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C Project


Our project is copied from TheAlgorithms/C, open source project for C algorithms in github.
We are going to add some sorting algorithms(e.g. Radix sorting) and data structure algorithms.
Also, we will find problems in existing codes and edit them.
Our final goal is to give pull requests to TheAlgorithms/C and take some comments to them.
We expect our project very energetic!

Team members (SKKU Software students)

박동찬 Park Dongchan ParkDongChan (Team Leader)

  • student ID : 2018311110
  • E-mail : [email protected]
  • Role : Overall project management, writing the code of project and code review of E2 team

이정우 Lee Jeongwoo jeongwoo25

  • student ID : 2018314938
  • E-mail : [email protected]
  • Role : Code editing of Sorting folder & Add new algorithm for sorting

이지우 Lee Jiwoo LJW25

  • student ID : 2018314894
  • E-mail : [email protected]
  • Role : Code editing of the other folders & Wiki tab management

조민규 Jo Mingyu redjo99

  • student ID : 2018311977
  • E-mail : [email protected]
  • Role : Code editing of Data Structure folder & Add new algorithm for sorting

Code review of our project is carried out every three days.

If there are any errors or problems in certain parts of the project, such as README or codes, please send e-mail to [email protected].

Overview what we do


You can check what we do in this project by seeing commits. From May 7 to June 11, we made 444 commits.


In this issue, you can check what we have raised and shared information in this project. We opened 16 issues, and 13 of them were closed.

Pull requests

After modifying the members' code, Merge can be checked through the consent and rejection process. We opened 154 pull requests, and all of them were closed now.

**The example of Pull request 'bulls and cows'**


You can check the flow of tasks in progress, completed tasks, and tasks in the process of modification in this project.


You can find informations about the members who are working on this project, what contribution they have made, and how the project is progressing over time.

The details of the progress of each time period are uploaded to Wiki 'Individual activities by period' so we would appreciate your reference.


You can see the contribution of members to the project. you can also check the statistical figures associated with this project.

Computer Oriented Statistical Methods

- Gauss_Elimination
- Lagrange_Theorem
- Mean
- Median
- Seidal
- Simpson's_1-3rd_rule.c
- Variance


- N base to M base
- binary_to_decimal
- binary_to_hexa
- binary_to_octal
- decimal _to_binary
- decimal_to_hexa
- decimal_to_octal
- toDecimal

Data Structures

- Dynamic_stack
- HuffmanCoding
- Dynamic_queue
- UnionFind
	- CArray
	- CArrayTests
	- Reverseing_Stack
	- main
	- parenthesis
	- stack
	- dict
	- test_program
	- singly_link_list_deletion
	- stack_using_linkedlists
	- double_lincked_list
	- circular_lincked_list
	- FindMiddle_List
	- LinkedList_length
	- ReverseSearch_List
	- Reversing_List
	- mergeLinkedLists
	- AVL Tree
	- Diameter of BST
	- Diameter of BST_efficient
	- Find_height
	- Left-leaning red black tree
	- Merte_2_Balanced_BST
	- Splay Tree_Insert
	- Splay Tree_Search
	- Threaded_binary_tree
	- binary_search_tree
	- create_node
	- recursive_traversals
	- trie
	- base_Graph
	- Bellman-Ford
	- Boruvka's Algorithm
	- Dijkstra's Algorithm
	- Dijkstra's Algoritm example
	- Floyd-Warshall
	- HamiltonianCycle


- hello-world
- isogram
- acronym
- word-count
- rna-transcription
- bulls-and-cows
- wildcard
- Gomoku


- Binary_Search
- Other_Binary_Search
- Jump_Search
- LinearSearch
- binarys
- fibonacciSearch
- interpolation_search
- modifiedBinarySearch


- BinaryInsertionSort
- BubbleSort
- BogoSort
- Gnome Sort
- InsertionSort
- InsertionSort_Recursive
- MergeSort
- OtherBubbleSort
- QuickSort
- QuickSort_Iterative
- QuickSort_SingleLinkedList
- QuickSort_DoubleLinkedList
- SelectionSort
- ShakerSort
- TimSort
- TreeSort
- HeapSort
- PancakeSort
- radix
- MergeSortforLinkedLists


- sdbm
- djb2
- xor8 (8 bit)
- adler_32 (32 bit)
- UnderstandingHashTable.c


- Binning
- Factorial
- Fibonacci
- isArmstrong
- LongestSubSequence
- palindrome
- rselect
- strongNumber
- TowerOfHanoi
- Greatest Common Divisor
- GCD_BruteForce
- GCD_BruteForce+
- Hemisphere
- Sudoku Solver
- prime factorization


- Problem 01
- Problem 02
- Problem 03
- Problem 04
- Problem 05
- Problem 06
- Problem07

Simple Client Server Implementation

This directory contains -client.c -server.c

First execute server.c in a terminal and then client.c in a different terminal. Enables communication between two terminals.