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File metadata and controls

165 lines (114 loc) · 4.97 KB


The AmondoSDK provides access to the Amondo Imprint database, and allows all of the Imprint functionality to be integrated and used within your app, with a single present method.


Swift Version

Amondo SDK is compiled with Swift 4.2

When building the project, make sure that for Pods project, AmondoSDK target, Swift 4.2 is selected under Build Settings > Swift Compiler Language > Swift Language Version.


CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Cocoa projects. You can install it with the following command:

$ gem install cocoapods

CocoaPods 1.4+ is required to build the AmondoSDK.

To integrate Amondo into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile:

source ''
source ''

platform :ios, '10.0'

target '<Your Target Name>' do
    pod 'AmondoSDK', '~> 0.7.5'

Then, run the following command:

$ pod install

If you are updating from a previous version, run this method beforehand:

$ pod repo update


Connecting to the SDK

To connect to the AmondoSDK, you need to call the initialise function, which (among other things) gets an access token from our servers, to authenticate your future requests.

import AmondoSDK

AmondoSDK.initialise(appID: <YOUR_APP_ID>, secretKey: <YOUR_SECRET_KEY>)

The initial SDK initialisation is done asynchronously. It should therefore be carried out at a suitable location before the SDK is needed. After the first app launch the SDK will remain initialised. There is also completion block which you can use to perform actions after initialisation.

If you ever need to disconnect from the SDK, you can use:


Loading Imprints

To connect to the Amondo database and load all Imprints associated with your Amondo account, use:

AmondoSDK.sharedInstance()?.loadAllImprints(completion: { (error:Error?, imprints:[AMDImprintItem]?) in
            if error == nil {
                // dragons be here 
            } else {

To load your team imprints, use:

AmondoSDK.sharedInstance()?.loadTeamImprints(completion: { (error:Error?, imprints:[AMDImprintItemLight]?) in
            if error == nil {
                // dragons be here 
            } else {

NOTE: This method will return Light object that only consists of id, publicId and title. Use imprint id to obtaint complete imprint object with loadSingleImprint method.

Or you can load specific Imprints from your available Imprints by inputting the relevant IDs:

AmondoSDK.sharedInstance()?.loadImprintsWithIds(ids: [1200,1060,1062,1063,1068], completion: { (error, imprints) in
            if error == nil {
                for imprint in imprints! {
                    // dragons be here       
            } else {


To load just a single Imprint use:

AmondoSDK.sharedInstance()?.loadSingleImprint(id: id, completion: { (error, imprint) in
                if error == nil {
                    // dragons be here
                }  else {

The Imprint View Controller

An Imprint is presented in a stand alone UIViewController, which is presented modally on top of the specified owner view controller. Customisation of an Imprint is done with ImprintGridStyle and it is passed in as style:

AmondoSDK.sharedInstance()?.presentImprint(item: item!, animated: true, owner: self, gridStyle: style, completionDone: {

Once an Imprint has been presented, all functionality is contained within that view controller, and its children view controllers. When a user closes the Imprint, it is dismissed and removed from the owner view controller.

Imprint View Controller Styling

Imprints can be customised with a few options by creating a custom style and setting custom values for available options:

let style: ImprintGridStyle = ImprintGridStyle()
style.presentSplash =  false
style.tileBackgroundColor =

Default options are:

    tileBackgroundColor: UIColor = Colors.transparent
    presentSplash: Bool = true
    headerTitleFont = Fonts.condensedBoldWithSize(size: 20)
    headerTitleFontLarge = Fonts.condensedBoldWithSize(size: 36)
    headerInfoFont = Fonts.interBold(size: 10)
    tileUsernameFont = Fonts.sfSemiBold(size: 14)
    tileInfoFont = Fonts.sfSemiBold(size: 10)
    tileDescriptionFont = Fonts.sfRegular(size: 16)
    buttonActionFont = Fonts.sfSemiBold(size: 15)