=== npm audit security report ===
│ Manual Review │
│ Some vulnerabilities require your attention to resolve │
│ │
│ Visit https://go.npm.me/audit-guide for additional guidance │
│ Low │ Prototype Pollution │
│ Package │ minimist │
│ Patched in │ >=0.2.1 <1.0.0 || >=1.2.3 │
│ Dependency of │ fabric-ca-client │
│ Path │ fabric-ca-client > grpc > node-pre-gyp > mkdirp > minimist │
│ More info │ https://npmjs.com/advisories/1179 │
│ Low │ Prototype Pollution │
│ Package │ minimist │
│ Patched in │ >=0.2.1 <1.0.0 || >=1.2.3 │
│ Dependency of │ fabric-client │
│ Path │ fabric-client > fabric-ca-client > grpc > node-pre-gyp > │
│ │ mkdirp > minimist │
│ More info │ https://npmjs.com/advisories/1179 │
│ Low │ Prototype Pollution │
│ Package │ minimist │
│ Patched in │ >=0.2.1 <1.0.0 || >=1.2.3 │
│ Dependency of │ fabric-client │
│ Path │ fabric-client > grpc > node-pre-gyp > mkdirp > minimist │
│ More info │ https://npmjs.com/advisories/1179 │
│ Low │ Prototype Pollution │
│ Package │ minimist │
│ Patched in │ >=0.2.1 <1.0.0 || >=1.2.3 │
│ Dependency of │ fabric-network │
│ Path │ fabric-network > fabric-ca-client > grpc > node-pre-gyp > │
│ │ mkdirp > minimist │
│ More info │ https://npmjs.com/advisories/1179 │
│ Low │ Prototype Pollution │
│ Package │ minimist │
│ Patched in │ >=0.2.1 <1.0.0 || >=1.2.3 │
│ Dependency of │ fabric-network │
│ Path │ fabric-network > fabric-client > fabric-ca-client > grpc > │
│ │ node-pre-gyp > mkdirp > minimist │
│ More info │ https://npmjs.com/advisories/1179 │
│ Low │ Prototype Pollution │
│ Package │ minimist │
│ Patched in │ >=0.2.1 <1.0.0 || >=1.2.3 │
│ Dependency of │ fabric-network │
│ Path │ fabric-network > fabric-client > grpc > node-pre-gyp > │
│ │ mkdirp > minimist │
│ More info │ https://npmjs.com/advisories/1179 │
│ Low │ Prototype Pollution │
│ Package │ minimist │
│ Patched in │ >=0.2.1 <1.0.0 || >=1.2.3 │
│ Dependency of │ grpc │
│ Path │ grpc > node-pre-gyp > mkdirp > minimist │
│ More info │ https://npmjs.com/advisories/1179 │
│ Low │ Prototype Pollution │
│ Package │ minimist │
│ Patched in │ >=0.2.1 <1.0.0 || >=1.2.3 │
│ Dependency of │ fabric-ca-client │
│ Path │ fabric-ca-client > grpc > node-pre-gyp > tar > mkdirp > │
│ │ minimist │
│ More info │ https://npmjs.com/advisories/1179 │
│ Low │ Prototype Pollution │
│ Package │ minimist │
│ Patched in │ >=0.2.1 <1.0.0 || >=1.2.3 │
│ Dependency of │ fabric-client │
│ Path │ fabric-client > fabric-ca-client > grpc > node-pre-gyp > tar │
│ │ > mkdirp > minimist │
│ More info │ https://npmjs.com/advisories/1179 │
│ Low │ Prototype Pollution │
│ Package │ minimist │
│ Patched in │ >=0.2.1 <1.0.0 || >=1.2.3 │
│ Dependency of │ fabric-client │
│ Path │ fabric-client > grpc > node-pre-gyp > tar > mkdirp > │
│ │ minimist │
│ More info │ https://npmjs.com/advisories/1179 │
│ Low │ Prototype Pollution │
│ Package │ minimist │
│ Patched in │ >=0.2.1 <1.0.0 || >=1.2.3 │
│ Dependency of │ fabric-network │
│ Path │ fabric-network > fabric-ca-client > grpc > node-pre-gyp > │
│ │ tar > mkdirp > minimist │
│ More info │ https://npmjs.com/advisories/1179 │
│ Low │ Prototype Pollution │
│ Package │ minimist │
│ Patched in │ >=0.2.1 <1.0.0 || >=1.2.3 │
│ Dependency of │ fabric-network │
│ Path │ fabric-network > fabric-client > fabric-ca-client > grpc > │
│ │ node-pre-gyp > tar > mkdirp > minimist │
│ More info │ https://npmjs.com/advisories/1179 │
│ Low │ Prototype Pollution │
│ Package │ minimist │
│ Patched in │ >=0.2.1 <1.0.0 || >=1.2.3 │
│ Dependency of │ fabric-network │
│ Path │ fabric-network > fabric-client > grpc > node-pre-gyp > tar > │
│ │ mkdirp > minimist │
│ More info │ https://npmjs.com/advisories/1179 │
│ Low │ Prototype Pollution │
│ Package │ minimist │
│ Patched in │ >=0.2.1 <1.0.0 || >=1.2.3 │
│ Dependency of │ grpc │
│ Path │ grpc > node-pre-gyp > tar > mkdirp > minimist │
│ More info │ https://npmjs.com/advisories/1179 │
│ Low │ Prototype Pollution │
│ Package │ minimist │
│ Patched in │ >=0.2.1 <1.0.0 || >=1.2.3 │
│ Dependency of │ fabric-ca-client │
│ Path │ fabric-ca-client > grpc > node-pre-gyp > rc > minimist │
│ More info │ https://npmjs.com/advisories/1179 │
│ Low │ Prototype Pollution │
│ Package │ minimist │
│ Patched in │ >=0.2.1 <1.0.0 || >=1.2.3 │
│ Dependency of │ fabric-client │
│ Path │ fabric-client > fabric-ca-client > grpc > node-pre-gyp > rc │
│ │ > minimist │
│ More info │ https://npmjs.com/advisories/1179 │
│ Low │ Prototype Pollution │
│ Package │ minimist │
│ Patched in │ >=0.2.1 <1.0.0 || >=1.2.3 │
│ Dependency of │ fabric-client │
│ Path │ fabric-client > grpc > node-pre-gyp > rc > minimist │
│ More info │ https://npmjs.com/advisories/1179 │
│ Low │ Prototype Pollution │
│ Package │ minimist │
│ Patched in │ >=0.2.1 <1.0.0 || >=1.2.3 │
│ Dependency of │ fabric-network │
│ Path │ fabric-network > fabric-ca-client > grpc > node-pre-gyp > rc │
│ │ > minimist │
│ More info │ https://npmjs.com/advisories/1179 │
│ Low │ Prototype Pollution │
│ Package │ minimist │
│ Patched in │ >=0.2.1 <1.0.0 || >=1.2.3 │
│ Dependency of │ fabric-network │
│ Path │ fabric-network > fabric-client > fabric-ca-client > grpc > │
│ │ node-pre-gyp > rc > minimist │
│ More info │ https://npmjs.com/advisories/1179 │
│ Low │ Prototype Pollution │
│ Package │ minimist │
│ Patched in │ >=0.2.1 <1.0.0 || >=1.2.3 │
│ Dependency of │ fabric-network │
│ Path │ fabric-network > fabric-client > grpc > node-pre-gyp > rc > │
│ │ minimist │
│ More info │ https://npmjs.com/advisories/1179 │
│ Low │ Prototype Pollution │
│ Package │ minimist │
│ Patched in │ >=0.2.1 <1.0.0 || >=1.2.3 │
│ Dependency of │ grpc │
│ Path │ grpc > node-pre-gyp > rc > minimist │
│ More info │ https://npmjs.com/advisories/1179 │
found 21 low severity vulnerabilities in 4444 scanned packages
21 vulnerabilities require manual review. See the full report for details.
=== npm audit security report ===
# Run npm install [email protected] to resolve 1 vulnerability
│ Moderate │ Cross-Site Scripting │
│ Package │ serialize-javascript │
│ Dependency of │ react-scripts │
│ Path │ react-scripts > terser-webpack-plugin > serialize-javascript │
│ More info │ https://npmjs.com/advisories/1426 │
# Run npm update terser-webpack-plugin --depth 3 to resolve 1 vulnerability
│ Moderate │ Cross-Site Scripting │
│ Package │ serialize-javascript │
│ Dependency of │ react-scripts │
│ Path │ react-scripts > webpack > terser-webpack-plugin > │
│ │ serialize-javascript │
│ More info │ https://npmjs.com/advisories/1426 │
│ Manual Review │
│ Some vulnerabilities require your attention to resolve │
│ │
│ Visit https://go.npm.me/audit-guide for additional guidance │
│ Low │ Prototype Pollution │
│ Package │ minimist │
│ Patched in │ >=0.2.1 <1.0.0 || >=1.2.3 │
│ Dependency of │ react-scripts │
│ Path │ react-scripts > eslint-loader > loader-fs-cache > │
│ │ find-cache-dir > mkdirp > minimist │
│ More info │ https://npmjs.com/advisories/1179 │
│ Low │ Prototype Pollution │
│ Package │ minimist │
│ Patched in │ >=0.2.1 <1.0.0 || >=1.2.3 │
│ Dependency of │ react-scripts │
│ Path │ react-scripts > eslint-loader > loader-fs-cache > mkdirp > │
│ │ minimist │
│ More info │ https://npmjs.com/advisories/1179 │
found 4 vulnerabilities (2 low, 2 moderate) in 925375 scanned packages
run `npm audit fix` to fix 2 of them.
2 vulnerabilities require manual review. See the full report for details.