NOTE: Version 2 is not entirely backwards compatible with version 1! See what's changed.
Version 1 of this library can be found here.
This set of macros/functions aims to provide an easy way to set up content that is revealed bit-by-bit via user interaction.
Using nested <<linkreplace>>
and <<linkappend>>
works, but gets tedious and is often prone to errors. The CTP (Click To Proceed: original-est name ever) macros make it a bit easier by turning them into blocks instead of nests.
If using the Twine desktop/web app, copy contents of click-to-proceed.js
to Story JavaScript
, and contents of click-to-proceed.css
to Story Stylesheet
If using a compiler like Tweego, drop click-to-proceed.js
and click-to-proceed.css
to your source folder.
can also be added to the workspace if using the Twee 3 Language Tools VSCode extension, for macro definitions.
<<ctp "testID">>
This is the first string.
<<ctpNext clear>>
Second! It cleared the first one out!
The fourth!
<<ctpNext t8n>>
And the final one. With a transition!
<<link "Next">>
<<ctpAdvance "testID">>
<<link "Back">>
<<ctpBack "testID">>
Keywords for controlling behavior:
: Clears the content up until this block. Use for replacing.t8n
: Custom CSS animation based transition (400ms fade-in by default).element:name
: Name of element to wrap the block in, (<span>
by default). e.g.element:div
, etc.
: (string) Unique ID to be used to identify the chain of content. -
: (optional|string) Keywords (full list here) can be used to alter the behavior of the macro throughout the entire chain. Keywords on<<ctp>>
apply to all blocks.
<<ctp "ID_of_the_year">>
Bare minimum...
To be used inside <<ctp>>
to separate the content into blocks.
: (optional|string) Keywords (full list here) can be used to alter the behavior of the macro for the current block.
<<ctp "fancyCTP">>
<<ctpNext clear>>
Two with clear.
<<ctpNext element:p>>
Four but it's in a paragraph tag.
<<ctpNext t8n>>
Fading five.
The 'proceed' part of Click To Proceed... Used to move the train forward and show the next blocks.
: (string) Unique ID which was set up in<<ctp>>
NOTE: Use with user interaction (inside a <<link>>
or <<button>>
) or inside a <<timed>>
macro to ensure the DOM is loaded and has the element on the page for the macro to target.
<<ctp "ID_of_the_year_once_again">>
<!-- stuff -->
<<link "Next">>
<<ctpAdvance "ID_of_the_year_once_again">>
Turns back time and goes back one block.
: (string) Unique ID which was set up in<<ctp>>
NOTE: Use with user interaction (inside a <<link>>
or <<button>>
) or inside a <<timed>>
macro to ensure the DOM is loaded and has the element on the page for the macro to target.
<<ctp "ID_of_the_year_yet_again">>
<!-- stuff -->
<<link "Back">>
<<ctpBack "ID_of_the_year_yet_again">>
class CTP {
id: string; // Unique ID
stack: CTPContent[]; // Array of CTPContent objects
options: CTPContent["options"]; // CTPContent Options object
log: {
index: number; // Zero-based index of current block
const ctpTest = new CTP("ctpTest");
Each entry in the stack of content is stored in an object structured as follows:
interface CTPContent {
index: number; // Zero-based index of current block
options: {
clear?: boolean; // Clear up till current block?
transition?: boolean; // Add transition to current block?
element?: string; // Element to render content into
content: string | JQuery.TypeOrArray<JQuery.Node | JQuery<JQuery.Node>>; // content to be put out to the DOM. String or JQuery or HTMLElement
Returns a CTP
object created with the <<ctp>>
: (string) ID of theCTP
Adds content to the end of the stack. Returns the CTP
object for chaining.
: (string | JQuery | HTMLElement) The actual content in the block.options
: (optional|content options object) Options for the block. See: the content object.
.add("This is the first string.")
.add("Second! It cleared the first one out!", { clear: true })
.add("And the final one. With a transition!", { transition: true });
Does the same as <<ctpAdvance>>
, moving to the next block. Returns the CTP
object for chaining.
Does the same as <<ctpBack>>
, reverting to the previous blocks. Returns the CTP
object for chaining.
Returns the document fragment which includes output for the CTP.
NOTE: This does NOT perform the very first advance needed to show the first block like the <<ctp>>
macro does automatically.
Complete usage:
setup.ctpTest = new CTP("ctpTest");
.add("This is the first string.")
.add("Second! It cleared the first one out!", { clear: true })
.add("And the final one. With a transition!", { transition: true });
In Passage:
<div id="#ctp-test-id">
<<link "Advance">>
<<run setup.ctpTest.advance()>>
<!-- OR -->
<<ctpAdvance "ctpTest">>
Whenever the advance or back functions (or macros) are called, the update.macro-ctp
synthetic event is triggered on document
It comes with the following extra data:
: ("advance" | "back") String which specifies whether the update is result of an advance or a back
: (string) ID of the CTP object on which the update is called.index
: (number) Index of the current block of the CTP object.
$(document).on("update.macro-ctp", (event, type, id, index) => {
// do something
Whenever the advance or back functions (or macros) are called, the update-internal.macro-ctp
synthetic event is triggered on all of the CTP blocks with the target ID.
It comes with the following extra data:
: (boolean) Whether this is the first time the content is being rendered into the block element.type
: ("advance" | "back") String which specifies whether the update is result of an advance or a back
: (string) ID of the CTP object on which the update is called.index
: (number) Index of the current block of the CTP object.
$(document).on("update-internal.macro-ctp", (event, firstTime type, id, index) => {
if (id === "ctpTest" && $("macro-ctp-index") === index) {
console.log(; // the current ctp block element
// do something
setup.scrollToBottom = function() {
$("html").stop(true); // clears queue, if player rapidly presses continue button and executes last
scrollTop: $("html").prop('scrollHeight')
}, 2000);
:: DiscordPlug
<<ctp 'chatLog'>>
Cyrus Firheir: Join discord.
SleepyFool: Why?
Cyrus Firheir: Peeple be nice there. Much knowledge, very helpful.
SleepyFool: I'm not sure it's a good idea to advertise it here...
Cyrus Firheir: ?
SleepyFool: Cuz then we'll get people who will blindly shout 'code for me!' and expect answers without even trying to solve their own problems or looking at the docs.
Cyrus Firheir: Nooo, they be reading if they see dis!
SleepyFool: That's... a fair point. Well if nothing else, we have friends with big hammers.
Cyrus Firheir: :3
<<link 'Click to continue'>>
<<ctpAdvance 'chatLog'>>
<<run setup.scrollToBottom()>> /* if you need a widget or script to run every <<ctpNext>>, can tie to <<ctpAdvance>> instead */
Link to v1 here.
- Cleaner output: No unnecessary classes and wrappers. Now it uses just one wrapping element per block of content, and blocks are put out to the DOM as is, not wrapped by another element containing all of them.
- Uses events: Synthetic events make handling everything easier. And now allow the author to hook into them as needed.
- Simpler code: Source code is cleaner, easier to modify. Dropped support for Internet Explorer, so the source is in modern JS.
- Lighter libray: Functions (
), macros (ctpHead
), and keywords (nobr
) were cut down. Some of them do not need to be in the base library and contribute towards bloat. The others, can be achieved by using other libraries alongside this. And if required, author can easily extend. - Lighter State: CTPs are now stored in a single repository in the
object (vsState.variables
in v1), and only the log is stored in story state (State.variables
). This repository does not need to persist across sessions, and does not need to be serialized into saves, so management is kept to a minimum.