s -L mesh -E Parallel' % num_cores)
test_mesh_times.append(time() - start)
with open('times.csv', 'w') as f:
f.write('configure,%s,%s\n' % (mean(cmake_times), stdev(cmake_times)))
f.write('build_libs,%s,%s\n' % (mean(make_core_times), stdev(make_core_times)))
f.write('build_tests,%s,%s\n' % (mean(make_mesh_times), stdev(make_mesh_times)))
f.write('run_tests,%s,%s\n' % (mean(test_mesh_times), stdev(test_mesh_times)))