NodeJS packages don't deserve your trust
Nexe - crete a single executable out of your Node.js apps
Deno - better than node.js? Tiny.js - lightweight JavaScript library for dynamically creating HTML elements with deep property assignment.
Web containers: Run Node is your web browser
niui - Native Internet User Interface 3.0
A whole website as a single js file
ARIA DevTools - see your website the way screen readers present it to the blind users. blog
Mirrorful - design systems framework: demo
Algorithms and Data Structures
QuickJS - WebAssembly Quick JS sandbox
Tipi - a personal homeserver for everyone
Web scraping to avoid bot detection
Simple URL 🌐 to Screenshots 📷 API
When Node is the wrong tool for the job
E-mail verifier with GPT & Node.js
Bun 1.0 - a fast, all-in-one toolkit for running, building, testing, and debugging JavaScript and TypeScript, from a single file to a full-stack application.
Modern Javascript: Everything you missed over the last 10 years /2020/
Overture.js - library for building slick web applications
Pico.js - face-detection library
cube.js - open-source analytical API platform
Total.js - low code altertnative
Cami.js - for light web dom components
Phinxer, Open Source Web Analytics
Metriport - Universal API for Healthcare Data
When Not to Use Lock Files with Node.js
Stimulus.js - augment HTML with just enough behavior v1 / v2
Modern JS explained for Dinosaurs
Book Series: You Don't Know JS
ENV: a better way to read environment variables in JavaScript
The Modern Javascript tutorial
ztext - turns fonts 3D
Web Scraping with your Web Browser
- Performance optimization
Node.js 14.x runtime in AWS Lambda Hidden Performance Costs
D3 - Js library for working with data and shapes
D3 - 6.0 Visualization with D3 React + D3.js
paged.js - paginating content: books in the browser
self-hosted offline Internet from browser history
Quest - game to help learn Javascript
Kaplay.js - JavaScript library that helps you make games fast and fun
Don't use functions as callbacks
language of choice for Home Assistant
Untrusted - adventure game
CLUI - a collection of JavaScript libraries for building command-line interfaces with context-aware autocomplete / see also - building a graphical command line
JS APIs you did not know about: Page Visibility API, Web Sharing API, Broadcast Channel API and Internationalization
AI teaching itself to learn an API
+ see also [Web APIs](
dStream - access music from the web Tonal.js - functional music theory library
Melodisco - open source AI music player
Meelo - self-hosted music server
Top JS frameworks for interactive mind maps
Kretes - TypeScript + PostgreSQL
Typed JavaScript at Any Scale - announcement
Tabgod - Execute any JavaScript from any browser tab on any browser tab
Problems in 2020 2023: 20.6.0 will include built-in support for .env files - warnings
Tetris in Postscript Scripting languages of the future
Open Source Minimal Blogging Platform
Promptr - use GPT to work on your own codebase
Bloop - code-search engine that uses GPT-4 to answer questions about your code
Stagehand - the easiest way to build browser automations
Jiccupfx.js- makes the website shake
Cample.js - web framework for creating site UI
Octopus turbo - Modelling your UI as a directed acyclic graph.
auto-animate - add motion to your website
ECMAScript2022 - array
Raw XML dumps, fully-featured API with a nice sandbox, Wikidata.
Microcovid --
CDC OpenViz - packages for data visualization
AnySkin - skin sensor made for robotic touch that is easy to assemble, compatible with different robot end-effectors and generalizes to new skin instances
Tablane - workspace that adapts to your needs
ChemiScripts - Translate Chemical formulas in ASCII into Unicode
Flow-field.js - a library for generating flow fields
QuickJS - small and embeddable Javascript engine
Vytal - Browser extension that spoofs your location data to match your VPN (
Skia Canvas - browser-less implementation of the HTML Canvas drawing API for Node.js
Ganja.js - geometric algebra code genereator
YC idea matcher - Submit your idea and get a list of similar ideas that YCombinator has invested in before. the app
RAID - Refactoring-aware and Intelligent Diffs
Omi, previously Friend - Open Source AI wearable necklace
Nodejs binding for ibobs - real time video composting
Revideo - create videos with code
cssnano - powered by PostCSS, a tool for transforming styles with JavaScript.
Lemonadejs - a microlibrary for building web interfaces
Alpinejs - Vue without components
ChowJS - an AOT JavaScript engine for game consoles
Shadow - novel browser engine made almost entirely in JS
Flipdisc - Flipdisc display
QRframe - generate beautiful QR codes
Serverless stack - SST is a framework for building serverless apps on AWS
Linen - Open-source Slack for communities
Bun - fast all-in-one JavaScript runtime
Shelljs - portable Unix shell commands
Sandpack-2 - Node runtime that runs on any browser