This is an API for query various college football datasets and analytics. API keys can be acquired from the website.
This Python package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:
- API version: 5.6.9
- Package version: 5.6.9
- Generator version: 7.12.0
- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.PythonPydanticV1ClientCodegen
Python 3.7+
pip install cfbd
(you may need to run pip
with root permission: sudo pip install cfbd
Then import the package:
import cfbd
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
import time
import cfbd
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint
# Defining the host is optional and defaults to
# See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = cfbd.Configuration(
host = ""
# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
# in accordance with the API server security policy.
# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
# satisfies your auth use case.
# Configure Bearer authorization: apiKey
configuration = cfbd.Configuration(
access_token = os.environ["BEARER_TOKEN"]
# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with cfbd.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = cfbd.AdjustedMetricsApi(api_client)
year = 56 # int | Optional year filter (optional)
team = 'team_example' # str | Optional team filter (optional)
conference = 'conference_example' # str | Optional conference abbreviation filter (optional)
position = 'position_example' # str | Optional position abbreviation filter (optional)
api_response = api_instance.get_adjusted_player_passing_stats(year=year, team=team, conference=conference, position=position)
print("The response of AdjustedMetricsApi->get_adjusted_player_passing_stats:\n")
except ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling AdjustedMetricsApi->get_adjusted_player_passing_stats: %s\n" % e)
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
AdjustedMetricsApi | get_adjusted_player_passing_stats | GET /wepa/players/passing | |
AdjustedMetricsApi | get_adjusted_player_rushing_stats | GET /wepa/players/rushing | |
AdjustedMetricsApi | get_adjusted_team_season_stats | GET /wepa/team/season | |
AdjustedMetricsApi | get_kicker_paar | GET /wepa/players/kicking | |
BettingApi | get_lines | GET /lines | |
CoachesApi | get_coaches | GET /coaches | |
ConferencesApi | get_conferences | GET /conferences | |
DraftApi | get_draft_picks | GET /draft/picks | |
DraftApi | get_draft_positions | GET /draft/positions | |
DraftApi | get_draft_teams | GET /draft/teams | |
DrivesApi | get_drives | GET /drives | |
GamesApi | get_advanced_box_score | GET /game/box/advanced | |
GamesApi | get_calendar | GET /calendar | |
GamesApi | get_game_player_stats | GET /games/players | |
GamesApi | get_game_team_stats | GET /games/teams | |
GamesApi | get_games | GET /games | |
GamesApi | get_media | GET /games/media | |
GamesApi | get_records | GET /records | |
GamesApi | get_scoreboard | GET /scoreboard | |
GamesApi | get_weather | GET /games/weather | |
MetricsApi | get_field_goal_expected_points | GET /metrics/fg/ep | |
MetricsApi | get_predicted_points | GET /ppa/predicted | |
MetricsApi | get_predicted_points_added_by_game | GET /ppa/games | |
MetricsApi | get_predicted_points_added_by_player_game | GET /ppa/players/games | |
MetricsApi | get_predicted_points_added_by_player_season | GET /ppa/players/season | |
MetricsApi | get_predicted_points_added_by_team | GET /ppa/teams | |
MetricsApi | get_pregame_win_probabilities | GET /metrics/wp/pregame | |
MetricsApi | get_win_probability | GET /metrics/wp | |
PlayersApi | get_player_usage | GET /player/usage | |
PlayersApi | get_returning_production | GET /player/returning | |
PlayersApi | get_transfer_portal | GET /player/portal | |
PlayersApi | search_players | GET /player/search | |
PlaysApi | get_live_plays | GET /live/plays | |
PlaysApi | get_play_stat_types | GET /plays/stats/types | |
PlaysApi | get_play_stats | GET /plays/stats | |
PlaysApi | get_play_types | GET /plays/types | |
PlaysApi | get_plays | GET /plays | |
RankingsApi | get_rankings | GET /rankings | |
RatingsApi | get_conference_sp | GET /ratings/sp/conferences | |
RatingsApi | get_elo | GET /ratings/elo | |
RatingsApi | get_fpi | GET /ratings/fpi | |
RatingsApi | get_sp | GET /ratings/sp | |
RatingsApi | get_srs | GET /ratings/srs | |
RecruitingApi | get_aggregated_team_recruiting_ratings | GET /recruiting/groups | |
RecruitingApi | get_recruits | GET /recruiting/players | |
RecruitingApi | get_team_recruiting_rankings | GET /recruiting/teams | |
StatsApi | get_advanced_game_stats | GET /stats/game/advanced | |
StatsApi | get_advanced_season_stats | GET /stats/season/advanced | |
StatsApi | get_categories | GET /stats/categories | |
StatsApi | get_player_season_stats | GET /stats/player/season | |
StatsApi | get_team_stats | GET /stats/season | |
TeamsApi | get_fbs_teams | GET /teams/fbs | |
TeamsApi | get_matchup | GET /teams/matchup | |
TeamsApi | get_roster | GET /roster | |
TeamsApi | get_talent | GET /talent | |
TeamsApi | get_teams | GET /teams | |
VenuesApi | get_venues | GET /venues |
- AdjustedTeamMetrics
- AdjustedTeamMetricsEpa
- AdjustedTeamMetricsRushing
- AdjustedTeamMetricsSuccessRate
- AdvancedBoxScore
- AdvancedBoxScoreGameInfo
- AdvancedBoxScorePlayers
- AdvancedBoxScoreTeams
- AdvancedGameStat
- AdvancedGameStatOffense
- AdvancedGameStatOffensePassingDowns
- AdvancedGameStatOffensePassingPlays
- AdvancedSeasonStat
- AdvancedSeasonStatDefense
- AdvancedSeasonStatOffense
- AdvancedSeasonStatOffenseFieldPosition
- AdvancedSeasonStatOffenseHavoc
- AdvancedSeasonStatOffensePassingDowns
- AdvancedSeasonStatOffensePassingPlays
- AggregatedTeamRecruiting
- BettingGame
- CalendarWeek
- Coach
- CoachSeason
- Conference
- ConferenceSP
- ConferenceSPDefense
- ConferenceSPOffense
- DivisionClassification
- DraftPick
- DraftPickHometownInfo
- DraftPosition
- DraftTeam
- Drive
- FieldGoalEP
- Game
- GameLine
- GameMedia
- GamePlayerStatCategories
- GamePlayerStatPlayer
- GamePlayerStatTypes
- GamePlayerStats
- GamePlayerStatsTeam
- GameStatus
- GameTeamStats
- GameTeamStatsTeam
- GameTeamStatsTeamStat
- GameWeather
- KickerPAAR
- LiveGame
- LiveGameDrive
- LiveGamePlay
- LiveGameTeam
- Matchup
- MatchupGame
- MediaType
- Play
- PlayClock
- PlayStat
- PlayStatClock
- PlayStatType
- PlayType
- PlayWinProbability
- PlayerGamePredictedPointsAdded
- PlayerGamePredictedPointsAddedAveragePPA
- PlayerGameUsage
- PlayerPPA
- PlayerPPAChartItem
- PlayerSearchResult
- PlayerSeasonPredictedPointsAdded
- PlayerSeasonPredictedPointsAddedAveragePPA
- PlayerStat
- PlayerStatsByQuarter
- PlayerTransfer
- PlayerUsage
- PlayerUsageUsage
- PlayerWeightedEPA
- Poll
- PollRank
- PollWeek
- PredictedPointsValue
- PregameWinProbability
- Recruit
- RecruitClassification
- RecruitHometownInfo
- ReturningProduction
- RosterPlayer
- ScoreboardGame
- ScoreboardGameBetting
- ScoreboardGameHomeTeam
- ScoreboardGameVenue
- ScoreboardGameWeather
- SeasonType
- StatsByQuarter
- Team
- TeamElo
- TeamExplosiveness
- TeamFPI
- TeamFPIEfficiencies
- TeamFPIResumeRanks
- TeamFieldPosition
- TeamGamePredictedPointsAdded
- TeamGamePredictedPointsAddedOffense
- TeamHavoc
- TeamPPA
- TeamRecord
- TeamRecords
- TeamRecruitingRanking
- TeamRushingStats
- TeamSP
- TeamSPDefense
- TeamSPOffense
- TeamSPSpecialTeams
- TeamSRS
- TeamScoringOpportunities
- TeamSeasonPredictedPointsAdded
- TeamSeasonPredictedPointsAddedOffense
- TeamStat
- TeamStatStatValue
- TeamSuccessRates
- TeamTalent
- TransferEligibility
- Venue
Authentication schemes defined for the API:
- Type: Bearer authentication