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Releases: 11ty/eleventy

Eleventy v0.7.0

11 Jan 03:48
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Eleventy 🕚⚡️ is a Simpler Static Site Generator.

Documentation at

⭐️ Support Eleventy by starring us on GitHub! This will increase our project’s visibility on, a big giant list of static site generators.
🐦 Follow us on Twitter @​eleven_ty!



  • Local project: npm update @11ty/eleventy
  • Global: npm update -g @11ty/eleventy


  • 🚨🚨🚨 New Template Type: JavaScript Templates 🚨🚨🚨 *.11ty.js #118 #314
    • This is a big one and I’m pretty excited about it. Use arbitrary JavaScript to build a template file. This allows you to require any arbitrary templating engine and use it in Eleventy 😮.
    • Documentation
  • --serve: Pass in your own BrowserSync configuration options #123 #370
  • --watch will now re-run Eleventy if you make any changes in local JavaScript dependencies found in your JavaScript files (JS templates, data files, Eleventy config, et al). #325
  • Error Reporting: full stack trace shown on errors #324
  • Pagination: Use reverse: true to reverse the order of the data set before pagination. #194
  • Transforms: full support for asynchronous transforms. #164
  • Benchmarking: eleventy-benchmark is a regression performance test for multi-version testing of various template types. #114

Bug fixes

  • Mammoth Pull Request from @kleinfreund to fix various bugs with directory path resolution #231 #366
  • .eleventyignore and .gitignore files were assumed to be in the input directory (not the project root). Eleventy now looks in both places #229 #360
  • Particularly embarrassing bug with Liquid Shortcodes having trouble with arguments that contained spaces (e.g. "first name") #347
  • Nunjucks Shortcodes (not Paired) threw an error when no arguments were passed. #372
  • TemplateData Tests improved by @kleinfreund #362
  • Shortcode names weren’t being namespaced properly #320


Dependency Major Release Bumps

multimatch 2.1 → 3.0

Eleventy v0.6.0

25 Nov 19:34
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Eleventy is a simpler Static Site Generator!

⭐️ Support Eleventy by starring us on GitHub! This will increase our project’s visibility on, a big giant list of static site generators.
🐦 Follow us on Twitter @​eleven_ty!


  • Adds support for deep data merging in the data cascade [#147]
  • Adds support for glob patterns with the input command line option, e.g. --input=*.md [#173, #276]
  • Adds firstPageLink and lastPageLink to pagination object [#312]
  • Adds “cool” URL support in pagination object (no index.html files in these) [#285]
    • Documentation
    • nextPageHref
    • previousPageHref
    • firstPageHref
    • lastPageHref
    • hrefs
  • Eleventy errors now correctly exit with an error code. Netlify builds will now fail (and not deploy) if Eleventy errors. [#264]
  • Eleventy now reports the template language in rendering errors (better transparency on markdown files that by default render as Liquid templates) [#291]

Bug fixes

  • Fixes major regression with JSTL templates [#263]
  • Upstream issue with Liquid templates and date objects outputting as strings [#258]
  • Browsersync infinite redirect with empty string pathPrefix: pathPrefix: "" [#302]
  • Fixes bug with returning custom object in eleventyConfig.addCollection [#277]


Dependency Major Release Bumps

liquidjs ^5.1.0 -> ^6.0.0

debug ^3.1.0 -> ^4.0.0

fs-extra ^6.0.1 -> ^7.0.0

Eleventy v0.5.4

28 Sep 22:39
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Eleventy is a simpler Static Site Generator!

⭐️ Support Eleventy by starring us on GitHub! This will increase our project’s visibility on, a big giant list of static site generators.
🐦 Follow us on Twitter @​eleven_ty!



Bug fixes


Dependency Semver Major Updates

  • None

Eleventy v0.5.3

29 Aug 13:59
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Eleventy is a simpler Static Site Generator!

⭐️ Support Eleventy by starring us on GitHub! This will increase our project’s visibility on, a big giant list of static site generators.
🐦 Follow us on Twitter @​eleven_ty!


  • 🚨🚨🚨 Giant new feature: Use arbitrary JavaScript files as Eleventy data sources. This means you can now fetch and use data at build time! Works with await/async/promises. GraphQL example included 😎 and more at JavaScript Data Files.
  • New feature: return arbitrary object types from eleventyConfig.addCollection. Read more at Collections.
  • New features: adds --passthroughall command line flag to copy and/or process all files in the input directory. Read more at Passthrough Copy
  • Fixed: template/directory specific data files were not monitored for changes when using --watch or --serve. #170
  • Fixed bug with fileSlug not being included on collection item data (was previously only available as page.fileSlug) #197
  • Fixed bug with transforms not running on pagination template output. #199


Dependency Semver Major Updates

  • liquidjs upgraded from ^4.0.0 to ^5.1.0

Eleventy v0.5.2

15 Aug 13:16
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Eleventy is a simpler Static Site Generator!

⭐️ Support Eleventy by starring us on GitHub! This will increase our project’s visibility on, a big giant list of static site generators.
🐦 Follow us on Twitter @​eleven_ty!


  • Fix issue with Warnings on slow configuration additions that would aggregate benchmark times during --watch re-runs. Needs to reset with each watch run.

Eleventy v0.5.1

15 Aug 03:15
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Eleventy is a simpler Static Site Generator!

⭐️ Support Eleventy by starring us on GitHub! This will increase our project’s visibility on, a big giant list of static site generators.
🐦 Follow us on Twitter @​eleven_ty!


  • New feature: Warnings on slow configuration additions (all custom tags, filters, both single and paired shortcodes). Callback must exceed 10% of total runtime. Example: image
  • Quits with an exit code of 1 on error for better CI behavior.
  • Improved performance with async/await in loops
  • Found performance regression with node version check npm package. Switched to use different package: please-upgrade-node for performance bump.
  • Fixes issue when using .js files with passthrough copy. #181
  • Fixes regression when using templateContent in paginated collections. #179
  • Adds Code of Conduct to the repo
  • Fixes regression with single file input. #172
  • Fixes regression with paginating collections created with eleventy.addCollection configuration API. #171


Dependency Semver Major Updates

  • None

Eleventy v0.5.0

05 Jul 14:02
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Eleventy is a simpler Static Site Generator!

⭐️ Support Eleventy by starring us on GitHub! This will increase our project’s visibility on, a big giant list of static site generators.
🐦 Follow us on Twitter @​eleven_ty!



Dependency Semver Major Updates

  • None

Eleventy v0.4.0

20 Jun 14:14
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Eleventy is a simpler Static Site Generator!

⭐️ Support Eleventy by starring us on GitHub! This will increase our project’s visibility on, a big giant list of static site generators.
🐦 Follow us on Twitter @​eleven_ty!


  • New feature: Option to paginate over objects (instead of just arrays)
  • New feature: Option to filter items from pagination results
  • Better updates when re-running using --watch and --serve (including improvements to applied changes in configuration files) #128
  • Updates dependencies (see major semver updates below) #87
  • Minor regression in using templates with permalinks and layouts specified in template/directory data files #121


Dependency Semver Major Updates

  • normalize-path 2.1.1 to 3.0.0 (documented as having no breaking changes by their release notes)
  • gray-matter 3.1.1 to 4.0.1 (updated to require Node 4 and above 😎—we require Node 8)
  • fs-extra 5.0.0 to 6.0.1 (now requires Node 8, among other things: Changelog)
  • Switches from globby to fast-glob internally.

Eleventy v0.3.6

09 Jun 19:12
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Eleventy is a simpler Static Site Generator!

⭐️ Support Eleventy by starring us on GitHub! This will increase our project’s visibility on, a big giant list of static site generators.
🐦 Follow us on Twitter @​eleven_ty!


  • Fix issue with cascade of template and directory data files (template values should override directory values, the reverse was happening) #138
  • url filter now accepts falsy values (improvement over vague indexOf errors before)
  • Fix for issue with pagination with aliasing and permalink slug filter #135
  • Better top level error handling (get rid of UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning’s, especially with passthrough copy errors) #110


Eleventy v0.3.5

23 May 01:26
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Eleventy is a simpler Static Site Generator!

⭐️ Support Eleventy by starring us on GitHub! This will increase our project’s visibility on, a big giant list of static site generators.
🐦 Follow us on Twitter @​eleven_ty!


  • Option to opt-out of automatic .gitignore ignores in Eleventy. Use eleventyConfig.setUseGitIgnore(false);: #125
  • Major semver update: Upgrades liquidjs to 4.0.0: #122 #73
  • Fixes issue with using permalink in layout front matter. #121
  • Fixes issue with using collections and pagination together #115 #127 #129
