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Data Structures and Algorithms

Welcome to our repository dedicated to Data Structures and Algorithms! Here, you'll find implementations of various data structures and algorithms in multiple programming languages.

Data Structures

Data Structure Description
Array Basic array data structure implementation.
Linked List Implementation of singly and doubly linked lists.
Stack Implementation of stack data structure.
Queue Implementation of queue data structure.
Tree Implementation of binary, AVL, and red-black trees.
Graph Implementation of graph data structure.


Algorithm Description
Sorting Algorithms Various sorting algorithms: bubble, insertion, selection, merge, quick sort.
Search Algorithms Linear search, binary search, DFS, BFS.
Graph Algorithms DFS, BFS, Dijkstra's algorithm, Prim's algorithm, Kruskal's algorithm.
Dynamic Programming Solutions to classic problems like knapsack problem and longest common subsequence problem.


Each data structure and algorithm is implemented in separate files or directories, organized by programming language. You can easily use them in your own projects by including the relevant files or directories.


Contributions are welcome! If you'd like to contribute to this repository, feel free to fork it and submit a pull request with your changes.

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