There are three components to Site Scanner:
- The Scanning Engine: This engine, when executed, runs all the configured scans against all of the configured domains and generate json output.
- Scanning Engine Plugins: These are be plugins that let you execute different types of scans. They are be used by the scanning engine, or can be executed by hand.
- Scan Result UI/API: This is a web frontend that also implements a REST API to download/search scan results.
The components are deployed using CircleCI into and once a day, the scanning engine is executed using, generating it's json files into S3. The UI then can be used to find and download the scan results.
The scans are stored on disk as json files named by the domain and placed in a scantype subdirectory in a public S3 bucket. The location of the files can be found by querying the API, like so:
$ curl -s | jq -r '.[] | .scan_data_url'
The scans are also indexed into an Elasticsearch instance in, but you must use the API to access it.