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A/B Testing

Testing new features or feature variations on a subset of users allows us to make data-informed decisions. Support for A/B testing is available through the AbTest class. Ongoing experiments are configured in the A/B test initializer configuration.


The kitchen sink example below demonstrates all of the available options for a hypothetical A/B test experimenting encouraging the adoption of a Face or Touch Unlock authentication method.

Normally, you'd want many of these values to be managed in application config (e.g. bucket percentages, report email), but they are defined here as literal values for clarity.

  experiment_name: 'Encourage Face or Touch Unlock',
  should_log: [
    'Multi-Factor Authentication Setup',
  buckets: {
    emphasize_security: 1,
    emphasize_speed: 1,
  default_bucket: :bucket,
  persist: true,
  max_participants: 10_000,
  report: {
    email: '[email protected]',
    queries: [
        title: 'Setup by variation',
        query: <<~QUERY,
          | fields (properties.event_properties.ab_tests.encourage_face_touch_unlock.bucket) as bucket
          | filter name = 'Multi-Factor Authentication Setup'
          | stats count(*) as `Setup Count` by bucket
          | sort bucket asc
        row_labels: ['Default', 'Emphasized Security', 'Emphasized Speed'],
) { |user:, **| user.uuid }.freeze

In this example, there are 3 variations:

  • The default experience (control group)
  • A variation emphasizing security, with the expectation that 1% of users would experience this variation
  • A variation emphasizing speed, with the expectation that 1% of users would experience this variation

Assignments for this experiment are persisted to the database, and a maximum of 10,000 participants can be included before the test is automatically disabled.

Analytics events for 'Multi-Factor Authentication Setup' will be annotated with A/B test bucket assignments for this experiment.

A daily report will be emailed to [email protected] including relevant analytics query results for the past day of activity, and detailing the number of participants in the test.


experiment_name (String)

A human-readable short description of the experiment.

should_log (Enumerable or Regexp or nil)

A list of analytics event names for which the A/B test bucket assignment should be logged, or a regular expression pattern which is tested against an analytics event name when an event is being logged.

Defaults to nil.

default_bucket (Symbol)

The bucket name that should be returned for a test candidate not selected for one of the listed test alternatives, to be considered part of the control group.

Defaults to :default.

buckets (Hash<String, Integer>)

The set of test variations for an experiment, with keys denoting the test name and the value a percent of visitors who should be included in the test.

persist (Boolean)

Whether the test assignment should be persisted to the database.

Defaults to false.

max_participants (Integer)

The maximum number of participants allowed in the test. This option requires persist to be true.

Defaults to Float::INFINITY.

report (Hash)

Report mailer configuration.

  • report[:email]: The email address where the report should be delivered.
  • report[:queries]: An array of individual report items.
    • report[:queries][][:title]: A human-readable label describing an individual report result.
    • report[:queries][][:query]: The query to generate the report result.
    • report[:queries][][:row_labels]: Optional human-readable labels to use in place of the first column results.


A block passed when initializing an instance of AbTest will be used to generate a value to deterministically seed bucket assignment for a visitor.

The block will receive a hash of parameters with the following properties:

  • request: The current request object
  • service_provider: The current service provider's issuer string
  • session: The session object
  • user: The current user (if signed-in)
  • user_session: The user session object

By default, an A/B test will use the currently logged-in user's UUID.