- context.spacing.xs; // default now to 4
- added iconSize to simple spacing config
context.spacing.iconSize; // default 24 for any screen
- GutterColumn: for use in a column
- GutterRow: for use in a row
- PageDivider: It divides the page into 2 widgets, on big screens it places the widgets next to each other, on smaller screens, it places it below each other.
- Flutter 2.10 ready.
- Dart 3.0 ready.
- Added spacings, gigaSpacings
// Example values for a Pixel 7 Pro
context.spacing.xs; // default 2
context.spacing.s; // default 8
context.spacing.m; // default 12
context.spacing.l; // default 16
context.spacing.xl; // default 32
context.spacing.xxl; // default 56
// Example:
// Instead of
SizedBox(height: 8);
// use
SizedBox(height: context.spacing.s); // Wow!
- removed fallback values
- readme update. changed default specs
- pubspec update, readme update
- customize your own breakpoints
- customize your gutters, paddings, margins and body
- Just readme update
- Format code
- Add some documentation
Initial Responsive Layout