Fork this repository. Then from your local folder open git bash.
git clone
Then git remote add origin
Then git remote add origin<username>/climateFinTech
Finally on command prompt at path where the project is stored(requirements.txt)
then pip install -r requirements.txt
That's it. All set! Time to code😀!
To push data from local folder to repository.
Do git add .
Then git commit -m "message"
Then git push
To get data from repository
git pull
i.e. Frontend guys. please read the
In-order to run your jinja code. Edit it in templates\sample_<your_name>.html Then runserver and goto<your_name> to see its working.
Still getting confused to check your link. Do visit
- Class name should be in camelCase.
- Some basic things like core color code and dimensions will be in variables.
- Files should be stored under the static folder only
- Page should be formatted properly with opening and closing tags on same line.
- In some cases where the variables needs to be changed. It is done by inline css.
- Everything should be in flex boxes.
- Jinja tags will be used to reduce code redundancy and simplify backend work.
- Files should be stored under the templates folder only.
- Written in seperate pages.
- Files should be stored under the templates folder only
- Functions made should be in camelCase along with their names and path.