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git repo with submodules tracking the AIT-forks of openjevis-repos

Development with forks

When using the terminology upstream the original repo hosted on is meant. The repository hosted on is called origin.

New code should be commited and pushed to branches in origin (the repo hosted at AIT-JEVis). Afterwards create a pull-request to merge the changes into the repository of openjevis. When the changes are in the master branch of openjevis the changes can be pulled from upstream/master into origin/master.

Managing the repository

automatically initialize and download the repository including the submodules with the command

git clone --recursive [email protected]:AIT-JEVis/JEFather.git

git submodule foreach "git checkout master"

Keep up to date with AIT-changes

Pull latest JEFather status

To pull changes for JEMother and all submodules and then checkout the (by JEMother) specified commits we reccomend to define a git-alias:

git config alias.pullall '!f(){ git pull "$@" && git submodule update --init --recursive; }; f'

and then instead of just git pull use git pullall

Pull latest submodule-changes

When JEFather does not track the latest AIT-commit the submodules can be updated with the following command:

git submodule update --remote --merge

Keep up to date with upstream (openjevis)

To update all submodules to latest upstream-commit use:

git submodule foreach "git fetch upstream && git checkout master && git merge upstream/master"


Command line

When in the root folder of JEFather use maven to build the jar-packages. The built packages are in the sumbmodules-folders in a folder named target. The command to build is:

mvn package