- a105280 Fix tsconfig.json for backward compatibility for docker env (#185)
- 65b5001 Be 769 convert to ts (#184)
- 571ba55 BE-824 Converted javascript to typescript (#181)
- 74f5f4a BE-823 Convert to TS : app/persistence/... (#180)
- aa870ea BE-822 Converted javascript to typescript (#179)
- 63f77c1 BE-821 Convert to TS : app/platfrom/... (#178)
- 21d718a BE-828 Fix transaction timestamps (#177)
- cc2f637 BE-827-security-vulnerability Updated node-forge (#176)
- 7eff791 BE-769 Initial migration (#175)
- 59fa173 Fix Security Vulnerability (#174)
- f875250 BE-819 Security Vulnerability - Upgraded bl version (#173)
- b020de2 BE-814 Fix inconsistency of network key (#172)
- d8a1d3e BE-812 Add an index to sequelize option (#171)
- 7be8ad3 BE-812 Updated username validation message and rules (#170)
- 33995ec updated maintainer name (#169)
- 9b5246d BE-813 Fixed security vulnerability issues (#168)
- 4528879 BE-804 Fix Security vulnerability (#167)
- 6398bcf BE-800 Update example of connection profile for docker setup (#165)
- c594a60 BE-803 Correct index to get validation code from metadata (#164)
- 85203dc BE-785 Add steps for user management (#163)
- 38774b6 BE-784 Add e2e test for Web API of user management (#162)
- d22533a BE-798 Refactor user model structure (#161)
- 74abe2c BE-792 Allow only "admin" to manage user (#160)
- 3eddc40 BE-788 Add a new API for unregistering user and BE-789 Add a new API … (#158)
- be72d93 BE-790 Change default encode of value in TX details (#157)
- ec0da32 Fix Security vulnerability (#156)
- 1f4e832 BE-783 Update User registration UI (#155)
- 5726187 BE-782 Adjust register API to use the new user model (#154)
- 90e8d4e BE-781 Add user model for admin user of Explorer (#153)
- 9e1d4fa BE-786 standalone mode (#152)
- 0b0cc41 update maintainers (#151)
- 876ac15 BE-787 Add fabric 1.4.8 / 2.2.0 support (#150)
- f1a40d1 BE-779 Reduce container image size (#148)
- bc343fb BE-780 Fixed typos in "SyncService" (#149)
- e190d0d BE-778 Fix typo in "Transaction Details" view (#147)
- 851a9ba Bump lodash from 4.17.15 to 4.17.19 in /client (#144)
- a61191d Bump lodash from 4.17.15 to 4.17.19 in /app/test (#145)
- c903aa4 Bump lodash from 4.17.15 to 4.17.19 (#143)
- 6c38236 BE-776 Fix calculation of block hash (#141)
- d635e39 Use FabricGateway's "asLocalhost" when running discovery service (#142)
- d99a66d BE-777 Fix an issue of authentication (#140)
- 39ad972 Add another README for detail of each configuration (#139)
- 786429b BE-768 Add mTLS ID to gateway connect option (#138)
- 471d261 BE-774 Add pem format support (#137)
- 864b622 BE-773 Add Fabric CA support (#135)
- 8cccc2c BE-722 Make the landing page on Github simplified (#134)
- 05a714e BE-747 Removed fabric-client package … (#131)
- 2e57b03 BE-766 Update fabric-sdk-node to v2.1.1 (#129)
- 3d8f088 BE-758 Fix channel switch issue on dashboard (#127)
- f27d97c BE-759 Fix vulnerability of package under api/test (#128)
- f4a38e9 BE-755 Update e2e test (#124)
- 2404718 BE-757 Disable CA server support (#121)
- 114cc88 BE-756 Fix tx count in Chaincode view (#120)
- 96d4c7e Fix configuration for SonarCloud and add badge (#119)
- b9aec25 Add configuration for SonarCloud to narrow focus (#118)
- d00ee7c BE-754 Update block listener (#117)
- 158ec00 BE-753 Implement QueryInstalledChaincodes by using getchaincodes func on _lifecycle (#116)
- 9412cda BE-750 Implement queryInstantiatedChaincodes by using "getchaincodes" func on LSCC (#115)
- 743d3c0 Bump websocket-extensions from 0.1.3 to 0.1.4 in /client (#112)
- 71026be BE-748 Change discovery service to make use of DiscoveryService (#111)
- 87bf02c BE-752 Retrieve genesis block from peers, not orderer (#110)
- 8e5af16 Implement queryBlock by using system chaincode for query (qscc) (#109)
- e60a7a4 BE-746 Implement queryChannels by invoke "GetChannels" func in CSCC (#108)
- 8600c89 BE-745 Migrate wallet implementation to v2.1 (#107)
- dd00ce6 BE-742 Fix return value about getOrganizationsConfig (#106)
- 7b30821 Making Hyperledger Explorer compatible to Amazon Managed Blockchain Network (#105)
- aafc203 Bump jquery from 3.4.1 to 3.5.0 in /client (#104)
- 84f6b82 BE-743 Fix segfault in Explorer container (#103)
- 86636ee Fix variable position in logger (#102)
- b6fb32d BE-741 Remove fullpath option with function (#101)
- e9dad2a BE-740 Update the document for multi-org (#99)
- 1b85f7d BE 727 Security vulnerability in "react-scripts" (#98)
- 3cf378b BE-738 Update info regarding required environment (#97)
- abf707b BE-735 Update node.js version to 10.19 supported by fabric-sdk-node (#95)
- 806c426 Fix "Related Information" heading tag level 4 to 5 (#93)
- 5734ad4 BE-734 Upgrade for fabric v1.4.6 support (#92)
- 96c38fd Append troubleshoot about explorer failes to start (#91)
- aaab589 BE-733 Implement logout (#90)
- 09b9cf9 Fix enableAuthentication bug and enable auto-login (#83)
- f31684d Update docker-compose.yaml (#88)
- 003c9c9 Bump acorn from 6.1.1 to 6.4.1 (#86)
- cbed774 Bump acorn from 5.7.3 to 5.7.4 in /client (#85)
- 0a97490 BE-730 Multi profile support (#87)
- 4b00206 explorer exits due to ECONNREFUSED to port 5432 (#84)
- d2af48b Reimplement e2e-test for API & GUI with fabric operator (#81)
- cd55792 Added info on Iroha support (#80)
- 8a3d0a2 Update Azure badge pointer (#74)
- d2dfa5d Update instructions (#73)
- 6b2393d Be 720 update log4js (#72)
- 4819c9b BE-723 Fix files detected by license scan (#71)
- faed74d BE-722 Update troubleshoot doc (#70)
- 96134fa BE-719 Fix parameter tampering (#68)
- 50d196d BE-714 Refine app and client e2e-test environment for v1.4.4 (#65)
- dac1dce BE-717 Code quality fix (#66)
- 7cc3349 BE-718 Fix typo in CORE_PEER_GOSSIP_EXTERNAL_ENDPOINT (#67)
- 1b40146 Be 716 v1.0.0 rc2 (#64)
- fa26184 BE-716 v1.0.0-rc2 release (#63)
- d754835 Be 711 code quality (#62)
- db55e92 BE-702 Update documents, azure (#60)
- 621a12a BE-713 Fix an issue to fail detecting newly added channel (#59)
- 5b8ec0b BE-710 Security vulnerability (#57)
- 7f889ff BE-708 Online docs issues (#56)
- 6367cee BE-709 Add code coverage report to AZP
- 27f06a2 BE-708 Online docs issues (#54)
- c6bd828 BE-708Jenkins is no longer used
- a790ef3 BE-708 Update build status badge (#52)
- 5b89717 BE-706 Switching to GitHub
- d4ffda2 BE-706 Switching to GitHub
- 51bc0cb BE-706 Switching to GitHub
- 942f970 BE-706 Switching to GitHub repo
- 8a2ee47 BE-706 Switching to GitHub repo
- 1e50907 BE-706 Switching to GitHub repo
- a5a85ee BE-706 Switching to GitHub repo
- 9b97c69 BE-706 Switching to GitHub repo
- 7f063dc BE-704 Online documentation-synchronizer
- 4fedc3a BE-704 Online documentation-synchronizer
- 264cfa7 BE-705 Add release pipeline
- 48713ae BE-679 Create online documentation
- bfbf572 BE-679 Create online documentation
- 7a75553 BE-679 Create online documentation
- 834f233 BE-679 Create online documentation phase -2
- d99e177 BE-697 Add a column for block size on BLOCK view
- 9058833 BE-702 Add condition to query for getting tx count
- 010f25c BE-674 Lost connection to explorer-db
- 3b68223 BE-703 Links broken in README.md
- c17dc0f Add Azure Pipelines Files
- 460f42e BE-701 Fix severe vulnerabilities of node package
- 838feab BE-701 Fix severe vulnerabilities of node package
- e1e8a66 [IN-68] Add default GitHub SECURITY policy
- 93fe895 BE-695 Add orderer to node list and network view
- 5a19221 BE-699 Update packages
- 7f57041 [IN-68] Add default GitHub SECURITY policy
- 0da6b21 BE-699 Update packages
- 791db7b BE-693 Update packages
- 4629eac Add CODEOWNERS
- e2d2782 BE-690 Switch orderer when losing connection
- 154fdac BE-681 Add e2e test for raft ordering model
- f6ad147 FABCI-398 Remove AnsiColor wrap in bc Explorer
- b1c3fcd FABCI-398 Remove AnsiColor wrap in bc Explorer
- 2518b61 BE-688 Fix a bug on chaincode view
- edebabc BE-679 Create online docs
- 0aadf19 BE-686 Fix log for SSL settings in PgService
- 2c6eed5 BE-685 Add options for TLS connection to Postgresql
- f24a57c BE-685 Add options for TLS connection to Postgresql
- d79a7b9 BE-682 Fix node access error in non-docker env
- 8db6e4b BE-682 Verify with fabric v1.4.2
- 0061fa0 BE-678 Create online documentation
- 7cfb817 BE-678 Create online documentation
- 0e6b536 BE-677 Ignoring style code for coverage purposes
- 89b434d BE-667 Increase UI code coverage
- 4ed8706 BE-111 Update Hyperledger Explorer documentation
- fe002ce BE-666 Add steps how to run e2e test for GUI to README
- 23398dd BE-669 Update gprcio pkg for e2e test
- 4fc8c14 BE-652 Increase Code Coverage
- ecb62a1 BE-654 Add script to setup fabric for GUI e2e test
- f647b1d BE-664 Security vulnerability in 'diff' npm
- cd4ebf0 BE-655 Create script for generating change log
- 970258b BE-654 WIP: Add e2e test suite for GUI
- 7d623ce BE-652 Increase Code Coverage for test UI Cases
- 2cf69f8 BE-663 SWAGGER should not be available in prod
- 184aed7 BE-652 Increase Code Coverage for test UI
- 61471cb BE-653 Content-Security-Policy header
- 65f2a5f BE-602 - Update Swagger with latest UI
- 0135ae3 BE-635 Update maintainers list
- 138fd5e BE-649 Selected Channel not stable in UI
- 99f7c6d BE-650 Fix e2e sanity check error
- c7a2cc7 BE-640 Increase Code Coverage for Test UI Cases
- a21e534 BE-648 Add e2e sanity check to the verification
- 4819276 BE-640 Increase Code Coverage for test UI Cases
- e9e9f64 BE-645 Update insecure python packages
- 73e1ecf BE-567 explorer exposed on port 8080 instead of 8090
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.