- New apiv2 points!
- /cov for creating, reading and deleting CoV subscriptions.
- Improved reading and writing functionality.
- Subscriptions are now monitored through context, through apiv2 current subscription status can be read.
- Subscription tasks are now eager, hopefully improving performance.
- ⬆️ Bumped psutil to version v6.1.0.
- ⬆️ Bumped python-multipart to version v0.0.12.
- ⬆️ Bumped websockets to version v13.1.
- ⬆️ Bumped uvicorn to version v0.32.0.
- Fixed monitoring of CoV subscriptions failing due to loss of connection. CoV tasks will now get removed after trying to resub without response when the CoV lifetime has passed.
- If address changed since last I Am request, it'll get updated internally now.
- Added resubscribing CoV to an object after the subscription had been timed out due to no response. #52
options underdevices_setup
in the add-on configuration. #57
- ⬆️ Bumped psutil to version v14.0.1.
- Reading resolution property now. Integration will use it once it's updated as well. #46
- Added devices_setup configuration option to allow the user to configure behaviour. See Documentation for usage. #43
- Updated DOCS.md
- Added units for entity to BACnet translation. #47
- Added array index to apiv2 writes.
- If an entity has units that can't be translated, it'll result in the noUnit property value. #47
- Fixed infinite loop causing BACpypes3 to get stuck when sending too many subscribe requests.(since v1.4.1b4)
- Fixed sending error reply too soon when receiving values before receiving confirmation of subscription. (since v1.4.1b4)
- Fixed certain exceptions getting exceptions.
- Now detecting predictable interface names using auto detection of IP address. #66
- Fixed an issue where OctetString would cause the API to fail.
- Subscribing to properties now creates tasks that should maintain CoV subscription.
- Setting up of the python program now solely relies on options.json.
- ⬆️ Bumped base-python image to version v14.0.0.
- ⬆️ Bumped bacpypes3 to version v0.0.98.
- ⬆️ Bumped pydantic to version v1.10.17.
- ⬆️ Bumped jinja2 to version v3.1.4.
- ⬆️ Bumped uvicorn to version v0.30.1.
- ⬆️ Bumped requests to version 2.32.3.
- Logs are exportable through the web UI, with a max size of 15MB.
- Logging formatting improved with timestamps.
- Fixed read results being interpreted as a falsy value and thus being discarded.
- Fixed handling of no replies to reading device properties.
- Infinite or NaN properties now get ignored instead of set to 0.
- Handling I Am requests one by one now.
- Prevent basically infinite loop of reading objects.
- Prevent reading of properties not belonging to object when reading one by one.
- Filtering out ReadAccessResult value type.
- JSON check before sending through websocket.
- ⬆️ Bumped python-multipart to version 0.0.9.
- ⬆️ Bumped Uvicorn to version 0.27.1.
- Fixed handling for devices that don't support ReadMultipleServices. #14
- Reading will now look at protocolServicesSupported.
- Made configuration sequence more universal. This is irrelevant for users, but great for debugging.
- ⬆️ Bumped base-python image to version v13.1.2.
You can add our integration repository now on HACS as custom repository!
- serialNumber device property now gets read from device.
- Fixed apiv1 not doing anything with an empty presentValue.
- Fixed write error not being caught causing the writer task to fail.
- Port 80 now disabled by default. Can be turned on if you want to use a custom port.
- Update interval default value changed to 600.
- ⬆️ Bumped base-python image to version v13.1.0.
- ⬆️ Bumped FastAPI to version 0.108.0.
- ⬆️ Bumped python-multipart to version 0.0.7.
- ⬆️ Bumped Jinja2 to version 3.1.3.
- ⬆️ Bumped Uvicorn to version 0.27.0.
- Add-on port for the integration can now be changed. Please update your integration with the latest version (0.1.0) from GitHub!
- Apiv2 write now allows for empty value. Can be used as a release when writing with priorities.
- Web UI page now uses apiv2 for writing. This allows for sending with priorities.
- Based on whether an entity has units when it's unavailable, the add-on will turn the entity into an analog or character object.
- ⬆️ Bumped base-python image to version v13.0.1.
Happy new year everyone!
- Certain entity types can now become BACnet objects!
- Using Home Assistant API to fetch data from entities.
- "No segmentation supported" way for reading object list added.
- maxApduLenghtAccepted and maxSegmentsAccepted back in configuration as unused options.
- Added name and description to the Subscriptions configuration option.
- WebUI components like .css should now be available when served through https.
- Fixed defaultPriority not being sent by default.
- Fixed update event for websocket not getting set.
- Fixed handling of uncalled for I Am requests. These will now also be cached.
- Forced ForeignTTL to be integer.
- ⬆️ Bumped base-python image to version v13.0.0.
- ⬆️ Bumped FastAPI to version 0.108.0.
- ⬆️ Bumped Uvicorn to version 0.25.0.
- Foreign device mode is working. Use the Foreign BBMD Address in the configuration.
- Added configurable subscriptions in the add-on configuration!
- Changed init-nginx service to not use ifconfig.
- ⬆️ Bumped base-python image to version v12.0.2.
- ⬆️ Bumped BACpypes3 to version 0.0.86.
- ⬆️ Bumped FastAPI to version 0.104.1.
- ⬆️ Bumped Uvicorn to version 0.24.0.
- ⬆️ Bumped Websockets to version 12.0.
- Fixed Float value not getting handled correctly when parsing JSON.
- Removed legacy Home Assistant discovery.
- ⬆️ Bumped base-python image to version v11.0.5.
- ⬆️ Bumped BACpypes3 to version 0.0.79.
- Fixed getting rejection PDU stopping subscribing process.
- ⬆️ Bumped base-python image to version v11.0.4.
- ⬆️ Bumped FastAPI to version 0.101.0.
- ⬆️ Bumped Uvicorn to version 0.23.2.
- Subscriptions no longer indefinite as some devices don't support it.
- Subscriptions can be deleted through the UI.
- Subscriptions get renewed automatically.
- NGINX now waits until the API is available before starting.
- Copied CoV method of legacy version. This will stop the system from being overwhelmed and hanging.
- NGINX using templates to dynamically add own IP.
- Configuration options are now dropdown menu's, reducing configuration page clutter.
- Fixed segmentation issue, segmentation now gets passed down to requests.
- Removed the "fall back" functionality where the add-on reads every object of the object list seperately.
- Punched a hole in NGINX to allow the device's own IP to communicate with the API.
- segmentation-not-supported error while reading objectlist solved.
- Allowing more internal Home Assistant IP's.
- Base image to hassio-addons/addon-base-python image.
- Library versions are more closely guarded now.
- Added segmentation option back in.
- Trying to log abort PDU's. Issue with Priva devices not supporting segmentation.
- Reading objectList last to get most info from the device without getting an error.
- EDE files give out correct data through API now.
- Increased sleeping time during startup to give the add-on enough chance to catch all BACnet data.
- Fixed an issue where empty websockets would remain in memory.
- CoV is now indefinite, because of lack of lifetime. Siemens PXC4 doesn't work with lifetime = 0.
- Removed excessive logging.
- Updated web UI main page to make navigation a little easier.
- Unsubscribing now gets done when the add-on closes.
- All errors now really should be caught instead of dumping tracelogs.
- Updated translations.
- EDE files show up on the web UI now once uploaded.
- Rewrote the backbones of the program. Now using BACpypes3 instead of BACpypes.
- Removed certain configuration options that have no effect.
- New API points!
- Subscription page on the web UI now functions like the EDE page where you can add or remove subscriptions easily.
- CIDR notation gets discovered when using "auto" as ip address setting.
- Can configure the rate at which all objects get updated.
- Catching more errors so the logs don't get spammed with trace logs.
- This update may break a thing or two. Please make an Issue on GitHub to get it solved.
- Rounding of long float values. It's now rounding at the first decimal.
- LAN IP detection still works automatically, and only shuts down if it's automatic in config. If it's not auto, you can manually write an IP and not shut down.
- Add-on uses image from GitHub now, decreasing install time.
- fixed presentvalue not doing anything for EDE files
- Added commissioning API points!
- Now it's possible to load EDE files in the add-on.
- This allows the integration generate placeholder entities in Home Assistant until the real device gets connected to the network.
- EDE files that have been loaded can be deleted.
- A restart of the add-on will remove the EDE files from the add-on.
- Web UI pages allow easy adding and removing.
- Bumped Alpine base image to 3.18.
- Python version is now 3.11.
- Packages on GitHub renamed to bacnet-interface instead of null.
- Updated web UI page to include Redoc API documentation.
- Viewing API documentation works now.
- API documentation now uses ingress.
- Made loglevel a mandatory configuration.
- Updated configuration to include Write Request Priority.
- Updated DOCS to reflect the change.
- We appreciate the feedback!!
- Readme updated to include integration.
- NGINX now blocks everything from outside.
- Trying to automatically get the ethernet adapter from the host device.
- FastAPI to include lifetime now instead of on_startup().
- Dutch translations added.
- Log level can be adjusted. Defaults to WARNING now.
- Read request every 60 seconds asking for values that can change, instead of asking for static values. This reduces network traffic.
- WebUI has tooltips now. Buttons or fields should explain what they do.
- Bumped up FastAPI to version 0.92.0 for security reasons.
- Restructured S6-overlay processes. One shots for initialisations, longruns for actual processes.
- Discovery enabled for if it's possible to discovery integration in the future.
- Added automatic ethernet adapter detection. Won't work in every case, but it'll help a lot of people out.
- BACnet subscriptions now have a lifetime instead of none. Increases compatability.
- BACnet subscriptions last maximum time and get resubscribed every 60 seconds along with a read request.
- Websockets can handle multiple clients now.
- Configuration of the add-on has been simplified.
- Added some API tests internally.
- API has an endpoint that let's you subscribe now.
- Flask no longer included, FastAPI handles everything now, along with uvicorn.
- WebUI gets updated over websocket. This means values are the same as in the API.
- WebUI can write now as well.
- WebUI has gotten a makeover in general.
- WebUI Subscription page can actually subscribe now.
- This add-on runs on Raspberry Pi 3 as it would on an Intel NUC. This means Raspberry Pi is supported.
- API now has more datatypes
- objectIdentifier, statusFlags became list.
- notificationClass added as object as well as a property to access through API.
- Multi State stateText and numberOfStates have been added.
- Attempting to get min and max presentValue's from objects now.
- Altered webUI page to be a little functional. It has 3 buttons you can press to call a service like I Am or Who Is.
- Formatting of code now uses Black and Isort.
- Removed unused packages from Dockerfile: 'nmap' and 'iproute2'.
- Added a read all command, so all devices can be read again on command.
- Bumped version to '0.1.0' as the add-on ready to be used.
- Added write functionality through API
- Added multiple API points. You can find them through going to /docs
- Who Is and I Am can be received and sent through host network. This is possible through Home Assistant Supervised
- Add-on is now matching requirements for this project. Error handling etc. will be improved later, as will code optimisations.
- Zeroconf removed, not functional for add-on. If this was a core add-on, would be using DHCP.
- FastAPI running on a separate thread
- Created BACnetIOHandler class to serve as BACnet application
- BACnet devices will automatically be subscribed to
- FastAPI program converts the BACnet dictionary it gets from BACnetIOHandler to a bite sized dictionary containing only the essentials for Home Assistant
- API can do get request on /apiv1/json
- Can connect to websocket on ws://ip:port/ws
- Websocket will automatically push updates on Change Of Value
- Changed icon to Bepacom logo
- Added FastAPI to function as API in the future
- Changed webserver to Uvicorn
- Changed program to split into multiple files
- BACnet device can be detected
- WebUI can be loaded, it's just an example page now
- API and web UI are split into different paths, /apiv1/ and /webapp/
- Zeroconf added, unsure if functioning
- WhoIsIAmProgram Running
- Nginx set up to work correctly with Flask webserver
- Flask and BACpypes happily working together <3
- Getting started...