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EXODUS: Executable Divine Operating System in Userspace


EXODUS is a port of the TempleOS kernel to user space for Linux, Windows and FreeBSD. EXODUS makes HolyC a user-space general programming language that isn't just an exclusivity of virtual machines. It contains a mostly full-featured GUI from stock TempleOS, and a CLI mode which has found uses for running the networked servers automatically and building EXODUS' kernel itself.

Building EXODUS


Install the packages for CMake and the development headers for SDL2. Navigate to the directory and run these commands:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j$(nproc);
cd ..

You'll see the exodus binary. NOTE: WARNs during the build process aren't a sign of failure.

My build hangs!

Provide a gdb/lldb backtrace after running it on gdb and building it with the CMake flag BUILD_HCRT=0 (command line argument is -DBUILD_HCRT=0 after the cmake invocation part of the line above). If it throws a backtrace immediately, post the backtrace with bt. If it just hangs in gdb without any immediate diagnostics, press CTRL+C, and open an issue with the result of p (char *)WhichFun($pc).


Windows users tend to be less technically sophisticated, so here is a more detailed instruction:

  1. Install msys2
  3. Run pacman -Sy mingw-w64-x86_64-{gcc,SDL2,cmake}
  4. Run the following after navigating to the directory(Ignore any WARNs):
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
cd ..
  1. You will see the exodus binary in the directory

Running EXODUS

Run EXODUS with ./exodus.

Consult ./exodus -h for more command-line options such as CLI mode.


  • Host filesystem integration (T:/ is the root drive, and Z:/ is where EXODUS was launched)
  • Documentation in T:/Server (run #include "run"; after Cd("Server");, on localhost:8080)
  • Mostly orthodox TempleOS GUI
  • CLI mode
  • Community software in T:/Community, such as Satania-buddy and games like BlazeItFgt2
  • Networking (Take a look at T:/Community/{gihon,HolyIRC} and T:/Server's code)

There have been some disputes on whether TempleOS can have networking or not. To borrow the man's words, God did not ban networking. Terry didn't implement networking in stock TempleOS because of the line number restriction.

"God did not ban networking" (archived)

Terry has also documented that the ideal TempleOS PC needs networking through a simple serial interface.

Networking with serial

Changes from stock TempleOS

  • CTRL+ALT+P to toggle the palette to/from dark mode
  • The Windows key functionality has been replaced with the Alt key
  • Context switching is slower than a VM or native hardware because it runs in Ring 3, but it does not degrade general performance
  • Ring-0 opcodes (HLT, etc) and routines (InU8, etc) are not available (you can assemble the opcodes but they'll raise a fault)
  • Fs and Gs are pointers to CTask/CCPU instead of the whole structures at gs:0x28 and gs:0x50 respectively (blame microsoft)

A bit of trivia on Fs and Gs, gs:0 is not touched by 64 bit Windows but it's written to (not sure about read) on Wine, which doesn't guarantee consistency of gs:0. TEBs are allocated 0x2000 apart and sizeof(TEB) is 0x1838 so I could probably use 0x1900 or something but that seemed too hacky. Eventually I had to resort storing Fs at gs:0x28 and Gs at gs:0x50 (NtCurrentTeb()->ActiveRpcHandle (it isn't used anywhere)).


Refer to this document.

Very quick HolyC reference

/* CTRL+SHIFT+F<num shown in autocomplete window>
 * after typing in a function name will show its src */
Dir("fold*");//supports wildcards
Find("str",,"-i");//"-i" is for case-sensitivity (grep -rn . -e str)
FF("file.*");//find .|grep file
RedSeaISO("Something.ISO.C","Community");//archive folder into an ISO
MountFile("Something.ISO.C");//defaults to M
*0=0;//Raise the debugger
Help;//Prints debugging help in debugger, pops up help index when normal

