Reverse engineering of Beacon Light Academy's Homework App.
Useful Links:
The library is available on PyPI, install using pip.
pip install BlaApi
Or update it.
pip install BlaApi --upgrade
The code below returns a list of 'notification_ids' The date needs to be in the format; 'Abbreviated_Day, DD/MM/YYYY'
from BlaApi import Client
username = 'my username'
password = 'my password'
notification_ids = c.search_by_date("Thu, 13/04/2023")
['3049357', '3049213', '3038795', '3038038', '3036497', '3036305']
We can use 'notification ids' to make api calls and retrieve useful information.
from BlaApi import Client
c = Client(username, password)
diary_data = c.get_diary_data(notification_ids)
The output consists of a list of dictionaries which contain details for the corresponding notification id.
"studentId": "8326",
"id": "3049213",
"appDiaryId": "64980",
"title": "Class work - 13th April",
"details": "**Book: TBS**\n\
**Unit 06: Setting up a company**\n
**Chapter 01: Gathering information**\n\n
Chapter completed; discussed all activities. 'Sharpen your skills' also covered.\n\n",
"bRead": "1",
"created": "2023-04-13 10:05:25",
"diaryType": "cw",
"dateDue": None,
"attachment": None,
"attachment2": None,
"dateSubmitted": None,
"subject": "ENGLISH LANGUAGE",
"currentTimestamp": "2023-04-15 15:25:21",
"assignmentId": "64980",
"gr_no": "12266",
"comments": [],
The html is converted to markdown.
Check out some examples or read the documentation.
This is some boilerplate code you should be familiar with.
from BlaApi import Client
username = 'my username'
password = 'my password'
c = Client(username, password)
Keep in mind that In the api, the 'notificationId' and 'id' variables are used interchangeably.
The 'login()' method allows you to retrieve information such as: auth token and student information such as class, section student_name, gr_number, student_id.
The 'get_diary_list()' method will return a list of all the diaries available in the app's database, which allows you to retrieve information such as: date posted, subject name, assignment id, notification id (id), title, description, diary type (cw/hw), if the diary has been read (bRead) and the student id which the diary corresponds to.
The 'get_diary_data()' method allows you to get the content of the diary itself, by passing a list of notification ids. it has options such as: student id, app diary id (assignment id), attachment id, comments and the rest is the same as get_diary_list()
The there are methods to parse and sort through the diary list, and return notification ids for the entries. The methods inside it also allow you to also pass in a list of notification ids as a second argument using its 'passthru' variable.
The 'get_current_date()' method from 'Diary' returns today's date in a format that the api needs to function. (Abbreviated_Day, DD/MM/YYYY)
The 'search_by_student' method from 'Diary' returns the notification_ids for one of the students registered on your account. By default it sets student_number = 0, meaning it will return diaries for the first student by default.
The other methods from 'Diary' are: 'search_by_date(date)', and 'search_been_read(True/False)'. They are self explanatory.
Add methods for interacting with more features
Student info
Make better doccumentation
Simply put, I found my school's app to be subpar, so I'm attempting to create a better one.
Feel free to open an issue if you have any questions, and star the repo if you're cool