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233 lines (171 loc) · 8.78 KB

Review Scraper for Amazon

Programming language: python Code style: black Build Status Coverage Status

Table of Contents

What do I do?
Local Usage
Deployed Usage
More things you should know
How to contribute

This project scrapes Amazon listings for recent reviews of specified products (ASIN) and stores them in a Postgres DB

Future Features
  • Emails users when their subscribed ASIN has a new review
  • Add way for users to stop tracking an ASIN they were tracking
  • Use Zappa to make the scrape function its own lambda
  • Scraper should run on its own periodically to check for new reviews for each ASIN
Future non-feature enhancements
  • Add Web Testing with Selenium
  • Get testing coverage closer to 100%

This project uses pipenv for virtual environments

Navigate to the directory you want to install the project

git clone <project clone url>
pip install pipenv
cd amz-review-scraper
pipenv shell
pipenv sync

Create empty PostreSQL databases

This project uses Postgres as it's database of choice. There are 3 environments set up and for each one you will need to setup a Postgres DB. You will need development and testing locally and production for your deployment. Use the credentials from each your new databases to complete the .env file below. My production database is setup on RDS but you could choose to do things differently.

Set up a .env file

#environment setups

export DEV_SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI= "postgresql://your_development_postgres_url_connection"
export DEV_DEBUG = True

export TESTING_SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI= "postgresql://postgres:@localhost:5432/travis_ci_test"
export TESTING_DEBUG = True

export PROD_SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI= "postgresql://your_production_postgres_url_connection"

#proxy variables
export http="http://proxyservice"
export https="https://proxyservice"

#ensuring UTF-8 to make sure Black works correctly
export LC_ALL=en_US.utf-8
export LANG=en_US.utf-8

#Flask variables
export FLASK_SECRET_KEY="a_super secret_key"

#Flask-s3 variables for storing static folder in s3 behind cloudfront
export FLASKS3_BUCKET_NAME="static_s3_bucket_name"

#aws credentials
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID ="aws_secret_access_key_id"
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY ="aws_secret_access_key"

Initialize the tables in your Postgres DB:

To initialize the tables in your database use:


This will create the DB from scratch to use when you run the app.

To run the app use:

flask run

Input an ASIN and the corresponding Amazon listing will be scraped and its Review Data added to Postgres DB

To run the tests use:


To turn on storage of Output.html and/or product.json:

In amz_review_scraper/ there are 2 variables:

  • html_output_file_switch
  • json_output_file_switch

If you would like to switch on the output just change one or the other or both to = "y"

To Install additional packages:

After you install new packages use this code to lock the Pipfile.lock

pipenv lock --pre

This is because Black is a pre-release. If you decide to remove Black as the linter of choice you will not have to do this when installing any new packages.

Upload Static files to s3 bucket and put them behind a cloudfront deployment. (for access from Lambda Function)

  • Setup an s3 bucket and upload the whole static folder. It should be set to Use this bucket to host a website.
  • Set bucket permissions (this need more specific instructions).
  • Add your s3 bucket name to your .env file for FLASKS3_BUCKET_NAME
  • Create a new cloudfront distribution using the s3 bucket you just created.
  • In the cloudfront behaviors set /static/* to the bucket origin you just setup
  • Cloudfront takes a while to deploy (20 minutes?), after it is deployed use the domain name field it populates (should look like and add it to your .env for FLASKS3_CDN_DOMAIN

To launch as Lambda Function using Zappa:

Make sure you have your AWS credentials loaded using


You may want to set this up outside the environment. For help setting this up see the awscli documentation

Initialize Zappa:

zappa init


Edit your zappa_settings.json file to add the exclude setting (shown below), since we are serving the static files from cloudfront/s3 bucket. Also add you environment variables here as the .env file will only help you locally so those same variables need to be in zappa_settings.json as well so that your Lambda function will have access to environment variables in the cloud.


  • Add your zappa_settings.json to your .gitignore if you are using git for versioning since it contains sensitive info. You will also have another environment variable ZAPPA set to True which will set your environment to production when you are deployed with Zappa to Lambda.

Example zappa_settings.json

    "dev": {
        "app_function": "",                                              
        "aws_region": "us-east-2",                                              
        "profile_name": "default",                                              
        "project_name": "amz-review-scra",                                      
        "runtime" : "python3.6",                                                 
        "s3_bucket": "zappa-123443-zappa",
        "exclude": ["static", "test"],
        "aws_environment_variables" :
            "FLASK_APP": "",
            "FLASK_SECRET_KEY": "your_flask_secret_key",
            "FLASKS3_BUCKET_NAME": "static_s3_bucket_name",
            "FLASKS3_CDN_DOMAIN": "",
            "http": "http://your_proxyservice",
            "https": "https://your_proxyservice",
            "DEV_SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI": "postgresql://your_development_postgres_url_connection",
            "DEV_DEBUG" : "True",
            "TESTING_SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI": "postgresql://postgres:@localhost:5432/travis_ci_test",
            "TESTING_DEBUG" : "True",
            "TESTING_TESTING" : "True",
            "PROD_SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI": "postgresql://your_production_postgres_url_connection",
            "ZAPPA": "True",
        "use_precompiled_packages": true,
        "cors": true,
        "binary_support": false,


Deploy to Lambda using Zappa:

zappa deploy


You can also initialize the DB using Zappa directly from the lambda function using: (tip don't forget the quotes):

zappa invoke <stage name> "create_db.db_init"
  • Uses psycopg2-binary instead of psycopg2 because a future version of psycopg2 will involve a name change. Using the binary version avoids the warning but may need to be changed at some point when SQLAlchemy updates its dependencies. I wrote this Medium article with some more info on this.

In this project I am learning and practicing a number of skills, if you would like to comment on my code in places I could write better code, it would be much appreciated.

The project uses Travis CI to automate testing and Python Black for Formatting and Automatic Format Checking