- Renamed the module to autonomy_image_view
- Added clicked ROI code
- Seperated from rqt_common_plugins
- add the possibility to publish mouse events (#368)
- Support Qt 5 (in Kinetic and higher) as well as Qt 4 (in Jade and earlier) (#359)
- use proper icon for images
- add optional topic argument to rqt_image_view
- fix width of save-as-image button
- Contributors: Dirk Thomas, Vincent Rabaud
- Added button to save current image to file
- Contributors: Dirk Thomas
- fix image shrinking problem (#291)
- update plugin scripts to use full name to avoid future naming collisions
- list image transport topics if parent image topic is not available (#215)
- add groups for rqt plugins, renamed some plugins (#167)
- properly handle aligned images
- wrap cv calls in try-catch-block (#201)
- fix event handling for rqt_image_view enabling to run multiple instances simultaneously (#66)
- add rqt_image_view to global bin (#168)
- Optimized by taking more advantage of cv_bridge
- first release of this package into groovy