diff --git a/.github/workflows/tokenomics_ci.yml b/.github/workflows/tokenomics_ci.yml
index de2819d052..0c5b78e779 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/tokenomics_ci.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/tokenomics_ci.yml
@@ -25,6 +25,25 @@ jobs:
           github-token: ${{ github.token }}
+      - name: 'Setup jq'
+        uses: dcarbone/install-jq-action@v2.1.0
+        with:
+          version: '1.7'
+          force: 'false'
+      - name: "Create Tenderly virtual testnet"
+        run: |
+          echo "TENDERLY_CREATION_INFO=$(curl -X POST \
+           -H "x-access-key: ${{ secrets.TENDERLY_SECRET }}" \
+           -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
+           -d '{"slug":"mainnet-dev-${{ env.RUNNER_NUMBER }}-${{ github.run_id }}","displayName":"mainnet-dev-${{ env.RUNNER_NUMBER }}-${{ github.run_id }}","description":"","visibility":"TEAM","tags":{"purpose":"development"},"networkConfig":{"networkId":"1","blockNumber":"18512782","chainConfig":{"chainId":"1"},"baseFeePerGas":"1"},"explorerConfig":{"enabled":false,"verificationVisibility":"bytecode"},"syncState":false}' \
+           https://api.tenderly.co/api/v1/account/zus_network/project/project/testnet/container)" >> $GITHUB_ENV
+      - name: "Parse Tenderly virtual testnet creation transaction result"
+        run: |
+          echo "TENDERLY_VIRTUAL_TESTNET_ID=$(echo '${{ env.TENDERLY_CREATION_INFO }}' | jq -r '.container.id')" >> $GITHUB_ENV
+          echo "TENDERLY_VIRTUAL_TESTNET_RPC_ID=$(echo '${{ env.TENDERLY_CREATION_INFO }}' | jq -r '.container.connectivityConfig.endpoints[0].id')" >> $GITHUB_ENV
       - name: "Config: Run tests against existing 0Chain network"
         if: github.event_name == 'workflow_dispatch' && github.event.inputs.existing_network != ''
         run: |
@@ -44,9 +63,134 @@ jobs:
           echo "TOKENOMICS_SLASH_REWARD_TESTS=$(echo $(([ -z 'TestBlobberSlashPenalty' ] && echo '') || echo 'TestBlobberSlashPenalty'))" >> $GITHUB_ENV
           echo "TOKENOMICS_BLOCK_REWARD_TESTS=$(echo $(([ -z 'TestBlockRewardsForBlobbers' ] && echo '') || echo 'TestBlockRewardsForBlobbers'))" >> $GITHUB_ENV
           echo "TOKENOMICS_MIN_STAKE_TESTS=$(echo $(([ -z 'TestMinStakeForProviders' ] && echo '') || echo 'TestMinStakeForProviders'))" >> $GITHUB_ENV
+          echo "ENTERPRISE_BLOBBER_CREATE_ALLOCATION_TESTS=$(echo $(([ -z 'TestCreateEnterpriseAllocation' ] && echo '') || echo 'TestCreateEnterpriseAllocation'))" >> $GITHUB_ENV
+          echo "ENTERPRISE_BLOBBER_UPDATE_ALLOCATION_TESTS=$(echo $(([ -z 'TestUpdateEnterpriseAllocation' ] && echo '') || echo 'TestUpdateEnterpriseAllocation'))" >> $GITHUB_ENV
+          echo "ENTERPRISE_BLOBBER_REPLACE_ALLOCATION_TESTS=$(echo $(([ -z 'TestReplaceEnterpriseBlobberAllocation' ] && echo '') || echo 'TestReplaceEnterpriseBlobberAllocation'))" >> $GITHUB_ENV
+          echo "ENTERPRISE_BLOBBER_CANCEL_ALLOCATION_TESTS=$(echo $(([ -z 'TestCancelEnterpriseAllocation' ] && echo '') || echo 'TestCancelEnterpriseAllocation'))" >> $GITHUB_ENV
+          echo "ENTERPRISE_BLOBBER_FINALIZE_ALLOCATION_TESTS=$(echo $(([ -z 'TestFinalizeEnterpriseAllocation' ] && echo '') || echo 'TestFinalizeEnterpriseAllocation'))" >> $GITHUB_ENV
           echo "CLIENT_THROTTLING=$(echo $(([ -z 'TestClientThrottling' ] && echo '') || echo 'TestClientThrottling'))" >> $GITHUB_ENV
           echo "REPO_SNAPSHOTS_BRANCH=current-sprint" >> $GITHUB_ENV
+      - name: "Deploy 0Chain with enterprise blobbers"
+        if: github.event_name == 'push' || github.event.inputs.existing_network == ''
+        uses: 0chain/actions/deploy-0chain@feature/enterprise-blobber
+        with:
+          repo_snapshots_branch: "${{ env.REPO_SNAPSHOTS_BRANCH }}"
+          kube_config: ${{ secrets[format('DEV{0}KC', env.RUNNER_NUMBER)] }}
+          teardown_condition: "TESTS_PASSED"
+          SUBGRAPH_API_URL: ${{ secrets.SUBGRAPH_API_URL }}
+          graphnode_sc: ${{ secrets.GRAPHNODE_SC }}
+          graphnode_network: ${{ secrets.GRAPHNODE_NETWORK }}
+          graphnode_ethereum_node_url: https://virtual.mainnet.rpc.tenderly.co/${{ env.TENDERLY_VIRTUAL_TESTNET_RPC_ID }}
+          svc_account_secret: ${{ secrets.SVC_ACCOUNT_SECRET }}
+      - name: "Run Enterprise blobber create allocation tests"
+        uses: 0chain/actions/run-system-tests-tokenomics@master
+        with:
+          repo_snapshots_branch: "${{ env.REPO_SNAPSHOTS_BRANCH }}"
+          network: ${{ env.NETWORK_URL }}
+          svc_account_secret: ${{ secrets.SVC_ACCOUNT_SECRET }}
+          deploy_report_page: true
+          system_tests_branch: feat/enterprise-blobber-tests
+          archive_results: true
+          run_flaky_tests: false
+          run_api_system_tests: false
+          run_cli_system_tests: false
+          run_tokenomics_system_tests: true
+          tokenomics_test_filter: ${{ env.ENTERPRISE_BLOBBER_CREATE_ALLOCATION_TESTS }}
+          run_smoke_tests: ${{ inputs.run_smoke_tests }}
+          S3_ACCESS_KEY: ${{ secrets.S3_ACCESS_KEY }}
+          S3_SECRET_KEY: ${{ secrets.S3_SECRET_KEY }}
+      - name: "Run Enterprise blobber update allocation tests"
+        uses: 0chain/actions/run-system-tests-tokenomics@master
+        with:
+          repo_snapshots_branch: "${{ env.REPO_SNAPSHOTS_BRANCH }}"
+          network: ${{ env.NETWORK_URL }}
+          svc_account_secret: ${{ secrets.SVC_ACCOUNT_SECRET }}
+          deploy_report_page: true
+          archive_results: true
+          run_flaky_tests: false
+          system_tests_branch: feat/enterprise-blobber-tests
+          run_api_system_tests: false
+          run_cli_system_tests: false
+          run_tokenomics_system_tests: true
+          tokenomics_test_filter: ${{ env.ENTERPRISE_BLOBBER_UPDATE_ALLOCATION_TESTS }}
+          run_smoke_tests: ${{ inputs.run_smoke_tests }}
+          S3_ACCESS_KEY: ${{ secrets.S3_ACCESS_KEY }}
+          S3_SECRET_KEY: ${{ secrets.S3_SECRET_KEY }}
+      - name: "Run Enterprise blobber replace blobber allocation tests"
+        uses: 0chain/actions/run-system-tests-tokenomics@master
+        with:
+          repo_snapshots_branch: "${{ env.REPO_SNAPSHOTS_BRANCH }}"
+          network: ${{ env.NETWORK_URL }}
+          svc_account_secret: ${{ secrets.SVC_ACCOUNT_SECRET }}
+          deploy_report_page: true
+          archive_results: true
+          system_tests_branch: feat/enterprise-blobber-tests
+          run_flaky_tests: false
+          run_api_system_tests: false
+          run_cli_system_tests: false
+          run_tokenomics_system_tests: true
+          tokenomics_test_filter: ${{ env.ENTERPRISE_BLOBBER_REPLACE_ALLOCATION_TESTS }}
+          run_smoke_tests: ${{ inputs.run_smoke_tests }}
+          S3_ACCESS_KEY: ${{ secrets.S3_ACCESS_KEY }}
+          S3_SECRET_KEY: ${{ secrets.S3_SECRET_KEY }}
+      - name: "Run Enterprise blobber cancel allocation tests"
+        uses: 0chain/actions/run-system-tests-tokenomics@master
+        with:
+          repo_snapshots_branch: "${{ env.REPO_SNAPSHOTS_BRANCH }}"
+          network: ${{ env.NETWORK_URL }}
+          svc_account_secret: ${{ secrets.SVC_ACCOUNT_SECRET }}
+          deploy_report_page: true
+          archive_results: true
+          run_flaky_tests: false
+          system_tests_branch: feat/enterprise-blobber-tests
+          run_api_system_tests: false
+          run_cli_system_tests: false
+          run_tokenomics_system_tests: true
+          tokenomics_test_filter: ${{ env.ENTERPRISE_BLOBBER_CANCEL_ALLOCATION_TESTS }}
+          run_smoke_tests: ${{ inputs.run_smoke_tests }}
+          S3_ACCESS_KEY: ${{ secrets.S3_ACCESS_KEY }}
+          S3_SECRET_KEY: ${{ secrets.S3_SECRET_KEY }}
+      - name: "Run Enterprise blobber finalize allocation tests"
+        uses: 0chain/actions/run-system-tests-tokenomics@master
+        with:
+          repo_snapshots_branch: "${{ env.REPO_SNAPSHOTS_BRANCH }}"
+          network: ${{ env.NETWORK_URL }}
+          svc_account_secret: ${{ secrets.SVC_ACCOUNT_SECRET }}
+          deploy_report_page: true
+          system_tests_branch: feat/enterprise-blobber-tests
+          archive_results: true
+          run_flaky_tests: false
+          run_api_system_tests: false
+          run_cli_system_tests: false
+          run_tokenomics_system_tests: true
+          tokenomics_test_filter: ${{ env.ENTERPRISE_BLOBBER_FINALIZE_ALLOCATION_TESTS }}
+          run_smoke_tests: ${{ inputs.run_smoke_tests }}
+          S3_ACCESS_KEY: ${{ secrets.S3_ACCESS_KEY }}
+          S3_SECRET_KEY: ${{ secrets.S3_SECRET_KEY }}
+      - name: "Remove Tenderly virtual testnet"
+        if: always()
+        run: |
+          curl -X DELETE \
+            -H "x-access-key: ${{ secrets.TENDERLY_SECRET }}" \
+            -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
+            https://api.tenderly.co/api/v1/account/zus_network/project/project/testnet/container/${{ env.TENDERLY_VIRTUAL_TESTNET_ID }}
       - name: "Deploy 0Chain"
         if: github.event_name == 'push' || github.event.inputs.existing_network == ''
@@ -261,8 +405,8 @@ jobs:
-    runs-on: [self-hosted, arc-runner]
-    needs: [system-tests]
+    runs-on: [ self-hosted, arc-runner ]
+    needs: [ system-tests ]
     if: always() && (needs.system-tests.result == 'failure')
       - name: "Notify Slack"
@@ -279,8 +423,8 @@ jobs:
           curl -X POST -H 'Content-type: application/json' --data "${payload}" ${{ secrets.DEVOPS_CHANNEL_WEBHOOK_URL }}
-    runs-on: [self-hosted, arc-runner]
-    needs: [system-tests]
+    runs-on: [ self-hosted, arc-runner ]
+    needs: [ system-tests ]
     if: always() && (needs.system-tests.result == 'success')
       - name: "Notify Slack"
diff --git a/go.mod b/go.mod
index 39c396728e..76f1be94e0 100644
--- a/go.mod
+++ b/go.mod
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ toolchain go1.22.1
 require (
 	github.com/0chain/errors v1.0.3
-	github.com/0chain/gosdk v1.17.3
+	github.com/0chain/gosdk v1.17.5
 	github.com/go-resty/resty/v2 v2.7.0
 	github.com/herumi/bls-go-binary v1.31.0
 	github.com/shopspring/decimal v1.3.1
diff --git a/go.sum b/go.sum
index 42347945af..2e383915b9 100644
--- a/go.sum
+++ b/go.sum
@@ -40,8 +40,8 @@ github.com/0chain/common v0.0.6-0.20230127095721-8df4d1d72565 h1:z+DtCR8mBsjPnEs
 github.com/0chain/common v0.0.6-0.20230127095721-8df4d1d72565/go.mod h1:UyDC8Qyl5z9lGkCnf9RHJPMektnFX8XtCJZHXCCVj8E=
 github.com/0chain/errors v1.0.3 h1:QQZPFxTfnMcRdt32DXbzRQIfGWmBsKoEdszKQDb0rRM=
 github.com/0chain/errors v1.0.3/go.mod h1:xymD6nVgrbgttWwkpSCfLLEJbFO6iHGQwk/yeSuYkIc=
-github.com/0chain/gosdk v1.17.3 h1:nL6x1saSwTku1UFDYoX/uKJO57VQTgowp6id+7UHb7g=
-github.com/0chain/gosdk v1.17.3/go.mod h1:y7Ucdmv40VltqulZnncMNjNQ4piX5Dta5ujNmPmXnxg=
+github.com/0chain/gosdk v1.17.5 h1:WusXPOj+lyK9XBUY1JPjBqPmkGV4A0J6bqsRluseusg=
+github.com/0chain/gosdk v1.17.5/go.mod h1:y7Ucdmv40VltqulZnncMNjNQ4piX5Dta5ujNmPmXnxg=
 github.com/BurntSushi/toml v0.3.1/go.mod h1:xHWCNGjB5oqiDr8zfno3MHue2Ht5sIBksp03qcyfWMU=
 github.com/BurntSushi/xgb v0.0.0-20160522181843-27f122750802/go.mod h1:IVnqGOEym/WlBOVXweHU+Q+/VP0lqqI8lqeDx9IjBqo=
 github.com/Luzifer/go-openssl/v3 v3.1.0 h1:QqKqo6kYXGGUsvtUoCpRZm8lHw+jDfhbzr36gVj+/gw=
diff --git a/tests/api_tests/repair_allocation_test.go b/tests/api_tests/repair_allocation_test.go
index 3995adbb6b..d27b8ec916 100644
--- a/tests/api_tests/repair_allocation_test.go
+++ b/tests/api_tests/repair_allocation_test.go
@@ -353,8 +353,8 @@ func TestRepairSize(testSetup *testing.T) {
 	wallet := createWallet(t)
 	sdkClient.SetWallet(t, wallet)
 	apiClient.CreateReadPool(t, wallet, 0.5, client.TxSuccessfulStatus)
-	t.RunSequentiallyWithTimeout("repair size in case of no blobber failure should be zero", 5 * time.Minute, func(t *test.SystemTest) {
+	t.RunSequentiallyWithTimeout("repair size in case of no blobber failure should be zero", 5*time.Minute, func(t *test.SystemTest) {
 		// create allocation with default blobber requirements
 		blobberRequirements := model.DefaultBlobberRequirements(wallet.Id, wallet.PublicKey)
 		allocationBlobbers := apiClient.GetAllocationBlobbers(t, wallet, &blobberRequirements, client.HttpOkStatus)
@@ -362,9 +362,9 @@ func TestRepairSize(testSetup *testing.T) {
 		t.Logf("allocationID: %v", allocationID)
 		// create and upload a file of 2KB to allocation.
-		op := sdkClient.AddUploadOperation(t, "", "", int64(1024 * 2))
+		op := sdkClient.AddUploadOperation(t, "", "", int64(1024*2))
 		sdkClient.MultiOperation(t, allocationID, []sdk.OperationRequest{op})
 		// assert both upload and download size should be zero
 		alloc, err := sdk.GetAllocation(allocationID)
 		require.NoErrorf(t, err, "allocation ID %v is not found", allocationID)
@@ -374,8 +374,8 @@ func TestRepairSize(testSetup *testing.T) {
 		require.Equal(t, uint64(0), rs.UploadSize, "upload size doesn't match")
 		require.Equal(t, uint64(0), rs.DownloadSize, "download size doesn't match")
-	t.RunSequentiallyWithTimeout("repair size on single blobber failure should match", 5 * time.Minute, func(t *test.SystemTest) {
+	t.RunSequentiallyWithTimeout("repair size on single blobber failure should match", 5*time.Minute, func(t *test.SystemTest) {
 		// create allocation with default blobber requirements
 		blobberRequirements := model.DefaultBlobberRequirements(wallet.Id, wallet.PublicKey)
 		blobberRequirements.DataShards = 2
@@ -390,18 +390,18 @@ func TestRepairSize(testSetup *testing.T) {
 		alloc, err := sdk.GetAllocation(allocationID)
 		require.NoErrorf(t, err, "allocation ID %v is not found", allocationID)
 		alloc.Blobbers[0].Baseurl = "http://0zus.com/"
-		op := sdkClient.AddUploadOperation(t, "", "", int64(1024 * 2))
+		op := sdkClient.AddUploadOperation(t, "", "", int64(1024*2))
 		sdkClient.MultiOperation(t, allocationID, []sdk.OperationRequest{op}, client.WithRepair(alloc.Blobbers))
 		// assert upload and download size should be 1KB and 2KB respectively
 		rs, err := alloc.RepairSize("/")
 		require.Nil(t, err)
 		t.Logf("repair size: %v", rs)
 		require.Equal(t, uint64(1024), rs.UploadSize, "upload size doesn't match")
-		require.Equal(t, uint64(1024 * 2), rs.DownloadSize, "download size doesn't match")
+		require.Equal(t, uint64(1024*2), rs.DownloadSize, "download size doesn't match")
-	t.RunSequentiallyWithTimeout("repair size with nested directories and two blobber failure should match", 5 * time.Minute, func(t *test.SystemTest) {
+	t.RunSequentiallyWithTimeout("repair size with nested directories and two blobber failure should match", 5*time.Minute, func(t *test.SystemTest) {
 		// create allocation with default blobber requirements
 		blobberRequirements := model.DefaultBlobberRequirements(wallet.Id, wallet.PublicKey)
 		blobberRequirements.DataShards = 2
@@ -419,31 +419,31 @@ func TestRepairSize(testSetup *testing.T) {
 		ops := []sdk.OperationRequest{
 			sdkClient.AddUploadOperationWithPath(t, allocationID, "/dir1/"),
 			sdkClient.AddUploadOperationWithPath(t, allocationID, "/dir1/"),
-			sdkClient.AddUploadOperationWithPath(t, allocationID, "/"),  
+			sdkClient.AddUploadOperationWithPath(t, allocationID, "/"),
 			sdkClient.AddUploadOperationWithPath(t, allocationID, "/"),
 		sdkClient.MultiOperation(t, allocationID, ops, client.WithRepair(alloc.Blobbers))
 		// assert both upload and download size should be 2KB in /dir1
 		rs, err := alloc.RepairSize("/dir1")
 		require.Nilf(t, err, "error getting repair size in /dir1: %v", err)
 		t.Logf("repair size: %v", rs)
-		require.Equal(t, uint64(1024 * 2), rs.UploadSize, "upload size in directory /dir1 doesn't match")
-		require.Equal(t, uint64(1024 * 2), rs.DownloadSize, "download size in directory dir1 doesn't match")
+		require.Equal(t, uint64(1024*2), rs.UploadSize, "upload size in directory /dir1 doesn't match")
+		require.Equal(t, uint64(1024*2), rs.DownloadSize, "download size in directory dir1 doesn't match")
 		// with trailing slash
-		// assert both upload and download size should be 2KB in /dir1/ 
+		// assert both upload and download size should be 2KB in /dir1/
 		rs, err = alloc.RepairSize("/dir1/")
 		require.Nilf(t, err, "error getting repair size in /dir1/: %v", err)
 		t.Logf("repair size: %v", rs)
-		require.Equal(t, uint64(1024 * 2), rs.UploadSize, "upload size in directory /dir1/ doesn't match")
-		require.Equal(t, uint64(1024 * 2), rs.DownloadSize, "download size in directory /dir1/ doesn't match")
+		require.Equal(t, uint64(1024*2), rs.UploadSize, "upload size in directory /dir1/ doesn't match")
+		require.Equal(t, uint64(1024*2), rs.DownloadSize, "download size in directory /dir1/ doesn't match")
 		// assert both upload and download size should be 4KB in root directory
 		rs, err = alloc.RepairSize("/")
 		require.Nilf(t, err, "error getting repair size in /: %v", err)
 		t.Logf("repair size: %v", rs)
-		require.Equal(t, uint64(1024 * 4), rs.UploadSize, "upload size in root directory doesn't match")
-		require.Equal(t, uint64(1024 * 4), rs.DownloadSize, "download size in root directory doesn't match")
+		require.Equal(t, uint64(1024*4), rs.UploadSize, "upload size in root directory doesn't match")
+		require.Equal(t, uint64(1024*4), rs.DownloadSize, "download size in root directory doesn't match")
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/cli_tests/sdk.go b/tests/cli_tests/sdk.go
index f94a327106..c27bf92054 100644
--- a/tests/cli_tests/sdk.go
+++ b/tests/cli_tests/sdk.go
@@ -50,21 +50,30 @@ func InitSDK(wallet, configFile string) error {
 	return err
-// GetBlobberNotPartOfAllocation returns a blobber not part of current allocation
-func GetBlobberNotPartOfAllocation(walletname, configFile, allocationID string) (string, error) {
-	err := InitSDK(walletname, configFile)
+// GetBlobberIDNotPartOfAllocation returns a blobber not part of current allocation
+func GetBlobberIDNotPartOfAllocation(walletname, configFile, allocationID string) (string, error) {
+	blobber, err := getBlobberNotPartOfAllocation(walletname, configFile, allocationID)
 	if err != nil {
 		return "", err
+	return string(blobber.ID), err
+func getBlobberNotPartOfAllocation(walletname, configFile, allocationID string) (*sdk.Blobber, error) {
+	err := InitSDK(walletname, configFile)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
 	a, err := sdk.GetAllocation(allocationID)
 	if err != nil {
-		return "", err
+		return nil, err
 	blobbers, err := sdk.GetBlobbers(true, false)
 	if err != nil {
-		return "", err
+		return nil, err
 	allocationBlobsMap := map[string]bool{}
@@ -74,11 +83,20 @@ func GetBlobberNotPartOfAllocation(walletname, configFile, allocationID string)
 	for _, blobber := range blobbers {
 		if _, ok := allocationBlobsMap[string(blobber.ID)]; !ok {
-			return string(blobber.ID), nil
+			return blobber, nil
-	return "", fmt.Errorf("failed to get blobber not part of allocation")
+	return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to get blobber not part of allocation")
+// GetBlobberIdAndUrlNotPartOfAllocation returns a blobber not part of current allocation
+func GetBlobberIdAndUrlNotPartOfAllocation(walletName, configFile, allocationID string) (blobberId, blobberUrl string, err error) {
+	blobber, err := getBlobberNotPartOfAllocation(walletName, configFile, allocationID)
+	if err != nil || blobber == nil {
+		return "", "", err
+	}
+	return string(blobber.ID), blobber.BaseURL, err
 func generateRandomIndex(sliceLen int64) (*big.Int, error) {
diff --git a/tests/cli_tests/zboxcli_repair_test.go b/tests/cli_tests/zboxcli_repair_test.go
index 9fa1123324..37cd32b417 100644
--- a/tests/cli_tests/zboxcli_repair_test.go
+++ b/tests/cli_tests/zboxcli_repair_test.go
@@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ import (
 func TestRepairSize(testSetup *testing.T) {
 	t := test.NewSystemTest(testSetup)
-	t.RunSequentiallyWithTimeout("repair size should work", 5 * time.Minute, func(t *test.SystemTest) {
+	t.RunSequentiallyWithTimeout("repair size should work", 5*time.Minute, func(t *test.SystemTest) {
 		allocSize := int64(1 * MB)
 		fileSize := int64(512 * KB)
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ func TestRepairSize(testSetup *testing.T) {
 		require.Nilf(t, err, "error unmarshal repair size: %v", err)
 		require.Equal(t, uint64(0), rs.UploadSize, "upload size should be zero")
 		require.Equal(t, uint64(0), rs.DownloadSize, "download size should be zero")
 		// optional repairpath
 		output, err = getRepairSize(t, configPath, map[string]interface{}{
 			"allocation": allocationID,
@@ -67,7 +67,6 @@ func TestRepairSize(testSetup *testing.T) {
 		require.Equal(t, uint64(0), rs2.UploadSize, "upload size should be zero")
 		require.Equal(t, uint64(0), rs2.DownloadSize, "download size should be zero")
 func getRepairSize(t *test.SystemTest, cliConfigFilename string, param map[string]interface{}, retry bool) ([]string, error) {
@@ -90,4 +89,4 @@ func getRepairSizeForWallet(t *test.SystemTest, wallet, cliConfigFilename string
 	} else {
 		return cliutils.RunCommandWithoutRetry(cmd)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/cli_tests/zboxcli_restricted_blobber_test.go b/tests/cli_tests/zboxcli_restricted_blobber_test.go
index 0941779c90..c9b04a8f65 100644
--- a/tests/cli_tests/zboxcli_restricted_blobber_test.go
+++ b/tests/cli_tests/zboxcli_restricted_blobber_test.go
@@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ func TestRestrictedBlobbers(testSetup *testing.T) {
 		wd, _ := os.Getwd()
 		walletFile := filepath.Join(wd, "config", escapedTestName(t)+"_wallet.json")
 		configFile := filepath.Join(wd, "config", configPath)
-		blobberID, err := GetBlobberNotPartOfAllocation(walletFile, configFile, allocationID)
+		blobberID, err := GetBlobberIDNotPartOfAllocation(walletFile, configFile, allocationID)
 		require.Nil(t, err)
 		setupWallet(t, configPath)
@@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ func TestRestrictedBlobbers(testSetup *testing.T) {
 		walletFile := filepath.Join(wd, "config", escapedTestName(t)+"_wallet.json")
 		configFile := filepath.Join(wd, "config", configPath)
-		blobberID, err := GetBlobberNotPartOfAllocation(walletFile, configFile, allocationID)
+		blobberID, err := GetBlobberIDNotPartOfAllocation(walletFile, configFile, allocationID)
 		require.Nil(t, err)
 		removeBlobber, err := GetRandomBlobber(walletFile, configFile, allocationID, blobberID)
 		require.Nil(t, err)
diff --git a/tests/cli_tests/zboxcli_update_allocation_test.go b/tests/cli_tests/zboxcli_update_allocation_test.go
index 4b70ca551c..47b882816f 100644
--- a/tests/cli_tests/zboxcli_update_allocation_test.go
+++ b/tests/cli_tests/zboxcli_update_allocation_test.go
@@ -700,7 +700,7 @@ func TestUpdateAllocation(testSetup *testing.T) {
 		wd, _ := os.Getwd()
 		walletFile := filepath.Join(wd, "config", escapedTestName(t)+"_wallet.json")
 		configFile := filepath.Join(wd, "config", configPath)
-		blobberID, err := GetBlobberNotPartOfAllocation(walletFile, configFile, allocationID)
+		blobberID, err := GetBlobberIDNotPartOfAllocation(walletFile, configFile, allocationID)
 		require.Nil(t, err)
 		params := createParams(map[string]interface{}{
@@ -746,7 +746,7 @@ func TestUpdateAllocation(testSetup *testing.T) {
 		walletFile := filepath.Join(wd, "config", escapedTestName(t)+"_wallet.json")
 		configFile := filepath.Join(wd, "config", configPath)
-		addBlobber, err := GetBlobberNotPartOfAllocation(walletFile, configFile, allocationID)
+		addBlobber, err := GetBlobberIDNotPartOfAllocation(walletFile, configFile, allocationID)
 		require.Nil(t, err)
 		removeBlobber, err := GetRandomBlobber(walletFile, configFile, allocationID, addBlobber)
 		require.Nil(t, err)
diff --git a/tests/tokenomics_tests/config/config.yaml b/tests/tokenomics_tests/config/config.yaml
index 6607aaa42c..0df3e82b3f 100644
--- a/tests/tokenomics_tests/config/config.yaml
+++ b/tests/tokenomics_tests/config/config.yaml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-block_worker: https://test.zus.network/dns
+block_worker: https://dev.zus.network/dns
 confirmation_chain_length: 3
 ethereum_node_url: "https://rpc.tenderly.co/fork/05077a9d-3973-4409-a3bf-eee719ca2806"
 min_confirmation: 50
diff --git a/tests/tokenomics_tests/config/tokenomics_tests_config.yaml b/tests/tokenomics_tests/config/tokenomics_tests_config.yaml
index 2d32d20d66..66f36bec98 100644
--- a/tests/tokenomics_tests/config/tokenomics_tests_config.yaml
+++ b/tests/tokenomics_tests/config/tokenomics_tests_config.yaml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-block_worker: https://dev.0chain.net
-0box_url: https://0box.dev.0chain.net
-zs3_server_url: https://dev.0chain.net/zs3server/
+block_worker: https://dev.zus.network/dns
+0box_url: https://0box.dev.zus.network/dns
+zs3_server_url: https://dev.zus.network/zs3server/
 ethereum_node_url: "https://rpc.tenderly.co/fork/e753f650-9968-4f58-af77-5f02ace53cdc"
 confirmation_chain_length: 3
 min_confirmation: 50
diff --git a/tests/tokenomics_tests/config/wallets/zbox_team_wallet.json b/tests/tokenomics_tests/config/wallets/zbox_team_wallet.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e17142369b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/tokenomics_tests/config/wallets/zbox_team_wallet.json
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+{"client_id":"65b32a635cffb6b6f3c73f09da617c29569a5f690662b5be57ed0d994f234335","client_key":"381fb2e8298680fc9c71e664821394adaa5db4537456aaa257ef4388ba8c090e476c89fbcd2c8a1b0871ba36b7001f778d178c8dfff1504fbafb43f7ee3b3c92","keys":[{"public_key":"381fb2e8298680fc9c71e664821394adaa5db4537456aaa257ef4388ba8c090e476c89fbcd2c8a1b0871ba36b7001f778d178c8dfff1504fbafb43f7ee3b3c92","private_key":"85e2119f494cd40ca524f6342e8bdb7bef2af03fe9a08c8d9c1d9f14d6c64f14"}],"mnemonics":"immense express entire board prize loop mushroom wild sunset stuff mixture analyst video that trouble soccer elder fall portion arrow eagle leaf enforce mesh","version":"1.0","date_created":"2023-05-01T18:40:02Z","nonce":0}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/tokenomics_tests/enterprise_blobber_cancel_allocation_test.go b/tests/tokenomics_tests/enterprise_blobber_cancel_allocation_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0d9738e02f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/tokenomics_tests/enterprise_blobber_cancel_allocation_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,378 @@
+package tokenomics_tests
+import (
+	"fmt"
+	"os"
+	"path/filepath"
+	"regexp"
+	"strings"
+	"testing"
+	"time"
+	"github.com/0chain/system_test/tests/cli_tests"
+	"github.com/0chain/system_test/internal/api/util/test"
+	cliutils "github.com/0chain/system_test/internal/cli/util"
+	"github.com/0chain/system_test/tests/tokenomics_tests/utils"
+	"github.com/stretchr/testify/require"
+var (
+	cancelAllocationRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`^Allocation canceled with txId : [a-f0-9]{64}$`)
+func TestCancelEnterpriseAllocation(testSetup *testing.T) {
+	t := test.NewSystemTest(testSetup)
+	t.Parallel()
+	t.TestSetup("set storage config to use time_unit as 10 minutes", func() {
+		output, err := utils.UpdateStorageSCConfig(t, scOwnerWallet, map[string]string{
+			"time_unit": "10m",
+		}, true)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Error updating sc config", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+	})
+	t.Cleanup(func() {
+		output, err := utils.UpdateStorageSCConfig(t, scOwnerWallet, map[string]string{
+			"time_unit": "1h",
+		}, true)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Error updating sc config", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+	})
+	t.RunWithTimeout("Cancel allocation after waiting for 7 minutes check refund amount.", time.Minute*15, func(t *test.SystemTest) {
+		utils.SetupWalletWithCustomTokens(t, configPath, 10)
+		wallet, err := utils.GetWalletForName(t, configPath, utils.EscapedTestName(t))
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Error fetching wallet")
+		require.Equal(t, wallet.ClientID, wallet.ClientID, "Error getting wallet with name %v")
+		beforeBalance := utils.GetBalanceFromSharders(t, wallet.ClientID)
+		// Create allocation
+		amountTotalLockedToAlloc := int64(5e10)
+		blobberAuthTickets, blobberIds := utils.GenerateBlobberAuthTickets(t, configPath)
+		params := map[string]interface{}{"size": 1 * GB, "lock": amountTotalLockedToAlloc / 1e10, "enterprise": true, "blobber_auth_tickets": blobberAuthTickets, "preferred_blobbers": blobberIds}
+		allocOutput, err := utils.CreateNewEnterpriseAllocation(t, configPath, createParams(params))
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Error creating allocation")
+		allocationID, err := utils.GetAllocationID(strings.Join(allocOutput, "\n"))
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Error fetching allocation id %v", strings.Join(allocOutput, "\n"))
+		beforeAlloc := utils.GetAllocation(t, allocationID)
+		afterBalance := utils.GetBalanceFromSharders(t, wallet.ClientID)
+		require.Equal(t, beforeBalance-amountTotalLockedToAlloc-1e8, afterBalance, "Balance should be locked to allocation") // 1e8 is transaction fee
+		beforeBalance = afterBalance
+		t.Log("Waiting for 7 minutes ....")
+		waitForTimeInMinutesWhileLogging(t, 7)
+		// Cancel the allocation
+		output, err := cancelAllocation(t, configPath, allocationID, true)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Cancel allocation failed", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		// Validate that the allocation is canceled and check refund
+		utils.AssertOutputMatchesAllocationRegex(t, cancelAllocationRegex, output[0])
+		afterAlloc := utils.GetAllocation(t, allocationID)
+		require.True(t, afterAlloc.Finalized, "Allocation should be expired")
+		require.Equal(t, int64(0), afterAlloc.WritePool, "Write pool balance should be 0")
+		afterBalance = utils.GetBalanceFromSharders(t, wallet.ClientID)
+		// Calculate expected refund
+		timeUnitInSeconds := int64(600) // 10 minutes
+		durationOfUsedInSeconds := afterAlloc.ExpirationDate - beforeAlloc.StartTime
+		realCostOfAlloc := costOfAlloc(&beforeAlloc)
+		expectedPaymentToBlobbers := realCostOfAlloc * durationOfUsedInSeconds / timeUnitInSeconds
+		expectedRefund := amountTotalLockedToAlloc - expectedPaymentToBlobbers
+		t.Logf("Time unit in seconds: %v", timeUnitInSeconds)
+		t.Logf("Duration of used in seconds: %v", durationOfUsedInSeconds)
+		t.Logf("Real cost of allocation: %v", realCostOfAlloc)
+		t.Logf("Expected payment to blobbers: %v", expectedPaymentToBlobbers)
+		t.Logf("Expected refund: %v", expectedRefund)
+		t.Logf("Before balance: %v", beforeBalance)
+		t.Logf("After balance: %v", afterBalance)
+		require.InEpsilon(t, beforeBalance+expectedRefund-1e8, afterBalance, 0.01, "Refund should be credited to client balance after cancel allocation") // 1e8 is transaction fee
+		rewardQuery := fmt.Sprintf("allocation_id='%s' AND reward_type=%d", allocationID, EnterpriseBlobberReward)
+		enterpriseReward, err := getQueryRewards(t, rewardQuery)
+		require.Nil(t, err)
+		require.InEpsilon(t, expectedPaymentToBlobbers, enterpriseReward.TotalReward, 0.01, "Enterprise blobber reward doesn't match")
+	})
+	t.RunWithTimeout("Cancel allocation after updating duration check refund amount.", time.Minute*15, func(t *test.SystemTest) {
+		// Setup, wallet creation, and initial balance retrieval
+		utils.SetupWalletWithCustomTokens(t, configPath, 10)
+		wallet, err := utils.GetWalletForName(t, configPath, utils.EscapedTestName(t))
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Error getting wallet")
+		beforeBalance := utils.GetBalanceFromSharders(t, wallet.ClientID)
+		// Create allocation
+		amountTotalLockedToAlloc := int64(5e10)
+		blobberAuthTickets, blobberIds := utils.GenerateBlobberAuthTickets(t, configPath)
+		params := map[string]interface{}{"size": 1 * GB, "lock": amountTotalLockedToAlloc / 1e10, "enterprise": true, "blobber_auth_tickets": blobberAuthTickets, "preferred_blobbers": blobberIds}
+		allocOutput, err := utils.CreateNewEnterpriseAllocation(t, configPath, createParams(params))
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Error creating allocation")
+		allocationID, err := utils.GetAllocationID(strings.Join(allocOutput, "\n"))
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Error fetching allocation id")
+		beforeAlloc := utils.GetAllocation(t, allocationID)
+		afterBalance := utils.GetBalanceFromSharders(t, wallet.ClientID)
+		require.Equal(t, beforeBalance-amountTotalLockedToAlloc-1e8, afterBalance, "Balance should be locked to allocation")
+		beforeBalance = afterBalance
+		// Update the allocation duration
+		updateAllocationParams := createParams(map[string]interface{}{
+			"allocation": allocationID,
+			"extend":     true,
+		})
+		output, err := utils.UpdateAllocation(t, configPath, updateAllocationParams, true)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Updating allocation duration failed", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		// Cancel the allocation
+		output, err = cancelAllocation(t, configPath, allocationID, true)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Cancel allocation failed", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		// Validate and check refund
+		afterAlloc := utils.GetAllocation(t, allocationID)
+		require.True(t, afterAlloc.Finalized, "Allocation should be expired")
+		require.Equal(t, int64(0), afterAlloc.WritePool, "Write pool balance should be 0")
+		afterBalance = utils.GetBalanceFromSharders(t, wallet.ClientID)
+		// Calculate expected refund
+		timeUnitInSeconds := int64(time.Minute * 10)
+		durationOfUsedInSeconds := afterAlloc.ExpirationDate - beforeAlloc.StartTime
+		realCostOfAlloc := costOfAlloc(&beforeAlloc)
+		expectedPaymentToBlobbers := realCostOfAlloc * durationOfUsedInSeconds / timeUnitInSeconds
+		expectedRefund := amountTotalLockedToAlloc - expectedPaymentToBlobbers
+		t.Logf("Expected refund: %v", expectedRefund)
+		require.InEpsilon(t, beforeBalance+expectedRefund-1e8, afterBalance, 0.01, "Refund should be credited to client balance after cancel allocation")
+	})
+	t.RunWithTimeout("Cancel allocation after adding blobber check refund amount.", time.Minute*15, func(t *test.SystemTest) {
+		// Setup, wallet creation, and initial balance retrieval
+		utils.SetupWalletWithCustomTokens(t, configPath, 10)
+		wallet, err := utils.GetWalletForName(t, configPath, utils.EscapedTestName(t))
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Error getting wallet")
+		beforeBalance := utils.GetBalanceFromSharders(t, wallet.ClientID)
+		// Create allocation
+		amountTotalLockedToAlloc := int64(5e10)
+		blobberAuthTickets, blobberIds := utils.GenerateBlobberAuthTickets(t, configPath)
+		params := map[string]interface{}{"size": 1 * GB, "lock": amountTotalLockedToAlloc / 1e10, "enterprise": true, "blobber_auth_tickets": blobberAuthTickets, "preferred_blobbers": blobberIds}
+		allocOutput, err := utils.CreateNewEnterpriseAllocation(t, configPath, createParams(params))
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Error creating allocation")
+		allocationID, err := utils.GetAllocationID(strings.Join(allocOutput, "\n"))
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Error fetching allocation id")
+		beforeAlloc := utils.GetAllocation(t, allocationID)
+		afterBalance := utils.GetBalanceFromSharders(t, wallet.ClientID)
+		require.Equal(t, beforeBalance-amountTotalLockedToAlloc-1e8, afterBalance, "Balance should be locked to allocation")
+		beforeBalance = afterBalance
+		// Add a blobber
+		wd, _ := os.Getwd()
+		walletFile := filepath.Join(wd, "config", utils.EscapedTestName(t)+"_wallet.json")
+		configFile := filepath.Join(wd, "config", configPath)
+		newBlobberID, newBlobberUrl, err := cli_tests.GetBlobberIdAndUrlNotPartOfAllocation(walletFile, configFile, allocationID)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Unable to get blobber not part of allocation")
+		blobberAuthTicket, err := utils.GetBlobberAuthTicketWithId(t, configPath, newBlobberID, newBlobberUrl)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Unable to generate auth ticket for adding blobber")
+		updateAllocationParams := createParams(map[string]interface{}{
+			"allocation":              allocationID,
+			"add_blobber":             newBlobberID,
+			"add_blobber_auth_ticket": blobberAuthTicket,
+		})
+		output, err := utils.UpdateAllocation(t, configPath, updateAllocationParams, true)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Adding blobber failed", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		// Cancel the allocation
+		output, err = cancelAllocation(t, configPath, allocationID, true)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Cancel allocation failed", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		// Validate and check refund
+		afterAlloc := utils.GetAllocation(t, allocationID)
+		require.True(t, afterAlloc.Finalized, "Allocation should be expired")
+		require.Equal(t, int64(0), afterAlloc.WritePool, "Write pool balance should be 0")
+		afterBalance = utils.GetBalanceFromSharders(t, wallet.ClientID)
+		// Calculate expected refund
+		timeUnitInSeconds := int64(time.Minute * 10)
+		durationOfUsedInSeconds := afterAlloc.ExpirationDate - beforeAlloc.StartTime
+		realCostOfAlloc := costOfAlloc(&beforeAlloc)
+		expectedPaymentToBlobbers := realCostOfAlloc * durationOfUsedInSeconds / timeUnitInSeconds
+		expectedRefund := amountTotalLockedToAlloc - expectedPaymentToBlobbers
+		t.Logf("Expected refund: %v", expectedRefund)
+		require.InEpsilon(t, beforeBalance+expectedRefund-1e8, afterBalance, 0.01, "Refund should be credited to client balance after cancel allocation")
+	})
+	t.RunWithTimeout("Cancel allocation after adding a blobber with 2x amount check refund amount", time.Minute*15, func(t *test.SystemTest) {
+		utils.SetupWalletWithCustomTokens(t, configPath, 10)
+		wallet, err := utils.GetWalletForName(t, configPath, utils.EscapedTestName(t))
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Error getting wallet")
+		beforeBalance := utils.GetBalanceFromSharders(t, wallet.ClientID)
+		// Create allocation
+		amountTotalLockedToAlloc := int64(5e10)
+		blobberAuthTickets, blobberIds := utils.GenerateBlobberAuthTickets(t, configPath)
+		params := map[string]interface{}{"size": 1 * GB, "lock": amountTotalLockedToAlloc / 1e10, "enterprise": true, "blobber_auth_tickets": blobberAuthTickets, "preferred_blobbers": blobberIds}
+		allocOutput, err := utils.CreateNewEnterpriseAllocation(t, configPath, createParams(params))
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Error creating allocation")
+		allocationID, err := utils.GetAllocationID(strings.Join(allocOutput, "\n"))
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Error fetching allocation id")
+		beforeAlloc := utils.GetAllocation(t, allocationID)
+		afterBalance := utils.GetBalanceFromSharders(t, wallet.ClientID)
+		require.Equal(t, beforeBalance-amountTotalLockedToAlloc-1e8, afterBalance, "Balance should be locked to allocation")
+		beforeBalance = afterBalance
+		// Replace a blobber with 2x price
+		wd, _ := os.Getwd()
+		walletFile := filepath.Join(wd, "config", utils.EscapedTestName(t)+"_wallet.json")
+		configFile := filepath.Join(wd, "config", configPath)
+		addBlobberID, addBlobberUrl, err := cli_tests.GetBlobberIdAndUrlNotPartOfAllocation(walletFile, configFile, allocationID)
+		require.Nil(t, err)
+		removeBlobber, err := cli_tests.GetRandomBlobber(walletFile, configFile, allocationID, addBlobberID)
+		require.Nil(t, err)
+		blobberAuthTicket, err := utils.GetBlobberAuthTicketWithId(t, configPath, addBlobberID, addBlobberUrl)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Unable to generate auth ticket for replace blobber")
+		updateAllocationParams := createParams(map[string]interface{}{
+			"allocation":              allocationID,
+			"remove_blobber":          removeBlobber,
+			"add_blobber":             addBlobberID,
+			"add_blobber_auth_ticket": blobberAuthTicket,
+		})
+		output, err := utils.UpdateAllocation(t, configPath, updateAllocationParams, true)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Replacing blobber failed", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		// Cancel the allocation
+		output, err = cancelAllocation(t, configPath, allocationID, true)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Cancel allocation failed", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		// Validate and check refund
+		afterAlloc := utils.GetAllocation(t, allocationID)
+		require.True(t, afterAlloc.Finalized, "Allocation should be expired")
+		require.Equal(t, int64(0), afterAlloc.WritePool, "Write pool balance should be 0")
+		afterBalance = utils.GetBalanceFromSharders(t, wallet.ClientID)
+		// Calculate expected refund
+		timeUnitInSeconds := int64(time.Minute * 10)
+		durationOfUsedInSeconds := afterAlloc.ExpirationDate - beforeAlloc.StartTime
+		realCostOfAlloc := costOfAlloc(&beforeAlloc)
+		expectedPaymentToBlobbers := realCostOfAlloc * durationOfUsedInSeconds / timeUnitInSeconds
+		expectedRefund := amountTotalLockedToAlloc - expectedPaymentToBlobbers
+		t.Logf("Expected refund: %v", expectedRefund)
+		require.InEpsilon(t, beforeBalance+expectedRefund-1e8, afterBalance, 0.01, "Refund should be credited to client balance after cancel allocation")
+	})
+	t.Run("Cancel allocation immediately should work", func(t *test.SystemTest) {
+		// Setup, wallet creation, and initial balance retrieval
+		utils.SetupWalletWithCustomTokens(t, configPath, 10)
+		wallet, err := utils.GetWalletForName(t, configPath, utils.EscapedTestName(t))
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Error getting wallet")
+		beforeBalance := utils.GetBalanceFromSharders(t, wallet.ClientID)
+		// Create allocation
+		amountTotalLockedToAlloc := int64(5e10)
+		blobberAuthTickets, blobberIds := utils.GenerateBlobberAuthTickets(t, configPath)
+		params := map[string]interface{}{"size": 1 * GB, "lock": amountTotalLockedToAlloc / 1e10, "enterprise": true, "blobber_auth_tickets": blobberAuthTickets, "preferred_blobbers": blobberIds}
+		allocOutput, err := utils.CreateNewEnterpriseAllocation(t, configPath, createParams(params))
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Error creating allocation")
+		allocationID, err := utils.GetAllocationID(strings.Join(allocOutput, "\n"))
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Error fetching allocation id")
+		beforeAlloc := utils.GetAllocation(t, allocationID)
+		afterBalance := utils.GetBalanceFromSharders(t, wallet.ClientID)
+		require.Equal(t, beforeBalance-amountTotalLockedToAlloc-1e8, afterBalance, "Balance should be locked to allocation")
+		beforeBalance = afterBalance
+		// Cancel the allocation immediately
+		output, err := cancelAllocation(t, configPath, allocationID, true)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Cancel allocation failed", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		// Validate and check refund
+		afterAlloc := utils.GetAllocation(t, allocationID)
+		require.True(t, afterAlloc.Finalized, "Allocation should be expired")
+		require.Equal(t, int64(0), afterAlloc.WritePool, "Write pool balance should be 0")
+		afterBalance = utils.GetBalanceFromSharders(t, wallet.ClientID)
+		// Calculate expected refund
+		timeUnitInSeconds := int64(time.Minute * 10)
+		durationOfUsedInSeconds := afterAlloc.ExpirationDate - beforeAlloc.StartTime
+		realCostOfAlloc := costOfAlloc(&beforeAlloc)
+		expectedPaymentToBlobbers := realCostOfAlloc * durationOfUsedInSeconds / timeUnitInSeconds
+		expectedRefund := amountTotalLockedToAlloc - expectedPaymentToBlobbers
+		t.Logf("Expected refund: %v", expectedRefund)
+		require.InEpsilon(t, beforeBalance+expectedRefund-1e8, afterBalance, 0.01, "Refund should be credited to client balance after cancel allocation")
+	})
+	t.Run("Cancel Other's Allocation Should Fail", func(t *test.SystemTest) {
+		output, err := utils.CreateWalletForName(t, configPath, utils.EscapedTestName(t)+"_other")
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Unable to create the wallet", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		otherAllocationID := utils.SetupEnterpriseAllocationWithWallet(t, utils.EscapedTestName(t)+"_other", configPath)
+		output, err = utils.ExecuteFaucetWithTokensForWallet(t, utils.EscapedTestName(t)+"_other_wallet.json", configPath, 1000)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Error executing faucet", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		output, err = utils.CreateWallet(t, configPath)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Error creating wallet", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		output, err = utils.ExecuteFaucetWithTokens(t, configPath, 1000)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Error executing faucet", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		// otherAllocationID should not be cancelable from this level
+		output, err = cancelAllocation(t, configPath, otherAllocationID, false)
+		require.Error(t, err, "expected error canceling allocation", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		require.True(t, len(output) > 0, "expected output length be at least 1", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		require.Equal(t, "Error canceling allocation:alloc_cancel_failed: only owner can cancel an allocation", output[len(output)-1])
+	})
+	t.Run("Cancel Non-existent Allocation Should Fail", func(t *test.SystemTest) {
+		_, err := utils.CreateWallet(t, configPath)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Error craeting wallet")
+		allocationID := "123abc"
+		output, err := cancelAllocation(t, configPath, allocationID, false)
+		require.Error(t, err, "expected error updating allocation", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		require.Equal(t, "Error canceling allocation:alloc_cancel_failed: value not present", output[0])
+	})
+func cancelAllocation(t *test.SystemTest, cliConfigFilename, allocationID string, retry bool) ([]string, error) {
+	t.Logf("Canceling allocation...")
+	cmd := fmt.Sprintf(
+		"./zbox alloc-cancel --allocation %s --silent "+
+			"--wallet %s --configDir ./config --config %s",
+		allocationID,
+		utils.EscapedTestName(t)+"_wallet.json",
+		cliConfigFilename,
+	)
+	if retry {
+		return cliutils.RunCommand(t, cmd, 3, time.Second*2)
+	} else {
+		return cliutils.RunCommandWithoutRetry(cmd)
+	}
+func waitForTimeInMinutesWhileLogging(t *test.SystemTest, minutes int) {
+	for i := 0; i < minutes; i++ {
+		t.Log(fmt.Sprintf("Waiting for %d minutes...", minutes-i))
+		time.Sleep(time.Minute)
+	}
diff --git a/tests/tokenomics_tests/enterprise_blobber_create_allocation_test.go b/tests/tokenomics_tests/enterprise_blobber_create_allocation_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..546438dfdf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/tokenomics_tests/enterprise_blobber_create_allocation_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,682 @@
+package tokenomics_tests
+import (
+	"fmt"
+	"regexp"
+	"strings"
+	"testing"
+	"time"
+	"github.com/0chain/system_test/tests/tokenomics_tests/utils"
+	"github.com/0chain/system_test/internal/api/util/test"
+	climodel "github.com/0chain/system_test/internal/cli/model"
+	cliutils "github.com/0chain/system_test/internal/cli/util"
+	"github.com/stretchr/testify/require"
+func TestCreateEnterpriseAllocation(testSetup *testing.T) {
+	t := test.NewSystemTest(testSetup)
+	t.Run("Create enterprise allocation with blobber auth tickets should pass", func(t *test.SystemTest) {
+		output, err := utils.CreateWallet(t, configPath)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Error registering wallet", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		_, err = utils.ExecuteFaucetWithTokens(t, configPath, 10)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Error executing faucet")
+		blobberAuthTickets, blobberIds := utils.GenerateBlobberAuthTickets(t, configPath)
+		// Create enterprise allocation with blobber auth tickets
+		options := map[string]interface{}{
+			"size":                 "1024",
+			"lock":                 "0.5",
+			"enterprise":           true,
+			"blobber_auth_tickets": blobberAuthTickets,
+			"preferred_blobbers":   blobberIds,
+		}
+		output, err = utils.CreateNewEnterpriseAllocation(t, configPath, utils.CreateParams(options))
+		require.Nil(t, err, strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		require.True(t, len(output) > 0, "expected output length be at least 1")
+		require.Regexp(t, regexp.MustCompile("^Allocation created: [0-9a-fA-F]{64}$"), output[0], strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		allocationID, err := utils.GetAllocationID(output[0])
+		require.Nil(t, err, "could not get allocation ID", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		createEnterpriseAllocationTestTeardown(t, allocationID)
+	})
+	t.Run("Create enterprise allocation for locking cost equal to the cost calculated should work", func(t *test.SystemTest) {
+		_, _ = utils.CreateWallet(t, configPath)
+		blobberAuthTickets, blobbersIds := utils.GenerateBlobberAuthTickets(t, configPath)
+		options := map[string]interface{}{
+			"cost":                 "",
+			"size":                 "10000",
+			"read_price":           "0-1",
+			"write_price":          "0-1",
+			"enterprise":           true,
+			"blobber_auth_tickets": blobberAuthTickets,
+			"preferred_blobbers":   blobbersIds,
+		}
+		output, err := createNewEnterpriseAllocation(t, configPath, utils.CreateParams(options))
+		require.Nil(t, err, strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		require.Len(t, output, 1)
+		allocationCost, err := getAllocationCost(output[0])
+		require.Nil(t, err, "could not get allocation cost", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		options = map[string]interface{}{
+			"lock":                 allocationCost,
+			"size":                 "10000",
+			"read_price":           "0-1",
+			"write_price":          "0-1",
+			"enterprise":           true,
+			"blobber_auth_tickets": blobberAuthTickets,
+			"preferred_blobbers":   blobbersIds,
+		}
+		output, err = createNewEnterpriseAllocation(t, configPath, utils.CreateParams(options))
+		require.Nil(t, err, strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		require.True(t, len(output) > 0, "expected output length be at least 1")
+		require.Regexp(t, regexp.MustCompile("^Allocation created: [0-9a-fA-F]{64}$"), output[0], strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		allocationID, err := utils.GetAllocationID(output[0])
+		require.Nil(t, err, "could not get allocation ID", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		createEnterpriseAllocationTestTeardown(t, allocationID)
+	})
+	t.Run("Create enterprise allocation with smallest possible size (1024) Should Work", func(t *test.SystemTest) {
+		output, err := utils.CreateWallet(t, configPath)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Error registering wallet", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		_, err = utils.ExecuteFaucetWithTokens(t, configPath, 10)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Error executing faucet")
+		blobberAuthTickets, blobberIds := utils.GenerateBlobberAuthTickets(t, configPath)
+		options := map[string]interface{}{
+			"size":                 "1024",
+			"lock":                 "0.5",
+			"enterprise":           true,
+			"blobber_auth_tickets": blobberAuthTickets,
+			"preferred_blobbers":   blobberIds,
+		}
+		output, err = createNewEnterpriseAllocation(t, configPath, utils.CreateParams(options))
+		require.Nil(t, err, strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		require.True(t, len(output) > 0, "expected output length be at least 1")
+		require.Regexp(t, regexp.MustCompile("^Allocation created: [0-9a-fA-F]{64}$"), output[0], strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		allocationID, err := utils.GetAllocationID(output[0])
+		require.Nil(t, err, "could not get allocation ID", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		createEnterpriseAllocationTestTeardown(t, allocationID)
+	})
+	t.Run("Create enterprise allocation for another owner should Work", func(t *test.SystemTest) {
+		output, err := utils.CreateWallet(t, configPath)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Error registering wallet", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		output, err = utils.CreateWalletForName(t, configPath, utils.EscapedTestName(t)+"_other")
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Error creating other wallet", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		_, err = utils.ExecuteFaucetWithTokens(t, configPath, 10)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Error executing facuet")
+		targetWalletName := utils.EscapedTestName(t)
+		targetWallet, err := utils.GetWalletForName(t, configPath, targetWalletName)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "could not get target wallet")
+		_, err = utils.ExecuteFaucetWithTokensForWallet(t, utils.EscapedTestName(t)+"_other", configPath, 1000)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Error executing facuet")
+		_, err = utils.GetWalletForName(t, configPath, utils.EscapedTestName(t)+"_other")
+		require.Nil(t, err, "could not get other wallet")
+		blobberAuthTickets, blobberIds := utils.GenerateBlobberAuthTickets(t, configPath)
+		options := map[string]interface{}{
+			"lock":                 "0.5",
+			"owner":                targetWallet.ClientID,
+			"owner_public_key":     targetWallet.ClientPublicKey,
+			"enterprise":           true,
+			"blobber_auth_tickets": blobberAuthTickets,
+			"preferred_blobbers":   blobberIds,
+		}
+		output, err = createNewEnterpriseAllocation(t, configPath, utils.CreateParams(options))
+		require.Nil(t, err, strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		require.True(t, len(output) > 0, "expected output length be at least 1")
+		require.Regexp(t, regexp.MustCompile("^Allocation created: [0-9a-fA-F]{64}$"), output[0], strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		allocationID, err := utils.GetAllocationID(output[0])
+		require.Nil(t, err, "could not get allocation ID", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		file := utils.GenerateRandomTestFileName(t)
+		fileSize := int64(102400)
+		err = utils.CreateFileWithSize(file, fileSize)
+		require.Nil(t, err)
+		uploadParams := map[string]interface{}{
+			"allocation": allocationID,
+			"localpath":  file,
+			"remotepath": "/",
+			"encrypt":    "",
+		}
+		output, err = utils.UploadFile(t, configPath, uploadParams, true)
+		require.Nil(t, err, strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		output, err = utils.UploadFileForWallet(t, utils.EscapedTestName(t)+"_other", configPath, uploadParams, false)
+		require.NotNil(t, err, strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		require.Contains(t, strings.Join(output, ""), "Operation needs to be performed by the owner or the payer of the allocation")
+		createEnterpriseAllocationTestTeardown(t, allocationID)
+	})
+	t.Run("Create enterprise allocation with parity specified Should Work", func(t *test.SystemTest) {
+		output, err := utils.CreateWallet(t, configPath)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Error registering wallet", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		_, err = utils.ExecuteFaucetWithTokens(t, configPath, 10)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Error executing faucets")
+		blobberAuthTickets, blobberIds := utils.GenerateBlobberAuthTickets(t, configPath)
+		options := map[string]interface{}{
+			"size":                 "1024",
+			"parity":               "1",
+			"lock":                 "0.5",
+			"enterprise":           true,
+			"blobber_auth_tickets": blobberAuthTickets,
+			"preferred_blobbers":   blobberIds,
+		}
+		output, err = createNewEnterpriseAllocation(t, configPath, utils.CreateParams(options))
+		require.Nil(t, err, strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		require.True(t, len(output) > 0, "expected output length be at least 1")
+		require.Regexp(t, regexp.MustCompile("^Allocation created: [0-9a-fA-F]{64}$"), output[0], strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		allocationID, err := utils.GetAllocationID(output[0])
+		require.Nil(t, err, "could not get allocation ID", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		createEnterpriseAllocationTestTeardown(t, allocationID)
+	})
+	t.Run("Create enterprise allocation with data specified Should Work", func(t *test.SystemTest) {
+		output, err := utils.CreateWallet(t, configPath)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Error registering wallet", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		_, err = utils.ExecuteFaucetWithTokens(t, configPath, 10)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Error executing faucet")
+		blobberAuthTickets, blobberIds := utils.GenerateBlobberAuthTickets(t, configPath)
+		options := map[string]interface{}{
+			"size":                 "1024",
+			"data":                 "1",
+			"lock":                 "0.5",
+			"enterprise":           true,
+			"blobber_auth_tickets": blobberAuthTickets,
+			"preferred_blobbers":   blobberIds,
+		}
+		output, err = createNewEnterpriseAllocation(t, configPath, utils.CreateParams(options))
+		require.Nil(t, err, strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		require.True(t, len(output) > 0, "expected output length be at least 1")
+		require.Regexp(t, regexp.MustCompile("^Allocation created: [0-9a-fA-F]{64}$"), output[0], strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		allocationID, err := utils.GetAllocationID(output[0])
+		require.Nil(t, err, "could not get allocation ID", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		createEnterpriseAllocationTestTeardown(t, allocationID)
+	})
+	t.Run("Create enterprise allocation with read price range Should Work", func(t *test.SystemTest) {
+		output, err := utils.CreateWallet(t, configPath)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Error registering wallet", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		_, err = utils.ExecuteFaucetWithTokens(t, configPath, 10)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Error executing faucet")
+		blobberAuthTickets, blobberIds := utils.GenerateBlobberAuthTickets(t, configPath)
+		options := map[string]interface{}{
+			"size":                 "1024",
+			"read_price":           "0-9999",
+			"lock":                 "0.5",
+			"enterprise":           true,
+			"blobber_auth_tickets": blobberAuthTickets,
+			"preferred_blobbers":   blobberIds,
+		}
+		output, err = createNewEnterpriseAllocation(t, configPath, utils.CreateParams(options))
+		require.Nil(t, err, strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		require.True(t, len(output) > 0, "expected output length be at least 1")
+		require.Regexp(t, regexp.MustCompile("^Allocation created: [0-9a-fA-F]{64}$"), output[0], strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		allocationID, err := utils.GetAllocationID(output[0])
+		require.Nil(t, err, "could not get allocation ID", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		createEnterpriseAllocationTestTeardown(t, allocationID)
+	})
+	t.Run("Create enterprise allocation with write price range Should Work", func(t *test.SystemTest) {
+		output, err := utils.CreateWallet(t, configPath)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Error registering wallet", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		_, err = utils.ExecuteFaucetWithTokens(t, configPath, 10)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Error executing faucet")
+		blobberAuthTickets, blobberIds := utils.GenerateBlobberAuthTickets(t, configPath)
+		options := map[string]interface{}{
+			"size":                 "1024",
+			"write_price":          "0-9999",
+			"lock":                 "0.5",
+			"enterprise":           true,
+			"blobber_auth_tickets": blobberAuthTickets,
+			"preferred_blobbers":   blobberIds,
+		}
+		output, err = createNewEnterpriseAllocation(t, configPath, utils.CreateParams(options))
+		require.Nil(t, err, strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		require.True(t, len(output) > 0, "expected output length be at least 1")
+		require.Regexp(t, regexp.MustCompile("^Allocation created: [0-9a-fA-F]{64}$"), output[0], strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		allocationID, err := utils.GetAllocationID(output[0])
+		require.Nil(t, err, "could not get allocation ID", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		createEnterpriseAllocationTestTeardown(t, allocationID)
+	})
+	t.Run("Create enterprise allocation should have all file options permitted by default", func(t *test.SystemTest) {
+		output, err := utils.CreateWallet(t, configPath)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Error registering wallet", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		_, err = utils.ExecuteFaucetWithTokens(t, configPath, 10)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Error executing faucet")
+		blobberAuthTickets, blobberIds := utils.GenerateBlobberAuthTickets(t, configPath)
+		options := map[string]interface{}{"lock": "0.5", "size": 1024, "enterprise": true,
+			"blobber_auth_tickets": blobberAuthTickets,
+			"preferred_blobbers":   blobberIds}
+		output, err = createNewEnterpriseAllocationWithoutRetry(t, configPath, utils.CreateParams(options))
+		require.Nil(t, err, strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		require.True(t, len(output) > 0, "expected output length be at least 1")
+		require.Contains(t, output[0], "Allocation created", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		allocationID, err := utils.GetAllocationID(output[0])
+		require.Nil(t, err)
+		var alloc climodel.Allocation
+		alloc = utils.GetAllocation(t, allocationID)
+		require.Equal(t, uint16(63), alloc.FileOptions)
+		createEnterpriseAllocationTestTeardown(t, allocationID)
+	})
+	t.Run("Create enterprise allocation with some forbidden file options flags should pass and show in allocation", func(t *test.SystemTest) {
+		output, err := utils.CreateWallet(t, configPath)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Error registering wallet", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		_, err = utils.ExecuteFaucetWithTokens(t, configPath, 10)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Error executing faucet")
+		blobberAuthTickets, blobberIds := utils.GenerateBlobberAuthTickets(t, configPath)
+		options := map[string]interface{}{"lock": "0.5", "size": 1024, "forbid_upload": nil, "enterprise": true,
+			"blobber_auth_tickets": blobberAuthTickets,
+			"preferred_blobbers":   blobberIds}
+		output, err = createNewEnterpriseAllocationWithoutRetry(t, configPath, utils.CreateParams(options))
+		require.Nil(t, err, strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		require.True(t, len(output) > 0, "expected output length be at least 1")
+		require.Contains(t, output[0], "Allocation created", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		allocationID, err := utils.GetAllocationID(output[0])
+		require.Nil(t, err)
+		alloc := utils.GetAllocation(t, allocationID)
+		require.Equal(t, uint16(62), alloc.FileOptions)
+		createEnterpriseAllocationTestTeardown(t, allocationID)
+		blobberAuthTickets, blobberIds = utils.GenerateBlobberAuthTickets(t, configPath)
+		options = map[string]interface{}{"lock": "0.5", "size": 1024, "forbid_delete": nil, "enterprise": true,
+			"blobber_auth_tickets": blobberAuthTickets,
+			"preferred_blobbers":   blobberIds}
+		output, err = createNewEnterpriseAllocationWithoutRetry(t, configPath, utils.CreateParams(options))
+		require.Nil(t, err, strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		require.True(t, len(output) > 0, "expected output length be at least 1")
+		require.Contains(t, output[0], "Allocation created", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		allocationID, err = utils.GetAllocationID(output[0])
+		require.Nil(t, err)
+		alloc = utils.GetAllocation(t, allocationID)
+		require.Equal(t, uint16(61), alloc.FileOptions)
+		createEnterpriseAllocationTestTeardown(t, allocationID)
+		blobberAuthTickets, blobberIds = utils.GenerateBlobberAuthTickets(t, configPath)
+		options = map[string]interface{}{"lock": "0.5", "size": 1024, "forbid_update": nil, "enterprise": true,
+			"blobber_auth_tickets": blobberAuthTickets,
+			"preferred_blobbers":   blobberIds}
+		output, err = createNewEnterpriseAllocationWithoutRetry(t, configPath, utils.CreateParams(options))
+		require.Nil(t, err, strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		require.True(t, len(output) > 0, "expected output length be at least 1")
+		require.Contains(t, output[0], "Allocation created", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		allocationID, err = utils.GetAllocationID(output[0])
+		require.Nil(t, err)
+		alloc = utils.GetAllocation(t, allocationID)
+		require.Equal(t, uint16(59), alloc.FileOptions)
+		createEnterpriseAllocationTestTeardown(t, allocationID)
+		blobberAuthTickets, blobberIds = utils.GenerateBlobberAuthTickets(t, configPath)
+		options = map[string]interface{}{"lock": "0.5", "size": 1024, "forbid_move": nil, "enterprise": true,
+			"blobber_auth_tickets": blobberAuthTickets,
+			"preferred_blobbers":   blobberIds}
+		output, err = createNewEnterpriseAllocationWithoutRetry(t, configPath, utils.CreateParams(options))
+		require.Nil(t, err, strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		require.True(t, len(output) > 0, "expected output length be at least 1")
+		require.Contains(t, output[0], "Allocation created", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		allocationID, err = utils.GetAllocationID(output[0])
+		require.Nil(t, err)
+		alloc = utils.GetAllocation(t, allocationID)
+		require.Equal(t, uint16(55), alloc.FileOptions)
+		createEnterpriseAllocationTestTeardown(t, allocationID)
+		blobberAuthTickets, blobberIds = utils.GenerateBlobberAuthTickets(t, configPath)
+		options = map[string]interface{}{"lock": "0.5", "size": 1024, "forbid_copy": nil, "enterprise": true,
+			"blobber_auth_tickets": blobberAuthTickets,
+			"preferred_blobbers":   blobberIds}
+		output, err = createNewEnterpriseAllocationWithoutRetry(t, configPath, utils.CreateParams(options))
+		require.Nil(t, err, strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		require.True(t, len(output) > 0, "expected output length be at least 1")
+		require.Contains(t, output[0], "Allocation created", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		allocationID, err = utils.GetAllocationID(output[0])
+		require.Nil(t, err)
+		alloc = utils.GetAllocation(t, allocationID)
+		require.Equal(t, uint16(47), alloc.FileOptions)
+		createEnterpriseAllocationTestTeardown(t, allocationID)
+		blobberAuthTickets, blobberIds = utils.GenerateBlobberAuthTickets(t, configPath)
+		options = map[string]interface{}{"lock": "0.5", "size": 1024, "forbid_rename": nil, "enterprise": true,
+			"blobber_auth_tickets": blobberAuthTickets,
+			"preferred_blobbers":   blobberIds}
+		output, err = createNewEnterpriseAllocationWithoutRetry(t, configPath, utils.CreateParams(options))
+		require.Nil(t, err, strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		require.True(t, len(output) > 0, "expected output length be at least 1")
+		require.Contains(t, output[0], "Allocation created", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		allocationID, err = utils.GetAllocationID(output[0])
+		require.Nil(t, err)
+		alloc = utils.GetAllocation(t, allocationID)
+		require.Equal(t, uint16(31), alloc.FileOptions)
+		createEnterpriseAllocationTestTeardown(t, allocationID)
+	})
+	t.Run("Create enterprise allocation third_party_extendable should be false by default and change with flags", func(t *test.SystemTest) {
+		output, err := utils.CreateWallet(t, configPath)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Error registering wallet", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		_, err = utils.ExecuteFaucetWithTokens(t, configPath, 10)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Error executing faucet")
+		blobberAuthTickets, blobberIds := utils.GenerateBlobberAuthTickets(t, configPath)
+		options := map[string]interface{}{"lock": "0.5", "size": 1024, "enterprise": true,
+			"blobber_auth_tickets": blobberAuthTickets,
+			"preferred_blobbers":   blobberIds}
+		output, err = createNewEnterpriseAllocationWithoutRetry(t, configPath, utils.CreateParams(options))
+		require.Nil(t, err, strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		require.True(t, len(output) > 0, "expected output length be at least 1")
+		require.Contains(t, output[0], "Allocation created", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		allocationID, err := utils.GetAllocationID(output[0])
+		require.Nil(t, err)
+		var alloc climodel.Allocation
+		alloc = utils.GetAllocation(t, allocationID)
+		require.Equal(t, false, alloc.ThirdPartyExtendable)
+		createEnterpriseAllocationTestTeardown(t, allocationID)
+		blobberAuthTickets, blobberIds = utils.GenerateBlobberAuthTickets(t, configPath)
+		options = map[string]interface{}{"lock": "0.5", "size": 1024, "third_party_extendable": nil, "enterprise": true,
+			"blobber_auth_tickets": blobberAuthTickets,
+			"preferred_blobbers":   blobberIds}
+		output, err = createNewEnterpriseAllocationWithoutRetry(t, configPath, utils.CreateParams(options))
+		require.Nil(t, err, strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		require.True(t, len(output) > 0, "expected output length be at least 1")
+		require.Contains(t, output[0], "Allocation created", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		allocationID, err = utils.GetAllocationID(output[0])
+		require.Nil(t, err)
+		alloc = utils.GetAllocation(t, allocationID)
+		require.NotNil(t, alloc, "error fetching allocation")
+		require.Equal(t, true, alloc.ThirdPartyExtendable)
+		createEnterpriseAllocationTestTeardown(t, allocationID)
+	})
+	t.Run("Create enterprise allocation for locking cost less than minimum cost should not work", func(t *test.SystemTest) {
+		output, err := utils.CreateWallet(t, configPath)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Error registering wallet", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		_, err = utils.ExecuteFaucetWithTokens(t, configPath, 10)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Error executing faucet")
+		blobberAuthTickets, blobberIds := utils.GenerateBlobberAuthTickets(t, configPath)
+		options := map[string]interface{}{
+			"cost":                 "",
+			"read_price":           "0-1",
+			"write_price":          "0-1",
+			"size":                 10000,
+			"enterprise":           true,
+			"blobber_auth_tickets": blobberAuthTickets,
+			"preferred_blobbers":   blobberIds,
+		}
+		output, err = createNewEnterpriseAllocation(t, configPath, utils.CreateParams(options))
+		require.Nil(t, err, strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		require.True(t, len(output) > 0, "expected output length be at least 1")
+		allocationCost, err := getAllocationCost(output[0])
+		require.Nil(t, err, "could not get allocation cost", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		mustFailCost := allocationCost * 0.8
+		options = map[string]interface{}{
+			"lock":                 mustFailCost,
+			"blobber_auth_tickets": blobberAuthTickets,
+			"preferred_blobbers":   blobberIds,
+			"enterprise":           true,
+		}
+		output, err = createNewEnterpriseAllocation(t, configPath, utils.CreateParams(options))
+		require.NotNil(t, err, strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		require.Contains(t, strings.Join(output, "\n"), "not enough tokens to honor the allocation", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+	})
+	t.Run("Create enterprise allocation for locking negative cost should not work", func(t *test.SystemTest) {
+		output, err := utils.CreateWallet(t, configPath)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Error registering wallet", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		_, err = utils.ExecuteFaucetWithTokens(t, configPath, 10)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Error executing faucet")
+		blobberAuthTickets, blobberIds := utils.GenerateBlobberAuthTickets(t, configPath)
+		options := map[string]interface{}{
+			"cost":                 "",
+			"read_price":           "0-1",
+			"write_price":          "0-1",
+			"size":                 10000,
+			"enterprise":           true,
+			"blobber_auth_tickets": blobberAuthTickets,
+			"preferred_blobbers":   blobberIds,
+		}
+		mustFailCost := -1
+		options = map[string]interface{}{"lock": mustFailCost}
+		output, err = createNewEnterpriseAllocationWithoutRetry(t, configPath, utils.CreateParams(options))
+		require.NotNil(t, err, strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+	})
+	t.Run("Create enterprise allocation without blobber auth tickets should fail", func(t *test.SystemTest) {
+		output, err := utils.CreateWallet(t, configPath)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Error registering wallet", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		_, err = utils.ExecuteFaucetWithTokens(t, configPath, 10)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Error executing faucet", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		_, blobberIds := utils.GenerateBlobberAuthTickets(t, configPath)
+		options := map[string]interface{}{
+			"size":               "1024",
+			"lock":               "0.5",
+			"enterprise":         true,
+			"preferred_blobbers": blobberIds,
+		}
+		output, err = utils.CreateNewEnterpriseAllocation(t, configPath, utils.CreateParams(options))
+		require.NotNil(t, err, "expected an error when creating allocation without blobber auth tickets %v", err)
+		require.Len(t, output, 1, strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		require.Contains(t, strings.Join(output, "\n"), "Not enough blobbers to honor the allocation", "expected error message to mention missing auth tickets %v", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+	})
+	t.Run("Create enterprise allocation with too large parity (Greater than the number of blobbers) Should Fail", func(t *test.SystemTest) {
+		output, err := utils.CreateWallet(t, configPath)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Error registering wallet", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		_, err = utils.ExecuteFaucetWithTokens(t, configPath, 10)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Error executing faucet")
+		blobberAuthTickets, blobberIds := utils.GenerateBlobberAuthTickets(t, configPath)
+		options := map[string]interface{}{"parity": "99", "lock": "0.5", "size": 1024, "enterprise": true, "blobber_auth_tickets": blobberAuthTickets, "preferred_blobbers": blobberIds}
+		output, err = createNewEnterpriseAllocationWithoutRetry(t, configPath, utils.CreateParams(options))
+		require.NotNil(t, err, strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		require.True(t, len(output) > 0, "expected output length be at least 1")
+		require.Contains(t, output[0], "blobbers provided are not enough to honour the allocation") //nolint
+	})
+	t.Run("Create enterprise allocation with too large data (Greater than the number of blobbers) Should Fail", func(t *test.SystemTest) {
+		output, err := utils.CreateWallet(t, configPath)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Error registering wallet", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		_, err = utils.ExecuteFaucetWithTokens(t, configPath, 10)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Error executing faucet")
+		blobberAuthTickets, blobberIds := utils.GenerateBlobberAuthTickets(t, configPath)
+		options := map[string]interface{}{"data": "99", "lock": "0.5", "size": 1024, "enterprise": true, "blobber_auth_tickets": blobberAuthTickets,
+			"preferred_blobbers": blobberIds}
+		output, err = createNewEnterpriseAllocationWithoutRetry(t, configPath, utils.CreateParams(options))
+		require.NotNil(t, err, strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		require.True(t, len(output) > 0, "expected output length be at least 1")
+		require.Contains(t, output[0], "blobbers provided are not enough to honour the allocation") //nolint
+	})
+	t.Run("Create enterprise allocation with too large data and parity (Greater than the number of blobbers) Should Fail", func(t *test.SystemTest) {
+		output, err := utils.CreateWallet(t, configPath)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Error registering wallet", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		_, err = utils.ExecuteFaucetWithTokens(t, configPath, 10)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Error executing faucet")
+		blobberAuthTickets, blobberIds := utils.GenerateBlobberAuthTickets(t, configPath)
+		options := map[string]interface{}{"data": "30", "parity": "20", "lock": "0.5", "size": 1024, "enterprise": true, "blobber_auth_tickets": blobberAuthTickets,
+			"preferred_blobbers": blobberIds}
+		output, err = createNewEnterpriseAllocationWithoutRetry(t, configPath, utils.CreateParams(options))
+		require.NotNil(t, err, strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		require.True(t, len(output) > 0, "expected output length be at least 1")
+		require.Contains(t, output[0], "blobbers provided are not enough to honour the allocation") //nolint
+	})
+	t.Run("Create enterprise allocation with read price range 0-0 Should Fail", func(t *test.SystemTest) {
+		output, err := utils.CreateWallet(t, configPath)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Error registering wallet", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		_, err = utils.ExecuteFaucetWithTokens(t, configPath, 10)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Error executing faucet")
+		blobberAuthTickets, blobberIds := utils.GenerateBlobberAuthTickets(t, configPath)
+		options := map[string]interface{}{"read_price": "0-0", "lock": "0.5", "size": 1024, "enterprise": true, "blobber_auth_tickets": blobberAuthTickets,
+			"preferred_blobbers": blobberIds}
+		output, err = createNewEnterpriseAllocationWithoutRetry(t, configPath, utils.CreateParams(options))
+		require.NotNil(t, err, strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		require.True(t, len(output) > 0, "expected output length be at least 1")
+		require.Contains(t, output[0], "Not enough blobbers to honor the allocation", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+	})
+	t.Run("Create enterprise allocation with size smaller than limit (size < 1024) Should Fail", func(t *test.SystemTest) {
+		output, err := utils.CreateWallet(t, configPath)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Error registering wallet", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		_, err = utils.ExecuteFaucetWithTokens(t, configPath, 10)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Error executing faucet")
+		blobberAuthTickets, blobberIds := utils.GenerateBlobberAuthTickets(t, configPath)
+		options := map[string]interface{}{"size": 256, "lock": "0.5", "enterprise": true,
+			"blobber_auth_tickets": blobberAuthTickets,
+			"preferred_blobbers":   blobberIds}
+		output, err = createNewEnterpriseAllocationWithoutRetry(t, configPath, utils.CreateParams(options))
+		require.NotNil(t, err, strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		require.True(t, len(output) > 0, "expected output length be at least 1")
+		require.Equal(t, "Error creating allocation: allocation_creation_failed: invalid request: insufficient allocation size", output[0], strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+	})
+	t.Run("Create enterprise allocation with no parameter (missing lock) Should Fail", func(t *test.SystemTest) {
+		output, err := utils.CreateWallet(t, configPath)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Error registering wallet", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		_, err = utils.ExecuteFaucetWithTokens(t, configPath, 10)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Error executing faucet")
+		blobberAuthTickets, blobberIds := utils.GenerateBlobberAuthTickets(t, configPath)
+		options := map[string]interface{}{"enterprise": true,
+			"blobber_auth_tickets": blobberAuthTickets,
+			"preferred_blobbers":   blobberIds}
+		output, err = createNewEnterpriseAllocationWithoutRetry(t, configPath, utils.CreateParams(options))
+		require.NotNil(t, err)
+		require.True(t, len(output) > 0, "expected output length be at least 1", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		require.Equal(t, "missing required 'lock' argument", output[len(output)-1])
+	})
+func createNewEnterpriseAllocation(t *test.SystemTest, cliConfigFilename, params string) ([]string, error) {
+	return createNewEnterpriseAllocationForWallet(t, utils.EscapedTestName(t), cliConfigFilename, params)
+func createNewEnterpriseAllocationForWallet(t *test.SystemTest, wallet, cliConfigFilename, params string) ([]string, error) {
+	t.Logf("Creating new allocation...")
+	return cliutils.RunCommand(t, fmt.Sprintf(
+		"./zbox newallocation %s --silent --wallet %s --configDir ./config --config %s --allocationFileName %s",
+		params,
+		wallet+"_wallet.json",
+		cliConfigFilename,
+		wallet+"_allocation.txt"), 3, time.Second*5)
+func createNewEnterpriseAllocationWithoutRetry(t *test.SystemTest, cliConfigFilename, params string) ([]string, error) {
+	return cliutils.RunCommandWithoutRetry(fmt.Sprintf(
+		"./zbox newallocation %s --silent --wallet %s --configDir ./config --config %s --allocationFileName %s",
+		params,
+		utils.EscapedTestName(t)+"_wallet.json",
+		cliConfigFilename,
+		utils.EscapedTestName(t)+"_allocation.txt"))
+func createEnterpriseAllocationTestTeardown(t *test.SystemTest, allocationID string) {
+	t.Cleanup(func() {
+		_, _ = cancelAllocation(t, configPath, allocationID, false)
+	})
diff --git a/tests/tokenomics_tests/enterprise_blobber_finalize_allocation_test.go b/tests/tokenomics_tests/enterprise_blobber_finalize_allocation_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a7f4978410
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/tokenomics_tests/enterprise_blobber_finalize_allocation_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
+package tokenomics_tests
+import (
+	"fmt"
+	"regexp"
+	"strings"
+	"testing"
+	"time"
+	"github.com/0chain/system_test/internal/api/util/test"
+	cliutils "github.com/0chain/system_test/internal/cli/util"
+	"github.com/0chain/system_test/tests/tokenomics_tests/utils"
+	"github.com/stretchr/testify/require"
+var (
+	finalizeAllocationRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`^Allocation finalized with txId : [a-f0-9]{64}$`)
+func TestFinalizeEnterpriseAllocation(testSetup *testing.T) {
+	t := test.NewSystemTest(testSetup)
+	t.Parallel()
+	t.TestSetup("set storage config to use time_unit as 10 minutes", func() {
+		output, err := utils.UpdateStorageSCConfig(t, scOwnerWallet, map[string]string{
+			"time_unit": "10m",
+		}, true)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Error updating sc config", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+	})
+	t.Cleanup(func() {
+		output, err := utils.UpdateStorageSCConfig(t, scOwnerWallet, map[string]string{
+			"time_unit": "1h",
+		}, true)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Error updating sc config", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+	})
+	t.RunWithTimeout("Finalize allocation after waiting for 11 minutes check finalization and balance.", time.Minute*20, func(t *test.SystemTest) {
+		utils.SetupWalletWithCustomTokens(t, configPath, 10)
+		wallet, err := utils.GetWalletForName(t, configPath, utils.EscapedTestName(t))
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Error getting wallet")
+		require.Equal(t, wallet.ClientID, wallet.ClientID, "Error getting wallet with name %v")
+		beforeBalance := utils.GetBalanceFromSharders(t, wallet.ClientID)
+		// Create allocation
+		amountTotalLockedToAlloc := int64(2e9)
+		blobberAuthTickets, blobberIds := utils.GenerateBlobberAuthTickets(t, configPath)
+		params := map[string]interface{}{"size": 1 * GB, "lock": "0.2", "enterprise": true, "blobber_auth_tickets": blobberAuthTickets, "preferred_blobbers": blobberIds}
+		allocOutput, err := utils.CreateNewEnterpriseAllocation(t, configPath, createParams(params))
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Error creating allocation")
+		allocationID, err := utils.GetAllocationID(strings.Join(allocOutput, "\n"))
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Error fetching allocation id %v", strings.Join(allocOutput, "\n"))
+		beforeAlloc := utils.GetAllocation(t, allocationID)
+		afterBalance := utils.GetBalanceFromSharders(t, wallet.ClientID)
+		require.Equal(t, beforeBalance-amountTotalLockedToAlloc-1e8, afterBalance, "Balance should be locked to allocation") // 1e8 is transaction fee
+		beforeBalance = afterBalance
+		t.Log("Waiting for 11 minutes ....")
+		waitForTimeInMinutesWhileLogging(t, 11)
+		// Finalize the allocation
+		output, err := finalizeAllocation(t, configPath, allocationID, true)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Finalize allocation failed", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		// Validate that the allocation is finalized and check balance
+		utils.AssertOutputMatchesAllocationRegex(t, finalizeAllocationRegex, output[0])
+		afterAlloc := utils.GetAllocation(t, allocationID)
+		require.True(t, afterAlloc.Finalized, "Allocation should be finalized")
+		require.Equal(t, int64(0), afterAlloc.WritePool, "Write pool balance should be 0")
+		afterBalance = utils.GetBalanceFromSharders(t, wallet.ClientID)
+		// Calculate expected finalization amount
+		timeUnitInSeconds := int64(600) // 10 minutes
+		durationOfUsedInSeconds := afterAlloc.ExpirationDate - beforeAlloc.StartTime
+		realCostOfAlloc := costOfAlloc(&beforeAlloc)
+		expectedPaymentToBlobbers := realCostOfAlloc * durationOfUsedInSeconds / timeUnitInSeconds
+		t.Logf("Time unit in seconds: %v", timeUnitInSeconds)
+		t.Logf("Duration of used in seconds: %v", durationOfUsedInSeconds)
+		t.Logf("Real cost of allocation: %v", realCostOfAlloc)
+		t.Logf("Expected payment to blobbers: %v", expectedPaymentToBlobbers)
+		t.Logf("Before balance: %v", beforeBalance)
+		t.Logf("After balance: %v", afterBalance)
+		require.InEpsilon(t, beforeBalance-expectedPaymentToBlobbers-1e8, afterBalance-beforeAlloc.WritePool, 0.01, "Finalization should correctly debit client balance") // 1e8 is transaction fee
+		rewardQuery := fmt.Sprintf("allocation_id='%s' AND reward_type=%d", allocationID, EnterpriseBlobberReward)
+		enterpriseReward, err := getQueryRewards(t, rewardQuery)
+		require.Nil(t, err)
+		require.InEpsilon(t, expectedPaymentToBlobbers, enterpriseReward.TotalReward, 0.01, "Enterprise blobber reward doesn't match")
+	})
+	t.RunWithTimeout("Finalize allocation after updating duration and check finalization and balance.", time.Minute*25, func(t *test.SystemTest) {
+		// Setup, wallet creation, and initial balance retrieval
+		utils.SetupWalletWithCustomTokens(t, configPath, 10)
+		wallet, err := utils.GetWalletForName(t, configPath, utils.EscapedTestName(t))
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Error getting wallet")
+		beforeBalance := utils.GetBalanceFromSharders(t, wallet.ClientID)
+		// Create allocation
+		amountTotalLockedToAlloc := int64(1e9 * 2)
+		blobberAuthTickets, blobberIds := utils.GenerateBlobberAuthTickets(t, configPath)
+		params := map[string]interface{}{"data": 3, "parity": 3, "size": 1 * GB, "lock": "0.2", "enterprise": true, "blobber_auth_tickets": blobberAuthTickets, "preferred_blobbers": blobberIds}
+		allocOutput, err := utils.CreateNewEnterpriseAllocation(t, configPath, createParams(params))
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Error creating allocation")
+		allocationID, err := utils.GetAllocationID(strings.Join(allocOutput, "\n"))
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Error fetching allocation id")
+		beforeAlloc := utils.GetAllocation(t, allocationID)
+		waitForTimeInMinutesWhileLogging(t, 5)
+		afterBalance := utils.GetBalanceFromSharders(t, wallet.ClientID)
+		require.Equal(t, beforeBalance-amountTotalLockedToAlloc-1e8, afterBalance, "Balance should be locked to allocation")
+		requiredWpBalance := 1e9 * 2
+		beforeBalance = afterBalance
+		// Update the allocation duration
+		updateAllocationParams := createParams(map[string]interface{}{
+			"allocation": allocationID,
+			"extend":     true,
+			"lock":       float64(requiredWpBalance) / 1e10,
+		})
+		output, err := utils.UpdateAllocation(t, configPath, updateAllocationParams, true)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Updating allocation duration failed", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		waitForTimeInMinutesWhileLogging(t, 11)
+		// Finalize the allocation
+		output, err = finalizeAllocation(t, configPath, allocationID, true)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Finalize allocation failed", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		// Validate that the allocation is finalized and check balance
+		utils.AssertOutputMatchesAllocationRegex(t, finalizeAllocationRegex, output[0])
+		afterAlloc := utils.GetAllocation(t, allocationID)
+		require.True(t, afterAlloc.Finalized, "Allocation should be finalized")
+		require.Equal(t, int64(0), afterAlloc.WritePool, "Write pool balance should be 0")
+		afterBalance = utils.GetBalanceFromSharders(t, wallet.ClientID)
+		// Calculate expected finalization amount
+		timeUnitInSeconds := int64(600) // 10 minutes
+		durationOfUsedInSeconds := afterAlloc.ExpirationDate - beforeAlloc.StartTime
+		realCostOfAlloc := costOfAlloc(&beforeAlloc)
+		expectedPaymentToBlobbers := realCostOfAlloc * durationOfUsedInSeconds / timeUnitInSeconds
+		t.Logf("Time unit in seconds: %v", timeUnitInSeconds)
+		t.Logf("Duration of used in seconds: %v", durationOfUsedInSeconds)
+		t.Logf("Real cost of allocation: %v", realCostOfAlloc)
+		t.Logf("Expected payment to blobbers: %v", expectedPaymentToBlobbers)
+		t.Logf("Before balance: %v", beforeBalance)
+		t.Logf("After balance: %v", afterBalance)
+		require.InEpsilon(t, beforeBalance-expectedPaymentToBlobbers-1e8, afterBalance-beforeAlloc.WritePool, 0.01, "Finalization should correctly debit client balance") // 1e8 is transaction fee
+		rewardQuery := fmt.Sprintf("allocation_id='%s' AND reward_type=%d", allocationID, EnterpriseBlobberReward)
+		enterpriseReward, err := getQueryRewards(t, rewardQuery)
+		require.Nil(t, err)
+		require.InEpsilon(t, expectedPaymentToBlobbers, enterpriseReward.TotalReward, 0.01, "Enterprise blobber reward doesn't match")
+	})
+	t.Run("Finalize Non-Expired Allocation Should Fail", func(t *test.SystemTest) {
+		output, err := utils.CreateWallet(t, configPath)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Error creating wallet", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		allocationID := utils.SetupEnterpriseAllocation(t, configPath)
+		output, err = finalizeAllocation(t, configPath, allocationID, false)
+		require.NotNil(t, err, "expected error updating allocation", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		require.True(t, len(output) > 0, "expected output length be at least 1", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		require.Equal(t, "Error finalizing allocation:fini_alloc_failed: allocation is not expired yet", output[0])
+	})
+	t.Run("Finalize Other's Allocation Should Fail", func(t *test.SystemTest) {
+		output, err := utils.CreateWalletForName(t, configPath, utils.EscapedTestName(t)+"_other")
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Unable to create wallet", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		var otherAllocationID = utils.SetupEnterpriseAllocationWithWallet(t, utils.EscapedTestName(t)+"_other", configPath)
+		// create wallet
+		_, err = utils.CreateWallet(t, configPath)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Error creating wallet")
+		// Then try updating with otherAllocationID: should not work
+		output, err = finalizeAllocation(t, configPath, otherAllocationID, false)
+		// Error should not be nil since finalize is not working
+		require.NotNil(t, err, "expected error finalizing allocation", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		require.True(t, len(output) > 0, "expected output length be at least 1", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		require.Equal(t, "Error finalizing allocation:fini_alloc_failed: not allowed, unknown finalization initiator", output[len(output)-1])
+	})
+	t.Run("No allocation param should fail", func(t *test.SystemTest) {
+		_, err := utils.CreateWallet(t, configPath)
+		require.Nil(t, err)
+		cmd := fmt.Sprintf(
+			"./zbox alloc-fini --silent "+
+				"--wallet %s --configDir ./config --config %s",
+			utils.EscapedTestName(t)+"_wallet.json",
+			configPath,
+		)
+		output, err := cliutils.RunCommandWithoutRetry(cmd)
+		require.Error(t, err, "expected error finalizing allocation", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		require.Len(t, output, 1)
+		require.Equal(t, "Error: allocation flag is missing", output[len(output)-1])
+	})
+func finalizeAllocation(t *test.SystemTest, cliConfigFilename, allocationID string, retry bool) ([]string, error) {
+	t.Logf("Finalizing allocation...")
+	cmd := fmt.Sprintf(
+		"./zbox alloc-fini --allocation %s --silent "+
+			"--wallet %s --configDir ./config --config %s",
+		allocationID,
+		utils.EscapedTestName(t)+"_wallet.json",
+		cliConfigFilename,
+	)
+	if retry {
+		return cliutils.RunCommand(t, cmd, 3, time.Second*2)
+	} else {
+		return cliutils.RunCommandWithoutRetry(cmd)
+	}
diff --git a/tests/tokenomics_tests/enterprise_blobber_replace_allocation_test.go b/tests/tokenomics_tests/enterprise_blobber_replace_allocation_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6161c214fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/tokenomics_tests/enterprise_blobber_replace_allocation_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,558 @@
+package tokenomics_tests
+import (
+	"encoding/json"
+	"fmt"
+	"os"
+	"path/filepath"
+	"strings"
+	"testing"
+	"time"
+	"github.com/0chain/system_test/internal/api/util/test"
+	climodel "github.com/0chain/system_test/internal/cli/model"
+	"github.com/0chain/system_test/tests/cli_tests"
+	"github.com/0chain/system_test/tests/tokenomics_tests/utils"
+	"github.com/stretchr/testify/require"
+func TestReplaceEnterpriseBlobberAllocation(testSetup *testing.T) {
+	t := test.NewSystemTest(testSetup)
+	var (
+		replaceBlobberWithSameIdFailRegex  = `^Error updating allocation:allocation_updating_failed: cannot add blobber [a-f0-9]{64}, already in allocation$`
+		replaceBlobberWithWrongIdFailRegex = `^Error updating allocation:allocation_updating_failed: can't get blobber (.+)$`
+	)
+	output, err := utils.CreateWallet(t, configPath)
+	require.Nil(t, err, "Error creating configuration wallet", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+	var blobbersList []climodel.Blobber
+	output, err = utils.ListBlobbers(t, configPath, "--json")
+	require.Nil(t, err, "Error fetching blobbers %v", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+	require.Len(t, output, 1, "Error wrong json format", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+	err = json.NewDecoder(strings.NewReader(output[0])).Decode(&blobbersList)
+	require.Nil(t, err, "Error decoding blobbers json")
+	t.Parallel()
+	t.TestSetup("set storage config to use time_unit as 10 minutes", func() {
+		output, err := utils.UpdateStorageSCConfig(t, scOwnerWallet, map[string]string{
+			"time_unit": "10m",
+		}, true)
+		require.Nil(t, err, strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+	})
+	t.Cleanup(func() {
+		// Reset the storage config time unit
+		output, err := utils.UpdateStorageSCConfig(t, scOwnerWallet, map[string]string{
+			"time_unit": "1h",
+		}, true)
+		require.Nil(t, err, strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		var blobbers []climodel.Blobber
+		output, err = utils.ListBlobbers(t, configPath, "--json")
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Error listing blobberes", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		require.Len(t, output, 1, "Error invalid json length", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		err = json.NewDecoder(strings.NewReader(output[0])).Decode(&blobbers)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Eerror decoding blobbers", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		for _, blobber := range blobbers {
+			if blobber.Terms.WritePrice != 1e9 {
+				err := updateBlobberPrice(t, configPath, blobber.ID, 1e9)
+				require.Nil(t, err, "Error resetting blobber write prices")
+			}
+		}
+	})
+	t.RunSequentiallyWithTimeout("Check token accounting of a blobber replacing in allocation, should work", time.Minute*15, func(t *test.SystemTest) {
+		utils.SetupWalletWithCustomTokens(t, configPath, 10)
+		// Set up allocation and get a random blobber to remove
+		params := map[string]interface{}{
+			"size":   1 * GB,
+			"data":   2,
+			"parity": 2,
+			"lock":   "0.2",
+		}
+		allocationID := utils.SetupEnterpriseAllocation(t, configPath, params)
+		// Fetch allocation details before replacement
+		beforeAlloc := utils.GetAllocation(t, allocationID)
+		require.NotNil(t, beforeAlloc, "Allocation should not be nil")
+		// Initial amount locked to allocation (0.2 ZCN)
+		amountTotalLockedToAlloc := int64(2e9) // 0.2 ZCN
+		waitForTimeInMinutesWhileLogging(t, 5)
+		// Get the blobber to remove (first blobber in allocation)
+		blobberToRemove := beforeAlloc.BlobberDetails[0].BlobberID
+		// Calculate the total stake of the blobber to remove
+		var prevReplaceeBlobberStake int64
+		for _, blobber := range beforeAlloc.Blobbers {
+			if blobber.ID == blobberToRemove {
+				prevReplaceeBlobberStake = blobber.TotalStake
+			}
+		}
+		wd, _ := os.Getwd()
+		walletFile := filepath.Join(wd, "config", utils.EscapedTestName(t)+"_wallet.json")
+		configFile := filepath.Join(wd, "config", configPath)
+		// Get new blobber details and generate authorization ticket
+		addBlobberID, addBlobberUrl, err := cli_tests.GetBlobberIdAndUrlNotPartOfAllocation(walletFile, configFile, allocationID)
+		require.Nil(t, err)
+		currentBlobberDetails, err := utils.GetBlobberDetails(t, configPath, addBlobberID)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Error fetching blobber details")
+		require.NotNil(t, currentBlobberDetails, "Error no blobber details found")
+		addBlobberAuthTicket, err := utils.GetBlobberAuthTicketWithId(t, configPath, addBlobberID, addBlobberUrl)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Unable to generate auth ticket for add blobber")
+		// Update allocation to replace blobber
+		updateParams := createParams(map[string]interface{}{
+			"allocation":              allocationID,
+			"add_blobber":             addBlobberID,
+			"add_blobber_auth_ticket": addBlobberAuthTicket,
+			"remove_blobber":          blobberToRemove,
+		})
+		output, err := updateAllocation(t, configPath, updateParams, true)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Error updating allocation", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		utils.AssertOutputMatchesAllocationRegex(t, updateAllocationRegex, output[0])
+		// Fetch updated allocation details
+		updatedAlloc := utils.GetAllocation(t, allocationID)
+		require.NotNil(t, updatedAlloc)
+		// Validate that the write pool balance matches the expected value
+		require.InEpsilon(t, amountTotalLockedToAlloc, updatedAlloc.WritePool, 0.01, "Write pool balance doesn't match after blobber replacement")
+		txn, err := getTransacionFromSingleSharder(t, updatedAlloc.Tx)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Error getting update allocation txn from sharders")
+		// Query blobber rewards
+		rewardQuery := fmt.Sprintf("allocation_id='%s' AND provider_id='%s' AND reward_type=%d", allocationID, blobberToRemove, EnterpriseBlobberReward)
+		enterpriseReward, err := getQueryRewards(t, rewardQuery)
+		require.Nil(t, err)
+		// Calculate expected payment to replaced blobber
+		timeUnitInSeconds := int64(600) // 10 minutes
+		durationOfUsedInSeconds := int64(txn.CreationDate) - updatedAlloc.StartTime
+		expectedPaymentToReplacedBlobber := 5e8 * durationOfUsedInSeconds / timeUnitInSeconds
+		t.Log("Enterprise reward: ", enterpriseReward.TotalReward, "Expected: ", expectedPaymentToReplacedBlobber)
+		// Validate enterprise rewards and write pool balance
+		require.InEpsilon(t, expectedPaymentToReplacedBlobber, enterpriseReward.TotalReward, 0.01, "Enterprise blobber reward doesn't match after blobber replacement")
+		// Validate that stake is transferred from the old blobber to the new blobber
+		var newReplaceeBlobberStake int64
+		for _, blobber := range updatedAlloc.Blobbers {
+			if blobber.ID == addBlobberID {
+				newReplaceeBlobberStake = blobber.TotalStake
+			}
+		}
+		require.Equal(t, prevReplaceeBlobberStake, newReplaceeBlobberStake, "Stake should be transferred from old blobber to new")
+	})
+	t.RunSequentiallyWithTimeout("Replace blobber with same price should work", time.Minute*15, func(t *test.SystemTest) {
+		utils.SetupWalletWithCustomTokens(t, configPath, 10)
+		// Setup allocation with initial parameters
+		params := map[string]interface{}{
+			"size":   1 * GB,
+			"data":   2,
+			"parity": 2,
+			"lock":   "0.2",
+		}
+		allocationID := utils.SetupEnterpriseAllocation(t, configPath, params)
+		// Fetch allocation details before replacement
+		beforeAlloc := utils.GetAllocation(t, allocationID)
+		require.NotNil(t, beforeAlloc, "Allocation should not be nil")
+		// Wait for 5 minutes to simulate usage
+		waitForTimeInMinutesWhileLogging(t, 5)
+		// Initial amount locked to allocation (0.2 ZCN)
+		amountTotalLockedToAlloc := int64(2e9) // 0.2 ZCN
+		// Get the blobber to remove (first blobber in allocation)
+		blobberToRemove := beforeAlloc.BlobberDetails[0].BlobberID
+		wd, _ := os.Getwd()
+		walletFile := filepath.Join(wd, "config", utils.EscapedTestName(t)+"_wallet.json")
+		configFile := filepath.Join(wd, "config", configPath)
+		// Get details of a new blobber not part of the current allocation
+		addBlobberID, addBlobberUrl, err := cli_tests.GetBlobberIdAndUrlNotPartOfAllocation(walletFile, configFile, allocationID)
+		require.Nil(t, err)
+		currentBlobberDetails, err := utils.GetBlobberDetails(t, configPath, addBlobberID)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Error fetching blobber details")
+		require.NotNil(t, currentBlobberDetails, "No blobber details found")
+		// Get the original write price of the blobber
+		originalPrice := currentBlobberDetails.Terms.WritePrice
+		// Update the blobber price to the same value (no change)
+		err = updateBlobberPrice(t, configPath, addBlobberID, originalPrice)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Error updating blobber price")
+		addBlobberAuthTicket, err := utils.GetBlobberAuthTicketWithId(t, configPath, addBlobberID, addBlobberUrl)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Unable to generate auth ticket for add blobber")
+		// Prepare parameters for allocation update
+		updateParams := createParams(map[string]interface{}{
+			"allocation":              allocationID,
+			"add_blobber":             addBlobberID,
+			"add_blobber_auth_ticket": addBlobberAuthTicket,
+			"remove_blobber":          blobberToRemove,
+		})
+		// Perform the allocation update to replace the blobber
+		output, err := updateAllocation(t, configPath, updateParams, true)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Error updating allocation", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		utils.AssertOutputMatchesAllocationRegex(t, updateAllocationRegex, output[0])
+		// Fetch the updated allocation details
+		afterAlloc := utils.GetAllocation(t, allocationID)
+		require.NotNil(t, afterAlloc, "Updated allocation should not be nil")
+		// Log the expected and actual write pool balances
+		t.Logf("Expected write pool %d actual write pool %d", amountTotalLockedToAlloc, afterAlloc.WritePool)
+		// Check that the write pool balance matches the expected value
+		require.InEpsilon(t, amountTotalLockedToAlloc, afterAlloc.WritePool, 0.01, "Write pool balance doesn't match after blobber replacement")
+		// Retrieve the transaction details for further analysis
+		txn, err := getTransacionFromSingleSharder(t, afterAlloc.Tx)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Error getting transaction from sharder")
+		// Query blobber rewards to validate the enterprise blobber rewards calculation
+		rewardQuery := fmt.Sprintf("allocation_id='%s' AND provider_id='%s' AND reward_type=%d", allocationID, blobberToRemove, EnterpriseBlobberReward)
+		enterpriseReward, err := getQueryRewards(t, rewardQuery)
+		require.Nil(t, err)
+		// Calculate the expected payment to the replaced blobber based on the time used and the same blobber price
+		timeUnitInSeconds := int64(600) // 10 minutes
+		durationOfUsedInSeconds := int64(txn.CreationDate) - afterAlloc.StartTime
+		expectedPaymentToReplacedBlobber := 5e8 * durationOfUsedInSeconds / timeUnitInSeconds
+		t.Log("Enterprise reward: ", enterpriseReward.TotalReward, "Expected: ", expectedPaymentToReplacedBlobber)
+		// Validate the enterprise rewards after blobber replacement
+		require.InEpsilon(t, expectedPaymentToReplacedBlobber, enterpriseReward.TotalReward, 0.01, "Enterprise blobber reward doesn't match after blobber replacement")
+		// Reset the blobber price after the test and clean up
+		defer func() {
+			err = updateBlobberPrice(t, configPath, addBlobberID, originalPrice)
+			require.Nil(t, err, "Error resetting blobber price after test")
+			output, err = cancelAllocation(t, configPath, allocationID, true)
+			require.Nil(t, err, "Unable to cancel allocation", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+			require.Regexp(t, cancelAllocationRegex, strings.Join(output, "\n"), "cancel allocation fail", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		}()
+	})
+	t.RunSequentiallyWithTimeout("Replace blobber with 0.5x price should work", time.Minute*15, func(t *test.SystemTest) {
+		utils.SetupWalletWithCustomTokens(t, configPath, 10)
+		params := map[string]interface{}{
+			"size":   1 * GB,
+			"data":   2,
+			"parity": 2,
+			"lock":   "0.2",
+		}
+		allocationID := utils.SetupEnterpriseAllocation(t, configPath, params)
+		// allocaiton
+		alloc := utils.GetAllocation(t, allocationID)
+		require.NotNil(t, alloc, "Error fetching allocation")
+		blobberToRemove := alloc.BlobberDetails[0].BlobberID
+		beforeAlloc := utils.GetAllocation(t, allocationID)
+		require.NotNil(t, beforeAlloc, "Allocation should not be nil")
+		waitForTimeInMinutesWhileLogging(t, 5)
+		amountTotalLockedToAlloc := int64(1e9) * 2
+		wd, _ := os.Getwd()
+		walletFile := filepath.Join(wd, "config", utils.EscapedTestName(t)+"_wallet.json")
+		configFile := filepath.Join(wd, "config", configPath)
+		addBlobberID, addBlobberUrl, err := cli_tests.GetBlobberIdAndUrlNotPartOfAllocation(walletFile, configFile, allocationID)
+		require.Nil(t, err)
+		currentBlobberDetails, err := utils.GetBlobberDetails(t, configPath, addBlobberID)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Error fetching blobber details")
+		require.NotNil(t, currentBlobberDetails, "Error no blobber details found")
+		halfPrice := currentBlobberDetails.Terms.WritePrice / 2
+		amountTotalLockedToAlloc += 0.05 * 1e10
+		// Update blobber price
+		originalPrice := currentBlobberDetails.Terms.WritePrice
+		err = updateBlobberPrice(t, configPath, addBlobberID, halfPrice)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Error updating blobber price")
+		addBlobberAuthTicket, err := utils.GetBlobberAuthTicketWithId(t, configPath, addBlobberID, addBlobberUrl)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Unable to generate auth ticket for add blobber")
+		updateParams := createParams(map[string]interface{}{
+			"allocation":              allocationID,
+			"add_blobber":             addBlobberID,
+			"add_blobber_auth_ticket": addBlobberAuthTicket,
+			"remove_blobber":          blobberToRemove,
+			"lock":                    "0.05",
+		})
+		output, err := updateAllocation(t, configPath, updateParams, true)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Error updating allocation", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		require.Len(t, output, 2)
+		utils.AssertOutputMatchesAllocationRegex(t, updateAllocationRegex, output[0])
+		afterAlloc := utils.GetAllocation(t, allocationID)
+		require.NotNil(t, afterAlloc, "Updated allocation should not be nil")
+		t.Logf("Expected write pool %d actual write pool %d", amountTotalLockedToAlloc, afterAlloc.WritePool)
+		require.InEpsilon(t, amountTotalLockedToAlloc, afterAlloc.WritePool, 0.01, "Write pool balance doesn't match after blobber replacement")
+		txn, err := getTransacionFromSingleSharder(t, afterAlloc.Tx)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Error getting transaction from sharder")
+		// Query blobber rewards
+		rewardQuery := fmt.Sprintf("allocation_id='%s' AND provider_id='%s' AND reward_type=%d", allocationID, blobberToRemove, EnterpriseBlobberReward)
+		enterpriseReward, err := getQueryRewards(t, rewardQuery)
+		require.Nil(t, err)
+		// Verify blobber rewards calculation
+		timeUnitInSeconds := int64(600) // 10 minutes
+		durationOfUsedInSeconds := int64(txn.CreationDate) - afterAlloc.StartTime
+		expectedPaymentToReplacedBlobber := 5e8 * durationOfUsedInSeconds / timeUnitInSeconds
+		t.Log("Enterprise reward: ", enterpriseReward.TotalReward, "Expected: ", expectedPaymentToReplacedBlobber)
+		// Validate the enterprise rewards after blobber replacement
+		require.InEpsilon(t, expectedPaymentToReplacedBlobber, enterpriseReward.TotalReward, 0.01, "Enterprise blobber reward doesn't match after blobber replacement")
+		// Reset blobber price
+		defer func() {
+			err = updateBlobberPrice(t, configPath, addBlobberID, originalPrice)
+			require.Nil(t, err, "Error resetting blobber price after test")
+			output, err = cancelAllocation(t, configPath, allocationID, true)
+			require.Nil(t, err, "Unable to cancel allocation", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+			require.Regexp(t, cancelAllocationRegex, strings.Join(output, "\n"), "cancel allcoation fail", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		}()
+	})
+	t.RunSequentiallyWithTimeout("Replace blobber with 2x price should work", time.Minute*15, func(t *test.SystemTest) {
+		utils.SetupWalletWithCustomTokens(t, configPath, 10)
+		// Setup allocation with initial parameters
+		params := map[string]interface{}{
+			"size":   1 * GB,
+			"data":   2,
+			"parity": 2,
+			"lock":   "0.2",
+		}
+		allocationID := utils.SetupEnterpriseAllocation(t, configPath, params)
+		// Fetch allocation details before replacement
+		beforeAlloc := utils.GetAllocation(t, allocationID)
+		require.NotNil(t, beforeAlloc, "Allocation should not be nil")
+		// Wait for 5 minutes to simulate usage
+		waitForTimeInMinutesWhileLogging(t, 5)
+		// Initial amount locked to allocation (0.2 ZCN)
+		amountTotalLockedToAlloc := int64(2e9) // 0.2 ZCN
+		// Get the blobber to remove (first blobber in allocation)
+		alloc := utils.GetAllocation(t, allocationID)
+		require.NotNil(t, alloc, "Error fetching allocation")
+		blobberToRemove := alloc.BlobberDetails[0].BlobberID
+		wd, _ := os.Getwd()
+		walletFile := filepath.Join(wd, "config", utils.EscapedTestName(t)+"_wallet.json")
+		configFile := filepath.Join(wd, "config", configPath)
+		// Get details of a new blobber not part of the current allocation
+		addBlobberID, addBlobberUrl, err := cli_tests.GetBlobberIdAndUrlNotPartOfAllocation(walletFile, configFile, allocationID)
+		require.Nil(t, err)
+		currentBlobberDetails, err := utils.GetBlobberDetails(t, configPath, addBlobberID)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Error fetching blobber details")
+		require.NotNil(t, currentBlobberDetails, "No blobber details found")
+		// Calculate double the current blobber's write price
+		doublePrice := currentBlobberDetails.Terms.WritePrice * 2
+		// Increment the amount locked by 0.1 ZCN
+		amountTotalLockedToAlloc += int64(0.1 * 1e10) // 0.1 ZCN
+		// Update the blobber price to double of its original price
+		originalPrice := currentBlobberDetails.Terms.WritePrice
+		err = updateBlobberPrice(t, configPath, addBlobberID, doublePrice)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Error updating blobber price")
+		addBlobberAuthTicket, err := utils.GetBlobberAuthTicketWithId(t, configPath, addBlobberID, addBlobberUrl)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Unable to generate auth ticket for add blobber")
+		// Prepare parameters for allocation update
+		updateParams := createParams(map[string]interface{}{
+			"allocation":              allocationID,
+			"add_blobber":             addBlobberID,
+			"add_blobber_auth_ticket": addBlobberAuthTicket,
+			"remove_blobber":          blobberToRemove,
+			"lock":                    "0.1",
+		})
+		// Perform the allocation update to replace the blobber
+		output, err := updateAllocation(t, configPath, updateParams, true)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Error updating allocation", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		utils.AssertOutputMatchesAllocationRegex(t, updateAllocationRegex, output[0])
+		// Fetch the updated allocation details
+		afterAlloc := utils.GetAllocation(t, allocationID)
+		require.NotNil(t, afterAlloc, "Updated allocation should not be nil")
+		// Log the expected and actual write pool balances
+		t.Logf("Expected write pool %d actual write pool %d", amountTotalLockedToAlloc, afterAlloc.WritePool)
+		// Check that the write pool balance matches the expected value
+		require.InEpsilon(t, amountTotalLockedToAlloc, afterAlloc.WritePool, 0.01, "Write pool balance doesn't match after blobber replacement")
+		// Retrieve the transaction details for further analysis
+		txn, err := getTransacionFromSingleSharder(t, afterAlloc.Tx)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Error getting transaction from sharder")
+		// Query blobber rewards to validate the enterprise blobber rewards calculation
+		rewardQuery := fmt.Sprintf("allocation_id='%s' AND provider_id='%s' AND reward_type=%d", allocationID, blobberToRemove, EnterpriseBlobberReward)
+		enterpriseReward, err := getQueryRewards(t, rewardQuery)
+		require.Nil(t, err)
+		// Calculate the expected payment to the replaced blobber based on the time used and the double blobber price
+		timeUnitInSeconds := int64(600) // 10 minutes
+		durationOfUsedInSeconds := int64(txn.CreationDate) - afterAlloc.StartTime
+		expectedPaymentToReplacedBlobber := 5e8 * durationOfUsedInSeconds / timeUnitInSeconds
+		t.Log("Enterprise reward: ", enterpriseReward.TotalReward, "Expected: ", expectedPaymentToReplacedBlobber)
+		// Validate the enterprise rewards after blobber replacement
+		require.InEpsilon(t, expectedPaymentToReplacedBlobber, enterpriseReward.TotalReward, 0.01, "Enterprise blobber reward doesn't match after blobber replacement")
+		// Reset the blobber price after the test and clean up
+		defer func() {
+			err = updateBlobberPrice(t, configPath, addBlobberID, originalPrice)
+			require.Nil(t, err, "Error resetting blobber price after test")
+			output, err = cancelAllocation(t, configPath, allocationID, true)
+			require.Nil(t, err, "Unable to cancel allocation", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+			require.Regexp(t, cancelAllocationRegex, strings.Join(output, "\n"), "cancel allocation fail", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		}()
+	})
+	t.Run("Replace blobber with the same one in allocation, shouldn't work", func(t *test.SystemTest) {
+		allocationID, blobberToRemove := setupAllocationAndGetRandomBlobber(t, configPath)
+		blobberAuthTickets, _ := utils.GenerateBlobberAuthTickets(t, configPath)
+		addBlobberAuthTicket := blobberAuthTickets[0]
+		params := createParams(map[string]interface{}{
+			"allocation":              allocationID,
+			"add_blobber":             blobberToRemove,
+			"add_blobber_auth_ticket": addBlobberAuthTicket,
+			"remove_blobber":          blobberToRemove,
+		})
+		output, err := updateAllocation(t, configPath, params, false)
+		require.NotNil(t, err, "Expected error updating allocation but got none", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		require.Regexp(t, replaceBlobberWithSameIdFailRegex, strings.Join(output, "\n"),
+			"Error regex match fail update allocation for replace blobber with the same one")
+	})
+	t.Run("Replace blobber with incorrect blobber ID of an old blobber, shouldn't work", func(t *test.SystemTest) {
+		allocationID, blobberToRemove := setupAllocationAndGetRandomBlobber(t, configPath)
+		incorrectBlobberID := "1234abc"
+		blobberAuthTickets, _ := utils.GenerateBlobberAuthTickets(t, configPath)
+		addBlobberAuthTicket := blobberAuthTickets[0]
+		params := createParams(map[string]interface{}{
+			"allocation":              allocationID,
+			"add_blobber":             incorrectBlobberID,
+			"add_blobber_auth_ticket": addBlobberAuthTicket,
+			"remove_blobber":          blobberToRemove,
+		})
+		output, err := updateAllocation(t, configPath, params, false)
+		require.NotNil(t, err, "Expected error updating allocation but got none", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		require.Regexp(t, replaceBlobberWithWrongIdFailRegex, strings.Join(output, "\n"),
+			"Error regex match update allocation for replace blobber with incorrect blobber")
+	})
+func setupAllocationAndGetRandomBlobber(t *test.SystemTest, cliConfigFilename string, extraParams ...map[string]interface{}) (allocationId, randomBlobberId string) {
+	utils.SetupWalletWithCustomTokens(t, cliConfigFilename, 10)
+	options := map[string]interface{}{
+		"data":   2,
+		"parity": 2,
+		"size":   1 * GB,
+		"lock":   "0.2",
+	}
+	for _, params := range extraParams {
+		for k, v := range params {
+			options[k] = v
+		}
+	}
+	allocationID := utils.SetupEnterpriseAllocation(t, cliConfigFilename, options)
+	wd, _ := os.Getwd()
+	walletFile := filepath.Join(wd, "config", utils.EscapedTestName(t)+"_wallet.json")
+	configFile := filepath.Join(wd, "config", cliConfigFilename)
+	randomBlobber, err := cli_tests.GetRandomBlobber(walletFile, configFile, allocationID, "")
+	require.Nil(t, err, "Error getting random blobber")
+	return allocationID, randomBlobber
+func updateBlobberPrice(t *test.SystemTest, configPath, blobberID string, newPrice int64) error {
+	params := map[string]interface{}{
+		"blobber_id":  blobberID,
+		"write_price": utils.IntToZCN(newPrice),
+	}
+	output, err := utils.ExecuteFaucetWithTokensForWallet(t, "wallets/blobber_owner", configPath, 99)
+	require.Nil(t, err, "Error executing faucet", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+	output, err = utils.UpdateBlobberInfoForWallet(t, configPath, "wallets/blobber_owner", utils.CreateParams(params))
+	if err != nil {
+		t.Log("Error updating blobber price: " + strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		return err
+	}
+	t.Log("Updated blobber price:", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+	return nil
diff --git a/tests/tokenomics_tests/enterprise_blobber_update_allocation_test.go b/tests/tokenomics_tests/enterprise_blobber_update_allocation_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..72681d6565
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/tokenomics_tests/enterprise_blobber_update_allocation_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,1672 @@
+package tokenomics_tests
+import (
+	"encoding/json"
+	"fmt"
+	"io"
+	"net/http"
+	"os"
+	"path/filepath"
+	"reflect"
+	"regexp"
+	"strconv"
+	"strings"
+	"testing"
+	"time"
+	"github.com/0chain/system_test/tests/cli_tests"
+	"github.com/0chain/system_test/tests/tokenomics_tests/utils"
+	"github.com/0chain/system_test/internal/api/util/test"
+	"github.com/stretchr/testify/require"
+	climodel "github.com/0chain/system_test/internal/cli/model"
+	cliutils "github.com/0chain/system_test/internal/cli/util"
+var (
+	updateAllocationRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`^Allocation updated with txId : [a-f0-9]{64}$`)
+	repairCompletednRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`Repair file completed, Total files repaired: {2}1`)
+func costOfAlloc(alloc *climodel.Allocation) int64 {
+	cost := float64(0)
+	for _, blobber := range alloc.BlobberDetails {
+		cost += (sizeInGB(alloc.Size) / float64(alloc.DataShards)) * float64(blobber.Terms.WritePrice)
+	}
+	return int64(cost)
+func TestUpdateEnterpriseAllocation(testSetup *testing.T) {
+	t := test.NewSystemTest(testSetup)
+	output, err := utils.CreateWallet(t, configPath)
+	require.Nil(t, err, "Error creating configuration wallet", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+	var blobbersList []climodel.Blobber
+	output, err = utils.ListBlobbers(t, configPath, "--json")
+	require.Nil(t, err, "Error fetching blobbers %v", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+	require.Len(t, output, 1, "Error wrong json format", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+	err = json.NewDecoder(strings.NewReader(output[0])).Decode(&blobbersList)
+	require.Nil(t, err, "Error decoding blobbers json")
+	t.TestSetup("set storage config to use time_unit as 10 minutes", func() {
+		output, err := utils.UpdateStorageSCConfig(t, scOwnerWallet, map[string]string{
+			"time_unit": "10m",
+		}, true)
+		require.Nil(t, err, strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+	})
+	t.Cleanup(func() {
+		output, err := utils.UpdateStorageSCConfig(t, scOwnerWallet, map[string]string{
+			"time_unit": "1h",
+		}, true)
+		require.Nil(t, err, strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		var blobbers []climodel.Blobber
+		output, err = utils.ListBlobbers(t, configPath, "--json")
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Error listing blobberes", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		require.Len(t, output, 1, "Error invalid json length", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		err = json.NewDecoder(strings.NewReader(output[0])).Decode(&blobbers)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Error decoding blobbers list", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		for _, blobber := range blobbers {
+			if blobber.Terms.WritePrice != 1e9 {
+				err := updateBlobberPrice(t, configPath, blobber.ID, 1e9)
+				require.Nil(t, err, "Error resetting blobber write prices")
+			}
+		}
+	})
+	t.RunSequentiallyWithTimeout("Blobber price change extend size of allocation", 25*time.Minute, func(t *test.SystemTest) {
+		utils.SetupWalletWithCustomTokens(t, configPath, 10)
+		amountTotalLockedToAlloc := int64(2e9) // 0.2ZCN
+		allocationID := utils.SetupEnterpriseAllocation(t, configPath, map[string]interface{}{
+			"size":   1 * GB,
+			"data":   3,
+			"parity": 3,
+			"lock":   0.2, // 2GB total size where write price per blobber is 0.1ZCN
+		})
+		beforeAlloc := utils.GetAllocation(t, allocationID)
+		t.Logf("Update 1 Allocation %+v\n", beforeAlloc)
+		blobber := beforeAlloc.BlobberDetails[0]
+		t.Logf("Blobber old write price %d", blobber.Terms.WritePrice)
+		t.Logf("Blobber new write price %d", 2*blobber.Terms.WritePrice)
+		err := updateBlobberPrice(t, configPath, blobber.BlobberID, blobber.Terms.WritePrice*2)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Error updating blobber price")
+		waitForTimeInMinutesWhileLogging(t, 5)
+		params := createParams(map[string]interface{}{
+			"allocation": allocationID,
+			"lock":       0.5,
+			"size":       1 * GB,
+		})
+		output, err := updateAllocation(t, configPath, params, true)
+		amountTotalLockedToAlloc += 5e9 // 0.5ZCN
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Could not update "+
+			"allocation due to error", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		require.Len(t, output, 1)
+		utils.AssertOutputMatchesAllocationRegex(t, updateAllocationRegex, output[0])
+		afterAlloc := utils.GetAllocation(t, allocationID)
+		t.Logf("Update 1 immediate Allocation %+v\n", afterAlloc)
+		require.Less(t, beforeAlloc.ExpirationDate, afterAlloc.ExpirationDate,
+			fmt.Sprint("Expiration Time doesn't match: "+
+				"Before:", beforeAlloc.ExpirationDate, "After:", afterAlloc.ExpirationDate),
+		)
+		// Verify write pool calculations
+		timeUnitInSeconds := int64(600) // 10 minutes
+		durationOfUsedInSeconds := afterAlloc.ExpirationDate - beforeAlloc.StartTime - timeUnitInSeconds
+		realCostOfBeforeAlloc := costOfAlloc(&beforeAlloc)
+		expectedPaymentToBlobbers := realCostOfBeforeAlloc * durationOfUsedInSeconds / timeUnitInSeconds
+		expectedWritePoolBalance := amountTotalLockedToAlloc - expectedPaymentToBlobbers
+		amountTotalLockedToAlloc = expectedWritePoolBalance
+		// Log all values
+		t.Logf("Time unit in seconds: %d", timeUnitInSeconds)
+		t.Logf("Duration of used in seconds: %d", durationOfUsedInSeconds)
+		t.Logf("Expire time before: %d", beforeAlloc.ExpirationDate)
+		t.Logf("Expire time after: %d", afterAlloc.ExpirationDate)
+		t.Logf("Real cost of before alloc: %d", realCostOfBeforeAlloc)
+		t.Logf("Expected payment to blobbers: %d", expectedPaymentToBlobbers)
+		t.Logf("Expected write pool balance: %d", expectedWritePoolBalance)
+		t.Logf("Write pool balance: %d", afterAlloc.WritePool)
+		require.InEpsilon(t, expectedWritePoolBalance, afterAlloc.WritePool, 0.01, "Write pool balance doesn't match")
+		// Verify blobber rewards calculations
+		rewardQuery := fmt.Sprintf("allocation_id='%s' AND reward_type=%d", allocationID, EnterpriseBlobberReward)
+		enterpriseReward, err := getQueryRewards(t, rewardQuery)
+		require.Nil(t, err)
+		t.Logf("Enterprise reward: %+v", enterpriseReward)
+		t.Log("Enterprise reward: ", enterpriseReward.TotalReward, "Expected: ", expectedPaymentToBlobbers)
+		require.InEpsilon(t, expectedPaymentToBlobbers, enterpriseReward.TotalReward, 0.01, "Enterprise blobber reward doesn't match")
+		afterUpdate1Alloc := utils.GetAllocation(t, allocationID)
+		t.Logf("Update 1 Allocation %+v\n", afterUpdate1Alloc)
+		waitForTimeInMinutesWhileLogging(t, 5)
+		// Upgrade 2
+		params = createParams(map[string]interface{}{
+			"allocation": allocationID,
+			"lock":       0.5,
+			"size":       1 * GB,
+		})
+		output, err = updateAllocation(t, configPath, params, true)
+		amountTotalLockedToAlloc += 5e9 // 0.5ZCN
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Could not update "+
+			"allocation due to error", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		require.Len(t, output, 1)
+		utils.AssertOutputMatchesAllocationRegex(t, updateAllocationRegex, output[0])
+		afterAlloc = utils.GetAllocation(t, allocationID)
+		t.Logf("Update 2 Allocation %+v\n", afterAlloc)
+		require.Less(t, afterUpdate1Alloc.ExpirationDate, afterAlloc.ExpirationDate,
+			fmt.Sprint("Expiration Time doesn't match: "+
+				"Before:", afterUpdate1Alloc.ExpirationDate, "After:", afterAlloc.ExpirationDate),
+		)
+		// Verify write pool calculations
+		timeUnitInSeconds = int64(600) // 10 minutes
+		afterFirstUpdateAllocStartTime := afterUpdate1Alloc.ExpirationDate - timeUnitInSeconds
+		durationOfUsedInSeconds = afterAlloc.ExpirationDate - afterFirstUpdateAllocStartTime - timeUnitInSeconds // 50
+		realCostOfBeforeAlloc = costOfAlloc(&afterUpdate1Alloc)
+		expectedPaymentToBlobbersAfterFirstUpdate := realCostOfBeforeAlloc * durationOfUsedInSeconds / timeUnitInSeconds
+		expectedPaymentToBlobbers += expectedPaymentToBlobbersAfterFirstUpdate
+		expectedWritePoolBalance = amountTotalLockedToAlloc - expectedPaymentToBlobbersAfterFirstUpdate
+		// Log all values
+		t.Logf("Time unit in seconds: %d", timeUnitInSeconds)
+		t.Logf("Duration of used in seconds: %d", durationOfUsedInSeconds)
+		t.Logf("Expire time before: %d", beforeAlloc.ExpirationDate)
+		t.Logf("Expire time after: %d", afterAlloc.ExpirationDate)
+		t.Logf("Real cost of before alloc: %d", realCostOfBeforeAlloc)
+		t.Logf("Expected payment to blobbers: %d", expectedPaymentToBlobbers)
+		t.Logf("Expected write pool balance: %d", expectedWritePoolBalance)
+		t.Logf("Write pool balance: %d", afterAlloc.WritePool)
+		require.InEpsilon(t, expectedWritePoolBalance, afterAlloc.WritePool, 0.01, "Write pool balance doesn't match")
+		// Verify blobber rewards calculations
+		rewardQuery = fmt.Sprintf("allocation_id='%s' AND reward_type=%d", allocationID, EnterpriseBlobberReward)
+		enterpriseReward, err = getQueryRewards(t, rewardQuery)
+		require.Nil(t, err)
+		t.Logf("Enterprise reward: %+v", enterpriseReward)
+		t.Log("Enterprise reward: ", enterpriseReward.TotalReward, "Expected: ", expectedPaymentToBlobbers)
+		require.InEpsilon(t, expectedPaymentToBlobbers, enterpriseReward.TotalReward, 0.01, "Enterprise blobber reward doesn't match")
+		// reset blobber write price.
+		err = updateBlobberPrice(t, configPath, blobber.BlobberID, blobber.Terms.WritePrice)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Error resting blobber prices to original")
+		// Cleanup
+		output, err = cancelAllocation(t, configPath, allocationID, true)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Unable to cancel allocation", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		require.Regexp(t, cancelAllocationRegex, strings.Join(output, "\n"), "cancel allcoation fail", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+	})
+	t.RunSequentiallyWithTimeout("Blobber price change extend duration of allocation", 25*time.Minute, func(t *test.SystemTest) {
+		utils.SetupWalletWithCustomTokens(t, configPath, 10)
+		amountTotalLockedToAlloc := int64(2e9) // 0.2ZCN
+		allocationID := utils.SetupEnterpriseAllocation(t, configPath, map[string]interface{}{
+			"size":   1 * GB,
+			"data":   3,
+			"parity": 3,
+			"lock":   0.2, // 2GB total size where write price per blobber is 0.1ZCN
+		})
+		beforeAlloc := utils.GetAllocation(t, allocationID)
+		t.Logf("Before Allocation %+v\n", beforeAlloc)
+		blobber := beforeAlloc.BlobberDetails[0]
+		err := updateBlobberPrice(t, configPath, blobber.BlobberID, blobber.Terms.WritePrice*2)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Error updating blobber prices")
+		waitForTimeInMinutesWhileLogging(t, 5)
+		// First update
+		params := createParams(map[string]interface{}{
+			"allocation": allocationID,
+			"extend":     true,
+			"lock":       0.5,
+		})
+		output, err := updateAllocation(t, configPath, params, true)
+		amountTotalLockedToAlloc += 5e9
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Could not update "+
+			"allocation due to error", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		require.Len(t, output, 1)
+		utils.AssertOutputMatchesAllocationRegex(t, updateAllocationRegex, output[0])
+		afterAlloc := utils.GetAllocation(t, allocationID)
+		require.Less(t, beforeAlloc.ExpirationDate, afterAlloc.ExpirationDate,
+			fmt.Sprint("Expiration Time doesn't match: "+
+				"Before:", beforeAlloc.ExpirationDate, "After:", afterAlloc.ExpirationDate),
+		)
+		// Verify write pool calculations
+		timeUnitInSeconds := int64(600) // 10 minutes
+		durationOfUsedInSeconds := afterAlloc.ExpirationDate - beforeAlloc.StartTime - timeUnitInSeconds
+		realCostOfBeforeAlloc := costOfAlloc(&beforeAlloc)
+		expectedPaymentToBlobbers := realCostOfBeforeAlloc * durationOfUsedInSeconds / timeUnitInSeconds
+		expectedWritePoolBalance := amountTotalLockedToAlloc - expectedPaymentToBlobbers
+		amountTotalLockedToAlloc = expectedWritePoolBalance
+		// Log all values
+		t.Logf("Time unit in seconds: %d", timeUnitInSeconds)
+		t.Logf("Duration of used in seconds: %d", durationOfUsedInSeconds)
+		t.Logf("Expire time before: %d", beforeAlloc.ExpirationDate)
+		t.Logf("Expire time after: %d", afterAlloc.ExpirationDate)
+		t.Logf("Real cost of before alloc: %d", realCostOfBeforeAlloc)
+		t.Logf("Expected payment to blobbers: %d", expectedPaymentToBlobbers)
+		t.Logf("Expected write pool balance: %d", expectedWritePoolBalance)
+		t.Logf("Write pool balance: %d", afterAlloc.WritePool)
+		require.InEpsilon(t, expectedWritePoolBalance, afterAlloc.WritePool, 0.01, "Write pool balance doesn't match")
+		// Verify blobber rewards calculations
+		rewardQuery := fmt.Sprintf("allocation_id='%s' AND reward_type=%d", allocationID, EnterpriseBlobberReward)
+		enterpriseReward, err := getQueryRewards(t, rewardQuery)
+		require.Nil(t, err)
+		t.Logf("Enterprise reward: %+v", enterpriseReward)
+		t.Log("Enterprise reward: ", enterpriseReward.TotalReward, "Expected: ", expectedPaymentToBlobbers)
+		require.InEpsilon(t, expectedPaymentToBlobbers, enterpriseReward.TotalReward, 0.01, "Enterprise blobber reward doesn't match")
+		afterUpdate1Alloc := utils.GetAllocation(t, allocationID)
+		t.Logf("Update 1 Allocation %+v\n", afterUpdate1Alloc)
+		waitForTimeInMinutesWhileLogging(t, 5)
+		// Second update
+		params = createParams(map[string]interface{}{
+			"allocation": allocationID,
+			"extend":     true,
+			"lock":       0.5,
+		})
+		output, err = updateAllocation(t, configPath, params, true)
+		amountTotalLockedToAlloc += 5e9
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Could not update "+
+			"allocation due to error", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		require.Len(t, output, 1)
+		utils.AssertOutputMatchesAllocationRegex(t, updateAllocationRegex, output[0])
+		afterAlloc = utils.GetAllocation(t, allocationID)
+		t.Logf("Update 2 Allocation %+v\n", afterAlloc)
+		require.Less(t, afterUpdate1Alloc.ExpirationDate, afterAlloc.ExpirationDate,
+			fmt.Sprint("Expiration Time doesn't match: "+
+				"Before:", afterUpdate1Alloc.ExpirationDate, "After:", afterAlloc.ExpirationDate),
+		)
+		// Verify write pool calculations
+		timeUnitInSeconds = int64(600) // 10 minutes
+		afterFirstUpdateAllocStartTime := afterUpdate1Alloc.ExpirationDate - timeUnitInSeconds
+		durationOfUsedInSeconds = afterAlloc.ExpirationDate - afterFirstUpdateAllocStartTime - timeUnitInSeconds // 50
+		realCostOfBeforeAlloc = costOfAlloc(&afterUpdate1Alloc)
+		expectedPaymentToBlobbersAfterSecondUpdate := realCostOfBeforeAlloc * durationOfUsedInSeconds / timeUnitInSeconds
+		expectedPaymentToBlobbers += expectedPaymentToBlobbersAfterSecondUpdate
+		expectedWritePoolBalance = amountTotalLockedToAlloc - expectedPaymentToBlobbersAfterSecondUpdate
+		// Log all values
+		t.Logf("Time unit in seconds: %d", timeUnitInSeconds)
+		t.Logf("Duration of used in seconds: %d", durationOfUsedInSeconds)
+		t.Logf("Expire time before: %d", afterUpdate1Alloc.ExpirationDate)
+		t.Logf("Expire time after: %d", afterAlloc.ExpirationDate)
+		t.Logf("Real cost of before alloc: %d", realCostOfBeforeAlloc)
+		t.Logf("Expected payment to blobbers: %d", expectedPaymentToBlobbers)
+		t.Logf("Expected write pool balance: %d", expectedWritePoolBalance)
+		t.Logf("Write pool balance: %d", afterAlloc.WritePool)
+		require.InEpsilon(t, expectedWritePoolBalance, afterAlloc.WritePool, 0.01, "Write pool balance doesn't match")
+		// Verify blobber rewards calculations
+		rewardQuery = fmt.Sprintf("allocation_id='%s' AND reward_type=%d", allocationID, EnterpriseBlobberReward)
+		enterpriseReward, err = getQueryRewards(t, rewardQuery)
+		require.Nil(t, err)
+		t.Logf("Enterprise reward: %+v", enterpriseReward)
+		t.Log("Enterprise reward: ", enterpriseReward.TotalReward, "Expected: ", expectedPaymentToBlobbers)
+		require.InEpsilon(t, expectedPaymentToBlobbers, enterpriseReward.TotalReward, 0.01, "Enterprise blobber reward doesn't match")
+		// Cleanup
+		err = updateBlobberPrice(t, configPath, blobber.BlobberID, blobber.Terms.WritePrice)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Error updating blobber price")
+		output, err = cancelAllocation(t, configPath, allocationID, true)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Unable to cancel allocation", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		require.Regexp(t, cancelAllocationRegex, strings.Join(output, "\n"), "cancel allcoation fail", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+	})
+	t.RunWithTimeout("Extend duration cost calculation", 15*time.Minute, func(t *test.SystemTest) {
+		utils.SetupWalletWithCustomTokens(t, configPath, 10)
+		amountTotalLockedToAlloc := int64(2e9) // 0.2ZCN
+		allocationID := utils.SetupEnterpriseAllocation(t, configPath, map[string]interface{}{
+			"size":   1 * GB,
+			"data":   3,
+			"parity": 3,
+			"lock":   0.2, // 2GB total size where write price per blobber is 0.1ZCN
+		})
+		beforeAlloc := utils.GetAllocation(t, allocationID)
+		realCostOfBeforeAlloc := costOfAlloc(&beforeAlloc)
+		waitForTimeInMinutesWhileLogging(t, 5)
+		params := createParams(map[string]interface{}{
+			"allocation": allocationID,
+			"extend":     true,
+			"lock":       0.2, // Locking 0.2 ZCN as we can't calculate the accurate time of update, will validate numbers after updating the alloc
+		})
+		output, err := updateAllocation(t, configPath, params, true)
+		amountTotalLockedToAlloc += 2e9 // 0.2ZCN
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Could not update "+
+			"allocation due to error", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		require.Len(t, output, 1)
+		utils.AssertOutputMatchesAllocationRegex(t, updateAllocationRegex, output[0])
+		afterAlloc := utils.GetAllocation(t, allocationID)
+		require.Less(t, beforeAlloc.ExpirationDate, afterAlloc.ExpirationDate,
+			fmt.Sprint("Expiration Time doesn't match: "+
+				"Before:", beforeAlloc.ExpirationDate, "After:", afterAlloc.ExpirationDate),
+		)
+		// Verify write pool calculations
+		timeUnitInSeconds := int64(600) // 10 minutes
+		durationOfUsedInSeconds := afterAlloc.ExpirationDate - beforeAlloc.StartTime - timeUnitInSeconds
+		expectedPaymentToBlobbers := realCostOfBeforeAlloc * durationOfUsedInSeconds / timeUnitInSeconds
+		expectedWritePoolBalance := amountTotalLockedToAlloc - expectedPaymentToBlobbers
+		// Log all values
+		t.Logf("Time unit in seconds: %d", timeUnitInSeconds)
+		t.Logf("Duration of used in seconds: %d", durationOfUsedInSeconds)
+		t.Logf("Expire time before: %d", beforeAlloc.ExpirationDate)
+		t.Logf("Expire time after: %d", afterAlloc.ExpirationDate)
+		t.Logf("Real cost of before alloc: %d", realCostOfBeforeAlloc)
+		t.Logf("Expected payment to blobbers: %d", expectedPaymentToBlobbers)
+		t.Logf("Expected write pool balance: %d", expectedWritePoolBalance)
+		t.Logf("Write pool balance: %d", afterAlloc.WritePool)
+		require.InEpsilon(t, expectedWritePoolBalance, afterAlloc.WritePool, 0.01, "Write pool balance doesn't match")
+		// Verify blobber rewards calculations
+		rewardQuery := fmt.Sprintf("allocation_id='%s' AND reward_type=%d", allocationID, EnterpriseBlobberReward)
+		enterpriseReward, err := getQueryRewards(t, rewardQuery)
+		require.Nil(t, err)
+		t.Log("Enterprise reward: ", enterpriseReward.TotalReward, "Expected: ", expectedPaymentToBlobbers)
+		require.InEpsilon(t, expectedPaymentToBlobbers, enterpriseReward.TotalReward, 0.01, "Enterprise blobber reward doesn't match")
+		// Cleanup
+		output, err = cancelAllocation(t, configPath, allocationID, true)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Unable to cancel allocation", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		require.Regexp(t, cancelAllocationRegex, strings.Join(output, "\n"), "cancel allcoation fail", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+	})
+	t.RunWithTimeout("Upgrade size cost calculation", 15*time.Minute, func(t *test.SystemTest) {
+		utils.SetupWalletWithCustomTokens(t, configPath, 10)
+		amountTotalLockedToAlloc := int64(2e9) // 0.2ZCN
+		allocationID := utils.SetupEnterpriseAllocation(t, configPath, map[string]interface{}{
+			"size":   1 * GB,
+			"data":   3,
+			"parity": 3,
+			"lock":   0.2, // 2GB total size where write price per blobber is 0.1ZCN
+		})
+		beforeAlloc := utils.GetAllocation(t, allocationID)
+		waitForTimeInMinutesWhileLogging(t, 5)
+		params := createParams(map[string]interface{}{
+			"allocation": allocationID,
+			"extend":     true,
+			"lock":       0.4, // Locking 0.4 ZCN (double as we have new size) as we can't calculate the accurate time of update, will validate numbers after updating the alloc
+			"size":       1 * GB,
+		})
+		output, err := updateAllocation(t, configPath, params, true)
+		amountTotalLockedToAlloc += 4e9 // 0.4ZCN
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Could not update "+
+			"allocation due to error", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		require.Len(t, output, 1)
+		utils.AssertOutputMatchesAllocationRegex(t, updateAllocationRegex, output[0])
+		afterAlloc := utils.GetAllocation(t, allocationID)
+		require.Less(t, beforeAlloc.ExpirationDate, afterAlloc.ExpirationDate,
+			fmt.Sprint("Expiration Time doesn't match: "+
+				"Before:", beforeAlloc.ExpirationDate, "After:", afterAlloc.ExpirationDate),
+		)
+		// Verify write pool calculations
+		timeUnitInSeconds := int64(600) // 10 minutes
+		durationOfUsedInSeconds := afterAlloc.ExpirationDate - beforeAlloc.StartTime - timeUnitInSeconds
+		realCostOfBeforeAlloc := costOfAlloc(&beforeAlloc)
+		expectedPaymentToBlobbers := realCostOfBeforeAlloc * durationOfUsedInSeconds / timeUnitInSeconds
+		expectedWritePoolBalance := amountTotalLockedToAlloc - expectedPaymentToBlobbers
+		// Log all values
+		t.Logf("Time unit in seconds: %d", timeUnitInSeconds)
+		t.Logf("Duration of used in seconds: %d", durationOfUsedInSeconds)
+		t.Logf("Expire time before: %d", beforeAlloc.ExpirationDate)
+		t.Logf("Expire time after: %d", afterAlloc.ExpirationDate)
+		t.Logf("Real cost of before alloc: %d", realCostOfBeforeAlloc)
+		t.Logf("Expected payment to blobbers: %d", expectedPaymentToBlobbers)
+		t.Logf("Expected write pool balance: %d", expectedWritePoolBalance)
+		t.Logf("Write pool balance: %d", afterAlloc.WritePool)
+		require.InEpsilon(t, expectedWritePoolBalance, afterAlloc.WritePool, 0.01, "Write pool balance doesn't match")
+		// Verify blobber rewards calculations
+		rewardQuery := fmt.Sprintf("allocation_id='%s' AND reward_type=%d", allocationID, EnterpriseBlobberReward)
+		enterpriseReward, err := getQueryRewards(t, rewardQuery)
+		require.Nil(t, err)
+		t.Log("Enterprise reward: ", enterpriseReward.TotalReward, "Expected: ", expectedPaymentToBlobbers)
+		require.InEpsilon(t, expectedPaymentToBlobbers, enterpriseReward.TotalReward, 0.01, "Enterprise blobber reward doesn't match")
+		// Cleanup
+		output, err = cancelAllocation(t, configPath, allocationID, true)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Unable to cancel allocation", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		require.Regexp(t, cancelAllocationRegex, strings.Join(output, "\n"), "cancel allcoation fail", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+	})
+	t.RunWithTimeout("Add blobber cost calculation", 15*time.Minute, func(t *test.SystemTest) {
+		utils.SetupWalletWithCustomTokens(t, configPath, 10)
+		amountTotalLockedToAlloc := int64(2e9) // 0.2ZCN
+		allocationID := utils.SetupEnterpriseAllocation(t, configPath, map[string]interface{}{
+			"size":   1 * GB,
+			"data":   2,
+			"parity": 2,
+			"lock":   0.2, // 2GB total size where write price per blobber is 0.1ZCN
+		})
+		waitForTimeInMinutesWhileLogging(t, 5)
+		wd, _ := os.Getwd()
+		walletFile := filepath.Join(wd, "config", utils.EscapedTestName(t)+"_wallet.json")
+		configFile := filepath.Join(wd, "config", configPath)
+		addBlobberID, addBlobberUrl, err := utils.GetBlobberIdAndUrlNotPartOfAllocation(walletFile, configFile, allocationID)
+		require.Nil(t, err)
+		addBlobberAuthTicket, err := utils.GetBlobberAuthTicketWithId(t, configPath, addBlobberID, addBlobberUrl)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Unable to generate auth ticket for add blobber")
+		params := createParams(map[string]interface{}{
+			"allocation":              allocationID,
+			"lock":                    0.05, // Locking 0.05 ZCN (cost of single blobber)
+			"add_blobber":             addBlobberID,
+			"add_blobber_auth_ticket": addBlobberAuthTicket,
+		})
+		output, err := updateAllocation(t, configPath, params, true)
+		amountTotalLockedToAlloc += 0.05 * 1e10 // 0.25ZCN
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Could not update "+
+			"allocation due to error", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		require.Len(t, output, 2)
+		utils.AssertOutputMatchesAllocationRegex(t, updateAllocationRegex, output[0])
+		afterAlloc := utils.GetAllocation(t, allocationID)
+		require.InEpsilon(t, amountTotalLockedToAlloc, afterAlloc.WritePool, 0.01, "Write pool balance doesn't match")
+		rewardQuery := fmt.Sprintf("allocation_id='%s' AND reward_type=%d", allocationID, EnterpriseBlobberReward)
+		enterpriseReward, err := getQueryRewards(t, rewardQuery)
+		require.Nil(t, err)
+		require.Equal(t, float64(0), enterpriseReward.TotalReward, "Enterprise blobber reward should be 0")
+		// Cleanup
+		output, err = cancelAllocation(t, configPath, allocationID, true)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Unable to cancel allocation", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		require.Regexp(t, cancelAllocationRegex, strings.Join(output, "\n"), "cancel allcoation fail", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+	})
+	t.RunWithTimeout("Replace blobber cost calculation", 15*time.Minute, func(t *test.SystemTest) {
+		utils.SetupWalletWithCustomTokens(t, configPath, 10)
+		amountTotalLockedToAlloc := int64(2e9) // 0.2ZCN
+		allocationID := utils.SetupEnterpriseAllocation(t, configPath, map[string]interface{}{
+			"size":   1 * GB,
+			"data":   2,
+			"parity": 2,
+			"lock":   0.2, // 2GB total size where write price per blobber is 0.1ZCN
+		})
+		beforeAlloc := utils.GetAllocation(t, allocationID)
+		waitForTimeInMinutesWhileLogging(t, 5)
+		wd, _ := os.Getwd()
+		walletFile := filepath.Join(wd, "config", utils.EscapedTestName(t)+"_wallet.json")
+		configFile := filepath.Join(wd, "config", configPath)
+		addBlobberID, addBlobberUrl, err := utils.GetBlobberIdAndUrlNotPartOfAllocation(walletFile, configFile, allocationID)
+		require.Nil(t, err)
+		addBlobberAuthTicket, err := utils.GetBlobberAuthTicketWithId(t, configPath, addBlobberID, addBlobberUrl)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Unable to generate auth ticket for add blobber")
+		params := createParams(map[string]interface{}{
+			"allocation":              allocationID,
+			"add_blobber":             addBlobberID,
+			"add_blobber_auth_ticket": addBlobberAuthTicket,
+			"remove_blobber":          beforeAlloc.BlobberDetails[0].BlobberID,
+		})
+		output, err := updateAllocation(t, configPath, params, true)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Could not update "+
+			"allocation due to error", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		require.Len(t, output, 2)
+		utils.AssertOutputMatchesAllocationRegex(t, updateAllocationRegex, output[0])
+		afterAlloc := utils.GetAllocation(t, allocationID)
+		require.InEpsilon(t, amountTotalLockedToAlloc, afterAlloc.WritePool, 0.01, "Write pool balance doesn't match")
+		txn, err := getTransacionFromSingleSharder(t, afterAlloc.Tx)
+		require.Nil(t, err)
+		// Verify blobber rewards calculations
+		timeUnitInSeconds := int64(600) // 10 minutes
+		durationOfUsedInSeconds := int64(txn.CreationDate) - afterAlloc.StartTime
+		expectedPaymentToReplacedBlobber := 5e8 * durationOfUsedInSeconds / timeUnitInSeconds
+		rewardQuery := fmt.Sprintf("allocation_id='%s' AND provider_id='%s' AND reward_type=%d", allocationID, beforeAlloc.BlobberDetails[0].BlobberID, EnterpriseBlobberReward)
+		enterpriseReward, err := getQueryRewards(t, rewardQuery)
+		require.Nil(t, err)
+		t.Log("Enterprise reward: ", enterpriseReward.TotalReward, "Expected: ", expectedPaymentToReplacedBlobber)
+		require.InEpsilon(t, expectedPaymentToReplacedBlobber, enterpriseReward.TotalReward, 0.01, "Enterprise blobber reward doesn't match")
+		// Cleanup
+		output, err = cancelAllocation(t, configPath, allocationID, true)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Unable to cancel allocation", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		require.Regexp(t, cancelAllocationRegex, strings.Join(output, "\n"), "cancel allcoation fail", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+	})
+	t.RunWithTimeout("Update Expiry Should Work", 15*time.Minute, func(t *test.SystemTest) {
+		allocationID, allocationBeforeUpdate := setupAndParseAllocation(t, configPath, map[string]interface{}{
+			"lock": "0.1",
+		})
+		params := createParams(map[string]interface{}{
+			"allocation": allocationID,
+			"extend":     true,
+		})
+		time.Sleep(5 * time.Minute)
+		output, err := updateAllocation(t, configPath, params, true)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Could not update "+
+			"allocation due to error", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		require.Len(t, output, 1)
+		utils.AssertOutputMatchesAllocationRegex(t, updateAllocationRegex, output[0])
+		ac := utils.GetAllocation(t, allocationID)
+		require.Less(t, allocationBeforeUpdate.ExpirationDate, ac.ExpirationDate,
+			fmt.Sprint("Expiration Time doesn't match: "+
+				"Before:", allocationBeforeUpdate.ExpirationDate, "After:", ac.ExpirationDate),
+		)
+		// Cleanup
+		output, err = cancelAllocation(t, configPath, allocationID, true)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Unable to cancel allocation", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		require.Regexp(t, cancelAllocationRegex, strings.Join(output, "\n"), "cancel allcoation fail", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+	})
+	t.Run("Update Size Should Work", func(t *test.SystemTest) {
+		allocationID, allocationBeforeUpdate := setupAndParseAllocation(t, configPath)
+		size := int64(256)
+		params := createParams(map[string]interface{}{
+			"allocation": allocationID,
+			"size":       size,
+		})
+		output, err := updateAllocation(t, configPath, params, true)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Could not update allocation "+
+			"due to error", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		require.Len(t, output, 1)
+		utils.AssertOutputMatchesAllocationRegex(t, updateAllocationRegex, output[0])
+		allocations := parseListAllocations(t, configPath)
+		ac, ok := allocations[allocationID]
+		require.True(t, ok, "current allocation not found", allocationID, allocations)
+		require.Equal(t, allocationBeforeUpdate.Size+size, ac.Size,
+			fmt.Sprint("Size doesn't match: Before:", allocationBeforeUpdate.Size, "After:", ac.Size),
+		)
+		// Cleanup
+		output, err = cancelAllocation(t, configPath, allocationID, true)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Unable to cancel allocation", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		require.Regexp(t, cancelAllocationRegex, strings.Join(output, "\n"), "cancel allcoation fail", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+	})
+	t.Run("Update All Parameters Should Work", func(t *test.SystemTest) {
+		allocationID, allocationBeforeUpdate := setupAndParseAllocation(t, configPath)
+		size := int64(2048)
+		params := createParams(map[string]interface{}{
+			"allocation": allocationID,
+			"extend":     true,
+			"size":       size,
+		})
+		output, err := updateAllocation(t, configPath, params, true)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Could not update allocation due to error", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		require.Len(t, output, 1)
+		utils.AssertOutputMatchesAllocationRegex(t, updateAllocationRegex, output[0])
+		allocations := parseListAllocations(t, configPath)
+		ac, ok := allocations[allocationID]
+		require.True(t, ok, "current allocation not found", allocationID, allocations)
+		require.Less(t, allocationBeforeUpdate.ExpirationDate, ac.ExpirationDate)
+		require.Equal(t, allocationBeforeUpdate.Size+size, ac.Size)
+		// Cleanup
+		output, err = cancelAllocation(t, configPath, allocationID, true)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Unable to cancel allocation", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		require.Regexp(t, cancelAllocationRegex, strings.Join(output, "\n"), "cancel allcoation fail", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+	})
+	t.RunWithTimeout("Update Allocation flags for forbid and allow file_options should succeed", 8*time.Minute, func(t *test.SystemTest) {
+		_, err := utils.CreateWallet(t, configPath)
+		require.Nil(t, err)
+		allocationID := setupAllocation(t, configPath)
+		params := createParams(map[string]interface{}{
+			"allocation":    allocationID,
+			"forbid_upload": nil,
+		})
+		output, err := updateAllocation(t, configPath, params, true)
+		if err != nil {
+			require.Contains(t, err.Error(), "update allocation changes nothing")
+		} else {
+			require.Len(t, output, 1)
+			utils.AssertOutputMatchesAllocationRegex(t, updateAllocationRegex, output[0])
+		}
+		alloc := utils.GetAllocation(t, allocationID)
+		require.Equal(t, uint16(0), alloc.FileOptions&(1<<0))
+		params = createParams(map[string]interface{}{
+			"allocation":    allocationID,
+			"forbid_delete": nil,
+		})
+		t.Logf("forbidden delete")
+		output, err = updateAllocation(t, configPath, params, true)
+		if err != nil {
+			require.Contains(t, err.Error(), "update allocation changes nothing")
+		} else {
+			require.Len(t, output, 1)
+			utils.AssertOutputMatchesAllocationRegex(t, updateAllocationRegex, output[0])
+		}
+		alloc = utils.GetAllocation(t, allocationID)
+		require.Equal(t, uint16(0), alloc.FileOptions&(1<<1))
+		params = createParams(map[string]interface{}{
+			"allocation":    allocationID,
+			"forbid_update": nil,
+		})
+		t.Logf("forbidden update")
+		output, err = updateAllocation(t, configPath, params, true)
+		if err != nil {
+			require.Contains(t, err.Error(), "update allocation changes nothing")
+		} else {
+			require.Len(t, output, 1)
+			utils.AssertOutputMatchesAllocationRegex(t, updateAllocationRegex, output[0])
+		}
+		alloc = utils.GetAllocation(t, allocationID)
+		require.Equal(t, uint16(0), alloc.FileOptions&(1<<2))
+		params = createParams(map[string]interface{}{
+			"allocation":  allocationID,
+			"forbid_move": nil,
+		})
+		t.Logf("forbidden move")
+		output, err = updateAllocation(t, configPath, params, true)
+		if err != nil {
+			require.Contains(t, err.Error(), "update allocation changes nothing")
+		} else {
+			require.Len(t, output, 1)
+			utils.AssertOutputMatchesAllocationRegex(t, updateAllocationRegex, output[0])
+		}
+		alloc = utils.GetAllocation(t, allocationID)
+		require.Equal(t, uint16(0), alloc.FileOptions&(1<<3))
+		t.Logf("forbidden copy")
+		params = createParams(map[string]interface{}{
+			"allocation":  allocationID,
+			"forbid_copy": nil,
+		})
+		output, err = updateAllocation(t, configPath, params, true)
+		if err != nil {
+			require.Contains(t, err.Error(), "update allocation changes nothing")
+		} else {
+			require.Len(t, output, 1)
+			utils.AssertOutputMatchesAllocationRegex(t, updateAllocationRegex, output[0])
+		}
+		alloc = utils.GetAllocation(t, allocationID)
+		require.Equal(t, uint16(0), alloc.FileOptions&(1<<4))
+		t.Logf("forbidden rename")
+		params = createParams(map[string]interface{}{
+			"allocation":    allocationID,
+			"forbid_rename": nil,
+		})
+		output, err = updateAllocation(t, configPath, params, true)
+		if err != nil {
+			require.Contains(t, err.Error(), "update allocation changes nothing")
+		} else {
+			require.Len(t, output, 1)
+			utils.AssertOutputMatchesAllocationRegex(t, updateAllocationRegex, output[0])
+		}
+		alloc = utils.GetAllocation(t, allocationID)
+		require.Equal(t, uint16(0), alloc.FileOptions&(1<<5))
+		t.Logf("allow upload")
+		params = createParams(map[string]interface{}{
+			"allocation":    allocationID,
+			"forbid_upload": false,
+		})
+		output, err = updateAllocation(t, configPath, params, true)
+		if err != nil {
+			require.Contains(t, err.Error(), "update allocation changes nothing")
+		} else {
+			require.Len(t, output, 1)
+			utils.AssertOutputMatchesAllocationRegex(t, updateAllocationRegex, output[0])
+		}
+		alloc = utils.GetAllocation(t, allocationID)
+		require.Equal(t, uint16(1), alloc.FileOptions)
+		t.Logf("allow delete")
+		params = createParams(map[string]interface{}{
+			"allocation":    allocationID,
+			"forbid_delete": false,
+		})
+		output, err = updateAllocation(t, configPath, params, true)
+		if err != nil {
+			require.Contains(t, err.Error(), "update allocation changes nothing")
+		} else {
+			require.Len(t, output, 1)
+			utils.AssertOutputMatchesAllocationRegex(t, updateAllocationRegex, output[0])
+		}
+		alloc = utils.GetAllocation(t, allocationID)
+		require.Equal(t, uint16(2), alloc.FileOptions&(1<<1))
+		t.Logf("allow update")
+		params = createParams(map[string]interface{}{
+			"allocation":    allocationID,
+			"forbid_update": false,
+		})
+		output, err = updateAllocation(t, configPath, params, true)
+		if err != nil {
+			require.Contains(t, err.Error(), "update allocation changes nothing")
+		} else {
+			require.Len(t, output, 1)
+			utils.AssertOutputMatchesAllocationRegex(t, updateAllocationRegex, output[0])
+		}
+		alloc = utils.GetAllocation(t, allocationID)
+		require.Equal(t, uint16(4), alloc.FileOptions&(1<<2))
+		t.Logf("allow move")
+		params = createParams(map[string]interface{}{
+			"allocation":  allocationID,
+			"forbid_move": false,
+		})
+		output, err = updateAllocation(t, configPath, params, true)
+		if err != nil {
+			require.Contains(t, err.Error(), "update allocation changes nothing")
+		} else {
+			require.Len(t, output, 1)
+			utils.AssertOutputMatchesAllocationRegex(t, updateAllocationRegex, output[0])
+		}
+		alloc = utils.GetAllocation(t, allocationID)
+		require.Equal(t, uint16(8), alloc.FileOptions&(1<<3))
+		t.Logf("allow copy")
+		params = createParams(map[string]interface{}{
+			"allocation":  allocationID,
+			"forbid_copy": false,
+		})
+		output, err = updateAllocation(t, configPath, params, true)
+		if err != nil {
+			require.Contains(t, err.Error(), "update allocation changes nothing")
+		} else {
+			require.Len(t, output, 1)
+			utils.AssertOutputMatchesAllocationRegex(t, updateAllocationRegex, output[0])
+		}
+		alloc = utils.GetAllocation(t, allocationID)
+		require.Equal(t, uint16(16), alloc.FileOptions&(1<<4))
+		t.Logf("allow rename")
+		params = createParams(map[string]interface{}{
+			"allocation":    allocationID,
+			"forbid_rename": false,
+		})
+		output, err = updateAllocation(t, configPath, params, true)
+		if err != nil {
+			require.Contains(t, err.Error(), "update allocation changes nothing")
+		} else {
+			require.Len(t, output, 1)
+			utils.AssertOutputMatchesAllocationRegex(t, updateAllocationRegex, output[0])
+		}
+		alloc = utils.GetAllocation(t, allocationID)
+		require.Equal(t, uint16(32), alloc.FileOptions&(1<<5))
+		// Cleanup
+		output, err = cancelAllocation(t, configPath, allocationID, true)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Unable to cancel allocation", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		require.Regexp(t, cancelAllocationRegex, strings.Join(output, "\n"), "cancel allcoation fail", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+	})
+	t.Run("Update allocation set_third_party_extendable flag should work", func(t *test.SystemTest) {
+		allocationID, _ := setupAndParseAllocation(t, configPath)
+		params := createParams(map[string]interface{}{
+			"allocation":                 allocationID,
+			"set_third_party_extendable": nil,
+		})
+		output, err := updateAllocation(t, configPath, params, true)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "error updating allocation", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		require.Len(t, output, 1)
+		utils.AssertOutputMatchesAllocationRegex(t, updateAllocationRegex, output[0])
+		alloc := utils.GetAllocation(t, allocationID)
+		require.True(t, alloc.ThirdPartyExtendable)
+		// Cleanup
+		output, err = cancelAllocation(t, configPath, allocationID, true)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Unable to cancel allocation", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		require.Regexp(t, cancelAllocationRegex, strings.Join(output, "\n"), "cancel allcoation fail", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+	})
+	t.Run("Update allocation expand by third party if third_party_extendable = true should succeed", func(t *test.SystemTest) {
+		allocationID, _ := setupAndParseAllocation(t, configPath)
+		params := createParams(map[string]interface{}{
+			"allocation":                 allocationID,
+			"set_third_party_extendable": nil,
+		})
+		output, err := updateAllocation(t, configPath, params, true)
+		if err != nil {
+			require.Equal(t, output[0], "Error updating allocation:allocation_updating_failed: update allocation changes nothing")
+		} else {
+			require.Nil(t, err, "error updating allocation", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+			require.Len(t, output, 1)
+			utils.AssertOutputMatchesAllocationRegex(t, updateAllocationRegex, output[0])
+		}
+		alloc := utils.GetAllocation(t, allocationID)
+		require.True(t, alloc.ThirdPartyExtendable)
+		nonAllocOwnerWallet := utils.EscapedTestName(t) + "_NON_OWNER"
+		_, err = utils.CreateWalletForName(t, configPath, nonAllocOwnerWallet)
+		require.Nil(t, err)
+		params = createParams(map[string]interface{}{
+			"allocation": allocationID,
+			"size":       2,
+			"extend":     true,
+		})
+		output, err = updateAllocationWithWallet(t, nonAllocOwnerWallet, configPath, params, true)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "error updating allocation", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		allocUpdated := utils.GetAllocation(t, allocationID)
+		require.Equal(t, alloc.Size+2, allocUpdated.Size)
+		require.Nil(t, err)
+		require.Less(t, alloc.ExpirationDate, allocUpdated.ExpirationDate)
+		// Cleanup
+		output, err = cancelAllocation(t, configPath, allocationID, true)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Unable to cancel allocation", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		require.Regexp(t, cancelAllocationRegex, strings.Join(output, "\n"), "cancel allcoation fail", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+	})
+	t.Run("Update allocation with add blobber should succeed", func(t *test.SystemTest) {
+		output, err := utils.CreateWallet(t, configPath)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Error creating wallet", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		allocSize := int64(4096)
+		allocationID := utils.SetupEnterpriseAllocation(t, configPath, map[string]interface{}{
+			"size":   allocSize,
+			"tokens": 9,
+		})
+		wd, _ := os.Getwd()
+		walletFile := filepath.Join(wd, "config", utils.EscapedTestName(t)+"_wallet.json")
+		configFile := filepath.Join(wd, "config", configPath)
+		blobberID, blobberUrl, err := cli_tests.GetBlobberIdAndUrlNotPartOfAllocation(walletFile, configFile, allocationID)
+		require.Nil(t, err)
+		blobberAuthTicket, err := utils.GetBlobberAuthTicketWithId(t, configPath, blobberID, blobberUrl)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Unable to generate add blobber auth ticket")
+		params := createParams(map[string]interface{}{
+			"allocation":                 allocationID,
+			"set_third_party_extendable": nil,
+			"add_blobber":                blobberID,
+			"add_blobber_auth_ticket":    blobberAuthTicket,
+		})
+		output, err = updateAllocation(t, configPath, params, true)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "error updating allocation", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		utils.AssertOutputMatchesAllocationRegex(t, updateAllocationRegex, output[0])
+		// Cleanup
+		output, err = cancelAllocation(t, configPath, allocationID, true)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Unable to cancel allocation", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		require.Regexp(t, cancelAllocationRegex, strings.Join(output, "\n"), "cancel allcoation fail", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+	})
+	t.Run("Update allocation with replace blobber should succeed", func(t *test.SystemTest) {
+		output, err := utils.CreateWallet(t, configPath)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Error creating wallet %v", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		allocSize := int64(4096)
+		fileSize := int64(1024)
+		allocationID := utils.SetupEnterpriseAllocationAndReadLock(t, configPath, map[string]interface{}{
+			"size":   allocSize,
+			"tokens": 9,
+		})
+		filename := utils.GenerateRandomTestFileName(t)
+		err = utils.CreateFileWithSize(filename, fileSize)
+		require.Nil(t, err)
+		remotePath := "/dir" + filename
+		output, err = utils.UploadFile(t, configPath, map[string]interface{}{
+			"allocation": allocationID,
+			"remotepath": remotePath,
+			"localpath":  filename,
+		}, true)
+		require.Nil(t, err, strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		wd, _ := os.Getwd()
+		walletFile := filepath.Join(wd, "config", utils.EscapedTestName(t)+"_wallet.json")
+		configFile := filepath.Join(wd, "config", configPath)
+		addBlobberID, addBlobberUrl, err := cli_tests.GetBlobberIdAndUrlNotPartOfAllocation(walletFile, configFile, allocationID)
+		require.Nil(t, err)
+		removeBlobber, err := cli_tests.GetRandomBlobber(walletFile, configFile, allocationID, addBlobberID)
+		require.Nil(t, err)
+		addBlobberAuthTicket, err := utils.GetBlobberAuthTicketWithId(t, configPath, addBlobberID, addBlobberUrl)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Unable to generate auth ticket for add blobber")
+		params := createParams(map[string]interface{}{
+			"allocation":                 allocationID,
+			"set_third_party_extendable": nil,
+			"add_blobber":                addBlobberID,
+			"add_blobber_auth_ticket":    addBlobberAuthTicket,
+			"remove_blobber":             removeBlobber,
+		})
+		output, err = updateAllocation(t, configPath, params, true)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "error updating allocation", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		utils.AssertOutputMatchesAllocationRegex(t, updateAllocationRegex, output[0])
+		utils.AssertOutputMatchesAllocationRegex(t, repairCompletednRegex, output[len(output)-1])
+		fref, err := cli_tests.VerifyFileRefFromBlobber(walletFile, configFile, allocationID, addBlobberID, remotePath)
+		require.Nil(t, err)
+		require.NotNil(t, fref)
+		// Cleanup
+		output, err = cancelAllocation(t, configPath, allocationID, true)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Unable to cancel allocation", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		require.Regexp(t, cancelAllocationRegex, strings.Join(output, "\n"), "cancel allcoation fail", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+	})
+	t.Run("Run all update operations one by one", func(t *test.SystemTest) {
+		allocationID, allocationBeforeUpdate := setupAndParseAllocation(t, configPath)
+		// Extend Allocation
+		params := createParams(map[string]interface{}{
+			"allocation": allocationID,
+			"extend":     true,
+		})
+		output, err := updateAllocation(t, configPath, params, true)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Error extending allocation", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		utils.AssertOutputMatchesAllocationRegex(t, updateAllocationRegex, output[0])
+		// Increase Allocation Size
+		size := int64(2048)
+		params = createParams(map[string]interface{}{
+			"allocation": allocationID,
+			"size":       size,
+		})
+		output, err = updateAllocation(t, configPath, params, true)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Error increasing allocation size", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		utils.AssertOutputMatchesAllocationRegex(t, updateAllocationRegex, output[0])
+		// Set Third Party Extendable
+		params = createParams(map[string]interface{}{
+			"allocation":                 allocationID,
+			"set_third_party_extendable": nil,
+		})
+		output, err = updateAllocation(t, configPath, params, true)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Error setting third party extendable", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		utils.AssertOutputMatchesAllocationRegex(t, updateAllocationRegex, output[0])
+		wd, _ := os.Getwd()
+		walletFile := filepath.Join(wd, "config", utils.EscapedTestName(t)+"_wallet.json")
+		configFile := filepath.Join(wd, "config", configPath)
+		// Add Blobber
+		blobberID, blobberUrl, err := cli_tests.GetBlobberIdAndUrlNotPartOfAllocation(walletFile, configFile, allocationID)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Unable to get blobber not part of allocaiton")
+		blobberAuthTicket, err := utils.GetBlobberAuthTicketWithId(t, configPath, blobberID, blobberUrl)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Unable to generate auth ticket for add blobber")
+		params = createParams(map[string]interface{}{
+			"allocation":              allocationID,
+			"add_blobber":             blobberID,
+			"add_blobber_auth_ticket": blobberAuthTicket,
+		})
+		output, err = updateAllocation(t, configPath, params, true)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Error adding blobber", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		utils.AssertOutputMatchesAllocationRegex(t, updateAllocationRegex, output[0])
+		// Validate Final Allocation State
+		alloc := utils.GetAllocation(t, allocationID)
+		require.Greater(t, alloc.Size, allocationBeforeUpdate.Size)
+		require.True(t, alloc.ThirdPartyExtendable)
+		// Cleanup
+		output, err = cancelAllocation(t, configPath, allocationID, true)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Unable to cancel allocation", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		require.Regexp(t, cancelAllocationRegex, strings.Join(output, "\n"), "cancel allcoation fail", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+	})
+	t.Run("Run all update operations at once", func(t *test.SystemTest) {
+		allocationID, allocationBeforeUpdate := setupAndParseAllocation(t, configPath)
+		size := int64(2048)
+		wd, _ := os.Getwd()
+		walletFile := filepath.Join(wd, "config", utils.EscapedTestName(t)+"_wallet.json")
+		configFile := filepath.Join(wd, "config", configPath)
+		// Add Blobber
+		blobberID, blobberUrl, err := cli_tests.GetBlobberIdAndUrlNotPartOfAllocation(walletFile, configFile, allocationID)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Unable to get blobber not part of allocaiton")
+		blobberAuthTicket, err := utils.GetBlobberAuthTicketWithId(t, configPath, blobberID, blobberUrl)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Unable to generate auth ticket for add blobber")
+		// Combine all update operations
+		params := createParams(map[string]interface{}{
+			"allocation":                 allocationID,
+			"extend":                     true,
+			"size":                       size,
+			"set_third_party_extendable": nil,
+			"add_blobber":                blobberID,
+			"add_blobber_auth_ticket":    blobberAuthTicket,
+		})
+		output, err := updateAllocation(t, configPath, params, true)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Error updating allocation with all operations at once", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		utils.AssertOutputMatchesAllocationRegex(t, updateAllocationRegex, output[0])
+		// Validate Final Allocation State
+		alloc := utils.GetAllocation(t, allocationID)
+		require.Greater(t, alloc.Size, allocationBeforeUpdate.Size)
+		require.True(t, alloc.ThirdPartyExtendable)
+		// Cleanup
+		output, err = cancelAllocation(t, configPath, allocationID, true)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Unable to cancel allocation", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		require.Regexp(t, cancelAllocationRegex, strings.Join(output, "\n"), "cancel allcoation fail", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+	})
+	t.Run("Update Size beyond blobber capacity should fail", func(t *test.SystemTest) {
+		allocationID, _ := setupAndParseAllocation(t, configPath)
+		size := int64(1099511627776000)
+		params := createParams(map[string]interface{}{
+			"allocation": allocationID,
+			"size":       size,
+		})
+		output, err := updateAllocation(t, configPath, params, false)
+		require.NotNil(t, err, "Could not update allocation "+
+			"due to error", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		require.Len(t, output, 1)
+		require.Contains(t, output[0], "doesn't have enough free space")
+		// Cleanup
+		output, err = cancelAllocation(t, configPath, allocationID, true)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Unable to cancel allocation", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		require.Regexp(t, cancelAllocationRegex, strings.Join(output, "\n"), "cancel allcoation fail", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+	})
+	t.Run("Update Negative Size Should Fail", func(t *test.SystemTest) {
+		allocationID, allocationBeforeUpdate := setupAndParseAllocation(t, configPath)
+		size := int64(-256)
+		params := createParams(map[string]interface{}{
+			"allocation": allocationID,
+			"size":       size,
+		})
+		output, err := updateAllocation(t, configPath, params, true)
+		require.Error(t, err, "expected error updating allocation", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		require.Len(t, output, 1)
+		require.Equal(t, "Error updating allocation:allocation_updating_failed: allocation can't be reduced", output[0])
+		alloc := utils.GetAllocation(t, allocationID)
+		require.Equal(t, allocationBeforeUpdate.Size, alloc.Size)
+		require.Equal(t, allocationBeforeUpdate.ExpirationDate, alloc.ExpirationDate)
+		// Cleanup
+		output, err = cancelAllocation(t, configPath, allocationID, true)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Unable to cancel allocation", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		require.Regexp(t, cancelAllocationRegex, strings.Join(output, "\n"), "cancel allcoation fail", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+	})
+	t.Run("Update Nothing Should Fail", func(t *test.SystemTest) {
+		allocationID := setupAllocation(t, configPath)
+		params := createParams(map[string]interface{}{
+			"allocation": allocationID,
+		})
+		output, err := updateAllocation(t, configPath, params, false)
+		require.NotNil(t, err, "expected error updating allocation", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		require.True(t, len(output) > 0, "expected output length be at least 1", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		require.Equal(t, "Error updating allocation:allocation_updating_failed: update allocation changes nothing", output[0])
+		// Cleanup
+		output, err = cancelAllocation(t, configPath, allocationID, true)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Unable to cancel allocation", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		require.Regexp(t, cancelAllocationRegex, strings.Join(output, "\n"), "cancel allcoation fail", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+	})
+	t.Run("Update Non-existent Allocation Should Fail", func(t *test.SystemTest) {
+		_, err := utils.CreateWallet(t, configPath)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Error creating wallet")
+		allocationID := "123abc"
+		params := createParams(map[string]interface{}{
+			"allocation": allocationID,
+			"extend":     true,
+		})
+		output, err := updateAllocation(t, configPath, params, false)
+		require.NotNil(t, err, "expected error updating allocation", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		require.Equal(t, "Error updating allocation:couldnt_find_allocation: Couldn't find the allocation required for update", output[0])
+	})
+	t.RunWithTimeout("Update Other's Allocation Should Fail", 5*time.Minute, func(t *test.SystemTest) {
+		myAllocationID := setupAllocation(t, configPath)
+		targetWalletName := utils.EscapedTestName(t) + "_TARGET"
+		_, err := utils.CreateWalletForName(t, configPath, targetWalletName)
+		require.Nil(t, err)
+		size := int64(2048)
+		params := createParams(map[string]interface{}{
+			"allocation": myAllocationID,
+			"size":       size,
+		})
+		output, err := updateAllocation(t, configPath, params, true)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Could not update allocation due to error", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		require.Len(t, output, 1)
+		utils.AssertOutputMatchesAllocationRegex(t, updateAllocationRegex, output[0])
+		params = createParams(map[string]interface{}{
+			"allocation": myAllocationID,
+			"size":       size,
+		})
+		output, err = updateAllocationWithWallet(t, targetWalletName, configPath, params, false)
+		require.NotNil(t, err, "expected error updating "+
+			"allocation", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		require.Len(t, output, 1)
+		require.Equal(t, "Error updating allocation:allocation_updating_failed: only owner can update the allocation", output[0])
+	})
+	t.Run("Update Mistake Size Parameter Should Fail", func(t *test.SystemTest) {
+		allocationID := setupAllocation(t, configPath)
+		size := "ab"
+		params := createParams(map[string]interface{}{
+			"allocation": allocationID,
+			"size":       size,
+		})
+		output, err := updateAllocation(t, configPath, params, false)
+		require.NotNil(t, err, "expected error updating "+
+			"allocation", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		require.True(t, len(output) > 0, "expected output length be at "+
+			"least 1", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		expected := fmt.Sprintf(
+			`Error: invalid argument "%v" for "--size" flag: strconv.ParseInt: parsing "%v": invalid syntax`,
+			size, size,
+		)
+		require.Equal(t, expected, output[0])
+		// Cleanup
+		output, err = cancelAllocation(t, configPath, allocationID, true)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Unable to cancel allocation", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		require.Regexp(t, cancelAllocationRegex, strings.Join(output, "\n"), "cancel allcoation fail", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+	})
+	t.Run("Updating same file options twice should fail", func(w *test.SystemTest) {
+		allocationID, _ := setupAndParseAllocation(t, configPath)
+		params := createParams(map[string]interface{}{
+			"allocation":    allocationID,
+			"forbid_upload": nil,
+			"forbid_delete": nil,
+			"forbid_move":   nil,
+		})
+		output, err := updateAllocation(t, configPath, params, true)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "error updating allocation", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		require.Len(t, output, 1)
+		utils.AssertOutputMatchesAllocationRegex(t, updateAllocationRegex, output[0])
+		params = createParams(map[string]interface{}{
+			"allocation":    allocationID,
+			"forbid_upload": nil,
+			"forbid_delete": nil,
+			"forbid_move":   nil,
+		})
+		output, err = updateAllocation(t, configPath, params, false)
+		require.NotNil(t, err, "error updating allocation", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		require.Len(t, output, 1)
+		require.Contains(t, output[0], "changes nothing")
+		// Cleanup
+		output, err = cancelAllocation(t, configPath, allocationID, true)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Unable to cancel allocation", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		require.Regexp(t, cancelAllocationRegex, strings.Join(output, "\n"), "cancel allcoation fail", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+	})
+	t.Run("Update allocation set_third_party_extendable flag should fail if third_party_extendable is already true", func(t *test.SystemTest) {
+		allocationID, _ := setupAndParseAllocation(t, configPath)
+		params := createParams(map[string]interface{}{
+			"allocation":                 allocationID,
+			"set_third_party_extendable": nil,
+		})
+		output, err := updateAllocation(t, configPath, params, true)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "error updating allocation", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		require.Len(t, output, 1)
+		utils.AssertOutputMatchesAllocationRegex(t, updateAllocationRegex, output[0])
+		alloc := utils.GetAllocation(t, allocationID)
+		require.True(t, alloc.ThirdPartyExtendable)
+		params = createParams(map[string]interface{}{
+			"allocation":                 allocationID,
+			"set_third_party_extendable": nil,
+		})
+		output, err = updateAllocation(t, configPath, params, false)
+		require.NotNil(t, err, "error updating allocation", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		require.Contains(t, strings.Join(output, "\n"), "changes nothing")
+		// Cleanup
+		output, err = cancelAllocation(t, configPath, allocationID, true)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Unable to cancel allocation", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		require.Regexp(t, cancelAllocationRegex, strings.Join(output, "\n"), "cancel allcoation fail", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+	})
+	t.Run("Update allocation expand by third party if third_party_extendable = false should fail", func(t *test.SystemTest) {
+		allocationID, _ := setupAndParseAllocation(t, configPath)
+		params := createParams(map[string]interface{}{
+			"allocation": allocationID,
+			"size":       1,
+		})
+		output, err := updateAllocation(t, configPath, params, true)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "error updating allocation", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		require.Len(t, output, 1)
+		utils.AssertOutputMatchesAllocationRegex(t, updateAllocationRegex, output[0])
+		alloc := utils.GetAllocation(t, allocationID)
+		require.False(t, alloc.ThirdPartyExtendable)
+		nonAllocOwnerWallet := utils.EscapedTestName(t) + "_NON_OWNER"
+		_, err = utils.CreateWalletForName(t, configPath, nonAllocOwnerWallet)
+		require.Nil(t, err)
+		params = createParams(map[string]interface{}{
+			"allocation": allocationID,
+			"size":       2,
+		})
+		output, err = updateAllocationWithWallet(t, nonAllocOwnerWallet, configPath, params, true)
+		require.NotNil(t, err, strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		require.Contains(t, strings.Join(output, "\n"), "only owner can update the allocation")
+		// Cleanup
+		output, err = cancelAllocation(t, configPath, allocationID, true)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Unable to cancel allocation", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		require.Regexp(t, cancelAllocationRegex, strings.Join(output, "\n"), "cancel allcoation fail", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+	})
+	t.RunWithTimeout("Update allocation any other action than expand by third party regardless of third_party_extendable should fail", 7*time.Minute, func(t *test.SystemTest) {
+		allocationID, _ := setupAndParseAllocation(t, configPath)
+		params := createParams(map[string]interface{}{
+			"allocation":                 allocationID,
+			"set_third_party_extendable": nil,
+		})
+		output, err := updateAllocation(t, configPath, params, true)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "error updating allocation", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		require.Len(t, output, 1)
+		utils.AssertOutputMatchesAllocationRegex(t, updateAllocationRegex, output[0])
+		alloc := utils.GetAllocation(t, allocationID)
+		require.True(t, alloc.ThirdPartyExtendable)
+		nonAllocOwnerWallet := utils.EscapedTestName(t) + "_NON_OWNER"
+		_, err = utils.CreateWalletForName(t, configPath, nonAllocOwnerWallet)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Error creating wallet for non allocaiton owner")
+		params = createParams(map[string]interface{}{
+			"allocation": allocationID,
+			"size":       -100,
+		})
+		output, err = updateAllocationWithWallet(t, nonAllocOwnerWallet, configPath, params, false)
+		require.NotNil(t, err, "no error updating allocation by third party", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		require.Contains(t, strings.Join(output, "\n"), "only owner can update the allocation")
+		params = createParams(map[string]interface{}{
+			"allocation":                 allocationID,
+			"forbid_upload":              nil,
+			"forbid_update":              nil,
+			"forbid_delete":              nil,
+			"forbid_rename":              nil,
+			"forbid_move":                nil,
+			"forbid_copy":                nil,
+			"set_third_party_extendable": nil,
+		})
+		output, err = updateAllocationWithWallet(t, nonAllocOwnerWallet, configPath, params, false)
+		require.NotNil(t, err, "no error updating allocation by third party", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		require.Contains(t, strings.Join(output, "\n"), "only owner can update the allocation")
+		params = createParams(map[string]interface{}{
+			"allocation":     allocationID,
+			"add_blobber":    "new_blobber_id",
+			"remove_blobber": "blobber_id",
+		})
+		output, err = updateAllocationWithWallet(t, nonAllocOwnerWallet, configPath, params, false)
+		require.NotNil(t, err, "no error updating allocation by third party", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		require.Contains(t, strings.Join(output, "\n"), "only owner can update the allocation")
+		params = createParams(map[string]interface{}{
+			"allocation": allocationID,
+			"lock":       100,
+		})
+		output, err = updateAllocationWithWallet(t, nonAllocOwnerWallet, configPath, params, false)
+		require.NotNil(t, err, "no error updating allocation by third party", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		require.Contains(t, strings.Join(output, "\n"), "only owner can update the allocation")
+		updatedAlloc := utils.GetAllocation(t, allocationID)
+		require.Equal(t, alloc.Size, updatedAlloc.Size)
+		require.Equal(t, alloc.FileOptions, updatedAlloc.FileOptions)
+		require.Equal(t, len(alloc.Blobbers), len(updatedAlloc.Blobbers))
+		// Cleanup
+		output, err = cancelAllocation(t, configPath, allocationID, true)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "Unable to cancel allocation", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+		require.Regexp(t, cancelAllocationRegex, strings.Join(output, "\n"), "cancel allcoation fail", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+	})
+func setupAndParseAllocation(t *test.SystemTest, cliConfigFilename string, extraParams ...map[string]interface{}) (string, climodel.Allocation) {
+	allocationID := setupAllocation(t, cliConfigFilename, extraParams...)
+	allocations := parseListAllocations(t, cliConfigFilename)
+	allocation, ok := allocations[allocationID]
+	require.True(t, ok, "current allocation not found", allocationID, allocations)
+	return allocationID, allocation
+func parseListAllocations(t *test.SystemTest, cliConfigFilename string) map[string]climodel.Allocation {
+	output, err := listAllocations(t, cliConfigFilename)
+	require.Nil(t, err, "list allocations failed", err, strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+	require.Len(t, output, 1)
+	var allocations []*climodel.Allocation
+	err = json.NewDecoder(strings.NewReader(output[0])).Decode(&allocations)
+	require.Nil(t, err, "error deserializing JSON", err)
+	allocationMap := make(map[string]climodel.Allocation)
+	for _, ac := range allocations {
+		allocationMap[ac.ID] = *ac
+	}
+	return allocationMap
+func setupAllocation(t *test.SystemTest, cliConfigFilename string, extraParams ...map[string]interface{}) string {
+	return setupAllocationWithWallet(t, utils.EscapedTestName(t), cliConfigFilename, extraParams...)
+func setupAllocationWithWallet(t *test.SystemTest, walletName, cliConfigFilename string, extraParams ...map[string]interface{}) string {
+	output, err := utils.CreateWalletForName(t, configPath, walletName)
+	require.Nil(t, err, "Error creating wallet", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+	output, err = utils.ExecuteFaucetWithTokens(t, configPath, 1000)
+	require.Nil(t, err, "Error executing faucet", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+	blobberAuthTickets, blobberIds := utils.GenerateBlobberAuthTickets(t, configPath)
+	options := map[string]interface{}{"size": "10000000", "lock": "5", "enterprise": true, "blobber_auth_tickets": blobberAuthTickets, "preferred_blobbers": blobberIds}
+	for _, params := range extraParams {
+		for k, v := range params {
+			options[k] = v
+		}
+	}
+	output, err = utils.CreateNewEnterpriseAllocation(t, cliConfigFilename, utils.CreateParams(options))
+	require.NoError(t, err, "create new allocation failed", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+	require.Len(t, output, 1)
+	allocationID, err := utils.GetAllocationID(output[0])
+	require.Nil(t, err, "could not get allocation ID", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+	return allocationID
+func getAllocationCost(str string) (float64, error) {
+	allocationCostInOutput, err := strconv.ParseFloat(strings.Fields(str)[5], 64)
+	if err != nil {
+		return 0.0, err
+	}
+	unit := strings.Fields(str)[6]
+	allocationCostInZCN := utils.UnitToZCN(allocationCostInOutput, unit)
+	return allocationCostInZCN, nil
+func createParams(params map[string]interface{}) string {
+	var builder strings.Builder
+	for k, v := range params {
+		if v == nil {
+			_, _ = builder.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("--%s ", k))
+		} else if reflect.TypeOf(v).String() == "bool" {
+			_, _ = builder.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("--%s=%v ", k, v))
+		} else {
+			_, _ = builder.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("--%s %v ", k, v))
+		}
+	}
+	return strings.TrimSpace(builder.String())
+func updateAllocation(t *test.SystemTest, cliConfigFilename, params string, retry bool) ([]string, error) {
+	return updateAllocationWithWallet(t, utils.EscapedTestName(t), cliConfigFilename, params, retry)
+func updateAllocationWithWallet(t *test.SystemTest, wallet, cliConfigFilename, params string, retry bool) ([]string, error) {
+	t.Logf("Updating allocation...")
+	cmd := fmt.Sprintf(
+		"./zbox updateallocation %s --silent --wallet %s "+
+			"--configDir ./config --config %s",
+		params,
+		wallet+"_wallet.json",
+		cliConfigFilename,
+	)
+	if retry {
+		return cliutils.RunCommand(t, cmd, 3, time.Second*2)
+	} else {
+		return cliutils.RunCommandWithoutRetry(cmd)
+	}
+func listAllocations(t *test.SystemTest, cliConfigFilename string) ([]string, error) {
+	cliutils.Wait(t, 5*time.Second)
+	t.Logf("Listing allocations...")
+	cmd := fmt.Sprintf(
+		"./zbox listallocations --json --silent "+
+			"--wallet %s --configDir ./config --config %s",
+		utils.EscapedTestName(t)+"_wallet.json",
+		cliConfigFilename,
+	)
+	return cliutils.RunCommand(t, cmd, 3, time.Second*2)
+func getTransacionFromSingleSharder(t *test.SystemTest, hash string) (TransactionVerify, error) {
+	sharderBaseUrl := utils.GetSharderUrl(t)
+	requestURL := fmt.Sprintf("%s/v1/transaction/get/confirmation?hash=%s", sharderBaseUrl, hash)
+	var result TransactionVerify
+	res, _ := http.Get(requestURL) //nolint:gosec
+	defer func(Body io.ReadCloser) {
+		err := Body.Close()
+		if err != nil {
+			return
+		}
+	}(res.Body)
+	body, _ := io.ReadAll(res.Body)
+	err := json.Unmarshal(body, &result)
+	if err != nil {
+		return TransactionVerify{}, err
+	}
+	return result, nil
+type TransactionVerify struct {
+	Version           string `json:"version"`
+	Hash              string `json:"hash"`
+	BlockHash         string `json:"block_hash"`
+	PreviousBlockHash string `json:"previous_block_hash"`
+	Txn               struct {
+		Hash              string `json:"hash"`
+		Version           string `json:"version"`
+		ClientId          string `json:"client_id"`
+		PublicKey         string `json:"public_key"`
+		ToClientId        string `json:"to_client_id"`
+		ChainId           string `json:"chain_id"`
+		TransactionData   string `json:"transaction_data"`
+		TransactionValue  int    `json:"transaction_value"`
+		Signature         string `json:"signature"`
+		CreationDate      int    `json:"creation_date"`
+		TransactionFee    int    `json:"transaction_fee"`
+		TransactionNonce  int    `json:"transaction_nonce"`
+		TransactionType   int    `json:"transaction_type"`
+		TransactionOutput string `json:"transaction_output"`
+		TxnOutputHash     string `json:"txn_output_hash"`
+		TransactionStatus int    `json:"transaction_status"`
+	} `json:"txn"`
+	CreationDate      int    `json:"creation_date"`
+	MinerId           string `json:"miner_id"`
+	Round             int    `json:"round"`
+	TransactionStatus int    `json:"transaction_status"`
+	RoundRandomSeed   int64  `json:"round_random_seed"`
+	StateChangesCount int    `json:"state_changes_count"`
+	MerkleTreeRoot    string `json:"merkle_tree_root"`
+	MerkleTreePath    struct {
+		Nodes     []string `json:"nodes"`
+		LeafIndex int      `json:"leaf_index"`
+	} `json:"merkle_tree_path"`
+	ReceiptMerkleTreeRoot string `json:"receipt_merkle_tree_root"`
+	ReceiptMerkleTreePath struct {
+		Nodes     []string `json:"nodes"`
+		LeafIndex int      `json:"leaf_index"`
+	} `json:"receipt_merkle_tree_path"`
diff --git a/tests/tokenomics_tests/main_test.go b/tests/tokenomics_tests/main_test.go
index b624f58bc6..3bd275374f 100644
--- a/tests/tokenomics_tests/main_test.go
+++ b/tests/tokenomics_tests/main_test.go
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ func setupConfig() {
 		log.Fatalln(fmt.Errorf("fatal error config file: %s", err))
-	parsedConfig := config.Parse(filepath.Join(".", path, "tokenomics_tests_config.yaml"))
+	parsedConfig = config.Parse(filepath.Join(".", path, "tokenomics_tests_config.yaml"))
 	defaultTestTimeout, err := time.ParseDuration(parsedConfig.DefaultTestCaseTimeout)
 	if err != nil {
 		log.Printf("Default test case timeout could not be parsed so has defaulted to [%v]", test.DefaultTestTimeout)
@@ -81,6 +81,7 @@ const (
 	validator1Delegate2Wallet       = "wallets/validator1_delegate2"
 	validator2Delegate1Wallet       = "wallets/validator2_delegate1"
 	validator2Delegate2Wallet       = "wallets/validator2_delegate2"
+	zboxTeamWallet                  = "wallets/zbox_team"
 var (
@@ -88,6 +89,7 @@ var (
 	configDir              string
 	bridgeClientConfigFile string
 	bridgeOwnerConfigFile  string
+	parsedConfig           *config.Config
 func TestMain(m *testing.M) {
@@ -126,7 +128,8 @@ func TestMain(m *testing.M) {
 					strings.HasSuffix(f, miner02NodeDelegateWalletName+"_wallet.json") ||
 					strings.HasSuffix(f, miner03NodeDelegateWalletName+"_wallet.json") ||
 					strings.HasSuffix(f, sharder01NodeDelegateWalletName+"_wallet.json") ||
-					strings.HasSuffix(f, sharder02NodeDelegateWalletName+"_wallet.json") {
+					strings.HasSuffix(f, sharder02NodeDelegateWalletName+"_wallet.json") ||
+					strings.HasSuffix(f, zboxTeamWallet+"_wallet.json") {
 				_ = os.Remove(f)
diff --git a/tests/tokenomics_tests/min_stake_test.go b/tests/tokenomics_tests/min_stake_test.go
index 8209f3750c..770f5d0f90 100644
--- a/tests/tokenomics_tests/min_stake_test.go
+++ b/tests/tokenomics_tests/min_stake_test.go
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ const (
+	EnterpriseBlobberReward
diff --git a/tests/tokenomics_tests/utils/allocation.go b/tests/tokenomics_tests/utils/allocation.go
index d7a99470c3..2f6d2a8691 100644
--- a/tests/tokenomics_tests/utils/allocation.go
+++ b/tests/tokenomics_tests/utils/allocation.go
@@ -5,12 +5,17 @@ import (
+	"io"
+	"github.com/0chain/gosdk/core/conf"
+	"github.com/0chain/gosdk/zboxcore/sdk"
+	"github.com/0chain/gosdk/zcncore"
 	climodel "github.com/0chain/system_test/internal/cli/model"
 	cliutils "github.com/0chain/system_test/internal/cli/util"
@@ -29,7 +34,29 @@ func SetupAllocationAndReadLock(t *test.SystemTest, cliConfigFilename string, ex
 		tokens = token
-	allocationID := setupAllocation(t, cliConfigFilename, extraParam)
+	allocationID := SetupAllocation(t, cliConfigFilename, extraParam)
+	// Lock half the tokens for read pool
+	readPoolParams := CreateParams(map[string]interface{}{
+		"tokens": tokens / 2,
+	})
+	output, err := ReadPoolLock(t, cliConfigFilename, readPoolParams, true)
+	require.Nil(t, err, strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+	require.Len(t, output, 1)
+	require.Equal(t, "locked", output[0])
+	return allocationID
+func SetupEnterpriseAllocationAndReadLock(t *test.SystemTest, cliConfigFilename string, extraParam map[string]interface{}) string {
+	tokens := float64(1)
+	if tok, ok := extraParam["tokens"]; ok {
+		token, err := strconv.ParseFloat(fmt.Sprintf("%v", tok), 64)
+		require.Nil(t, err)
+		tokens = token
+	}
+	allocationID := SetupEnterpriseAllocation(t, cliConfigFilename, extraParam)
 	// Lock half the tokens for read pool
 	readPoolParams := CreateParams(map[string]interface{}{
@@ -57,12 +84,13 @@ func readPoolLockWithWallet(t *test.SystemTest, wallet, cliConfigFilename, param
-func setupAllocation(t *test.SystemTest, cliConfigFilename string, extraParams ...map[string]interface{}) string {
-	return setupAllocationWithWallet(t, EscapedTestName(t), cliConfigFilename, extraParams...)
+func SetupAllocation(t *test.SystemTest, cliConfigFilename string, extraParams ...map[string]interface{}) string {
+	return SetupAllocationWithWallet(t, EscapedTestName(t), cliConfigFilename, extraParams...)
-func setupAllocationWithWallet(t *test.SystemTest, walletName, cliConfigFilename string, extraParams ...map[string]interface{}) string {
+func SetupAllocationWithWallet(t *test.SystemTest, walletName, cliConfigFilename string, extraParams ...map[string]interface{}) string {
 	faucetTokens := 2.0
+	lockAmountPassed := false
 	// Then create new allocation
 	options := map[string]interface{}{"size": "10000", "lock": "0.5"}
@@ -76,12 +104,19 @@ func setupAllocationWithWallet(t *test.SystemTest, walletName, cliConfigFilename
 			faucetTokens = token
 			delete(params, "tokens")
+		if _, lockPassed := params["lock"]; lockPassed {
+			lockAmountPassed = true
+		}
 		for k, v := range params {
 			options[k] = v
-	options["lock"] = faucetTokens / 2
+	if !lockAmountPassed {
+		options["lock"] = faucetTokens / 2
+	}
 	t.Log("Creating new allocation...", options)
@@ -96,15 +131,33 @@ func setupAllocationWithWallet(t *test.SystemTest, walletName, cliConfigFilename
 	output, err = CreateNewAllocationForWallet(t, walletName, cliConfigFilename, CreateParams(options))
 	require.Nil(t, err, "create new allocation failed", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
-	require.Len(t, output, 1)
 	// Get the allocation ID and return it
-	allocationID, err := GetAllocationID(output[0])
+	allocationID, err := GetAllocationID(output[len(output)-1])
 	require.Nil(t, err, "could not get allocation ID", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
 	return allocationID
+func SetupEnterpriseAllocation(t *test.SystemTest, cliConfigFilename string, extraParams ...map[string]interface{}) string {
+	return SetupEnterpriseAllocationWithWallet(t, EscapedTestName(t), cliConfigFilename, extraParams...)
+func SetupEnterpriseAllocationWithWallet(t *test.SystemTest, walletName, cliConfigFilename string, extraParams ...map[string]interface{}) string {
+	if len(extraParams) == 0 {
+		extraParams = append(extraParams, map[string]interface{}{})
+	}
+	extraParams[0]["blobber_auth_tickets"], extraParams[0]["preferred_blobbers"] = GenerateBlobberAuthTicketsWithWallet(t, walletName, cliConfigFilename)
+	extraParams[0]["enterprise"] = true
+	allocID := SetupAllocationWithWallet(t, walletName, cliConfigFilename, extraParams...)
+	t.Logf("Enterprise allocation created with ID: %s", allocID)
+	return allocID
 func DownloadFile(t *test.SystemTest, cliConfigFilename, param string, retry bool) ([]string, error) {
 	return downloadFileForWallet(t, EscapedTestName(t), cliConfigFilename, param, retry)
@@ -125,7 +178,19 @@ func downloadFileForWallet(t *test.SystemTest, wallet, cliConfigFilename, param
 		return cliutils.RunCommandWithoutRetry(cmd)
+func CreateNewEnterpriseAllocation(t *test.SystemTest, cliConfigFilename, params string) ([]string, error) {
+	return CreateNewEnterpriseAllocationForWallet(t, EscapedTestName(t), cliConfigFilename, params)
+func CreateNewEnterpriseAllocationForWallet(t *test.SystemTest, wallet, cliConfigFilename, params string) ([]string, error) {
+	t.Logf("Creating new enterprise allocation...")
+	return cliutils.RunCommand(t, fmt.Sprintf(
+		"./zbox newallocation %s --silent --wallet %s --configDir ./config --config %s --allocationFileName %s --enterprise",
+		params,
+		wallet+"_wallet.json",
+		cliConfigFilename,
+		wallet+"_allocation.txt"), 3, time.Second*5)
 func CreateNewAllocation(t *test.SystemTest, cliConfigFilename, params string) ([]string, error) {
 	return CreateNewAllocationForWallet(t, EscapedTestName(t), cliConfigFilename, params)
@@ -183,10 +248,10 @@ func GetAllocationID(str string) (string, error) {
 func UploadFile(t *test.SystemTest, cliConfigFilename string, param map[string]interface{}, retry bool) ([]string, error) {
-	return uploadFileForWallet(t, EscapedTestName(t), cliConfigFilename, param, retry)
+	return UploadFileForWallet(t, EscapedTestName(t), cliConfigFilename, param, retry)
-func uploadFileForWallet(t *test.SystemTest, wallet, cliConfigFilename string, param map[string]interface{}, retry bool) ([]string, error) {
+func UploadFileForWallet(t *test.SystemTest, wallet, cliConfigFilename string, param map[string]interface{}, retry bool) ([]string, error) {
 	t.Logf("Uploading file...")
 	p := CreateParams(param)
@@ -258,3 +323,78 @@ func DeleteFile(t *test.SystemTest, walletName, params string, retry bool) ([]st
 		return cliutils.RunCommandWithoutRetry(cmd)
+func getBlobberNotPartOfAllocation(walletname, configFile, allocationID string) (*sdk.Blobber, error) {
+	err := InitSDK(walletname, configFile)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	a, err := sdk.GetAllocation(allocationID)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	blobbers, err := sdk.GetBlobbers(true, false)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	allocationBlobsMap := map[string]bool{}
+	for _, b := range a.BlobberDetails {
+		allocationBlobsMap[b.BlobberID] = true
+	}
+	for _, blobber := range blobbers {
+		if _, ok := allocationBlobsMap[string(blobber.ID)]; !ok {
+			return blobber, nil
+		}
+	}
+	return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to get blobber not part of allocation")
+// GetBlobberNotPartOfAllocation returns a blobber not part of current allocation
+func GetBlobberIdAndUrlNotPartOfAllocation(walletname, configFile, allocationID string) (blobberId, blobberUrl string, err error) {
+	blobber, err := getBlobberNotPartOfAllocation(walletname, configFile, allocationID)
+	if err != nil || blobber == nil {
+		return "", "", err
+	}
+	return string(blobber.ID), blobber.BaseURL, err
+func InitSDK(wallet, configFile string) error {
+	f, err := os.Open(wallet)
+	if err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	clientBytes, err := io.ReadAll(f)
+	if err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	walletJSON := string(clientBytes)
+	parsed, err := conf.LoadConfigFile(configFile)
+	if err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	marshal, err := json.Marshal(parsed)
+	if err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	err = zcncore.Init(string(marshal))
+	if err != nil {
+		return err
+	}
+	err = sdk.InitStorageSDK(
+		walletJSON,
+		parsed.BlockWorker,
+		parsed.ChainID,
+		parsed.SignatureScheme,
+		nil,
+		0,
+	)
+	return err
diff --git a/tests/tokenomics_tests/utils/blobbers.go b/tests/tokenomics_tests/utils/blobbers.go
index 753a7429b8..899a02d1fe 100644
--- a/tests/tokenomics_tests/utils/blobbers.go
+++ b/tests/tokenomics_tests/utils/blobbers.go
@@ -1,18 +1,58 @@
 package utils
 import (
+	"encoding/hex"
+	"encoding/json"
+	"net/http"
+	"strings"
+	"github.com/0chain/common/core/common"
+	"github.com/0chain/gosdk/core/zcncrypto"
+	climodel "github.com/0chain/system_test/internal/cli/model"
+	"github.com/stretchr/testify/require"
 	cliutils "github.com/0chain/system_test/internal/cli/util"
+const zboxTeamWalletName = "wallets/zbox_team"
+var zboxTeamWallet *climodel.Wallet
 func ListBlobbers(t *test.SystemTest, cliConfigFilename, params string) ([]string, error) {
 	t.Log("Requesting blobber list...")
 	return cliutils.RunCommand(t, fmt.Sprintf("./zbox ls-blobbers %s --silent --wallet %s_wallet.json --configDir ./config --config %s", params, EscapedTestName(t), cliConfigFilename), 3, time.Second*2)
+func ListBlobbersWithWallet(t *test.SystemTest, walletName, cliConfigFilename, params string) ([]string, error) {
+	t.Log("Requesting blobber list...")
+	return cliutils.RunCommand(t, fmt.Sprintf("./zbox ls-blobbers %s --silent --wallet %s_wallet.json --configDir ./config --config %s", params, walletName, cliConfigFilename), 3, time.Second*2)
+func GetBlobberDetails(t *test.SystemTest, cliConfigFilename, blobberId string) (*climodel.Blobber, error) {
+	return GetBlobberDetailsWithWallet(t, EscapedTestName(t), cliConfigFilename, blobberId)
+func GetBlobberDetailsWithWallet(t *test.SystemTest, walletName, cliConfigFilename, blobberId string) (*climodel.Blobber, error) {
+	output, err := ListBlobbersWithWallet(t, walletName, cliConfigFilename, "--json")
+	require.Nil(t, err, "Unable to get blobbers list", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+	require.Len(t, output, 1, "Error invalid json data for list blobbers")
+	var blobberList []climodel.Blobber
+	err = json.NewDecoder(strings.NewReader(output[0])).Decode(&blobberList)
+	require.Nil(t, err, "Error parsing blobbers list")
+	for idx := range blobberList {
+		if blobberList[idx].ID == blobberId {
+			return &blobberList[idx], nil
+		}
+	}
+	return nil, nil
 func ListValidators(t *test.SystemTest, cliConfigFilename, params string) ([]string, error) {
 	t.Log("Requesting validator list...")
 	return cliutils.RunCommand(t, fmt.Sprintf("./zbox ls-validators %s --silent --wallet %s_wallet.json --configDir ./config --config %s", params, EscapedTestName(t), cliConfigFilename), 3, time.Second*2)
@@ -32,3 +72,96 @@ func StakePoolInfo(t *test.SystemTest, cliConfigFilename, params string) ([]stri
 	t.Log("Fetching stake pool info...")
 	return cliutils.RunCommand(t, fmt.Sprintf("./zbox sp-info %s --silent --wallet %s_wallet.json --configDir ./config --config %s", params, EscapedTestName(t), cliConfigFilename), 3, time.Second*2)
+func GenerateBlobberAuthTickets(t *test.SystemTest, configFileName string) (blobberAuthTickets, blobberIds string) {
+	return GenerateBlobberAuthTicketsWithWallet(t, EscapedTestName(t), configFileName)
+func GenerateBlobberAuthTicketsWithWallet(t *test.SystemTest, walletName, configFileName string) (blobberAuthTicket, blobberIds string) {
+	var blobbersList []climodel.Blobber
+	output, err := ListBlobbersWithWallet(t, walletName, configFileName, "--json")
+	require.Nil(t, err, "Failed to get blobbers list", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+	require.NotNil(t, output[0], "Empty list blobbers json response")
+	err = json.NewDecoder(strings.NewReader(strings.Join(output, "\n"))).Decode(&blobbersList)
+	require.Nil(t, err, "Error parsing the blobbers list", strings.Join(output, "\n"))
+	require.NotNil(t, blobbersList, "Blobbers list is empty")
+	// Get auth tickets for all blobbers
+	var blobberAuthTickets string
+	var blobbersIds string
+	wallet, err := GetWalletForName(t, configFileName, walletName)
+	require.Nil(t, err, "could not get wallet")
+	for i := range blobbersList {
+		blobber := blobbersList[i]
+		authTicket, err := getBlobberAuthTicket(t, configFileName, blobber.ID, blobber.BaseURL, zboxTeamWalletName, wallet.ClientID)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "could not get auth ticket for blobber", blobber.ID)
+		require.NotNil(t, authTicket, "could not get auth ticket for blobber %v", blobber)
+		require.NotEqual(t, authTicket, "", "empty auth ticket for blobber %v", blobber)
+		if i == len(blobbersList)-1 {
+			blobberAuthTickets += authTicket
+			blobbersIds += blobber.ID
+			break
+		}
+		blobberAuthTickets += authTicket + ","
+		blobbersIds += blobber.ID + ","
+	}
+	return blobberAuthTickets, blobbersIds
+func GetBlobberAuthTicketWithId(t *test.SystemTest, cliConfigFileName, blobberID, blobberUrl string) (string, error) {
+	return getBlobberAuthTicketForIdWithWallet(t, EscapedTestName(t), cliConfigFileName, blobberID, blobberUrl)
+func getBlobberAuthTicketForIdWithWallet(t *test.SystemTest, walletName, cliConfigFileName, blobberId, blobberUrl string) (string, error) {
+	userWallet, err := GetWalletForName(t, cliConfigFileName, walletName)
+	if err != nil {
+		return "", err
+	}
+	return getBlobberAuthTicket(t, cliConfigFileName, blobberId, blobberUrl, zboxTeamWalletName, userWallet.ClientID)
+func getBlobberAuthTicket(t *test.SystemTest, cliConfigFileName, blobberID, blobberUrl, zboxTeamWalletName, clientID string) (string, error) {
+	if zboxTeamWallet == nil {
+		zboxWallet, err := GetWalletForName(t, cliConfigFileName, zboxTeamWalletName)
+		require.Nil(t, err, "could not get zbox wallet")
+		zboxTeamWallet = zboxWallet
+	}
+	var authTicket string
+	signatureScheme := zcncrypto.NewSignatureScheme("bls0chain")
+	_ = signatureScheme.SetPrivateKey("85e2119f494cd40ca524f6342e8bdb7bef2af03fe9a08c8d9c1d9f14d6c64f14")
+	_ = signatureScheme.SetPublicKey(zboxTeamWallet.ClientPublicKey)
+	signature, err := signatureScheme.Sign(hex.EncodeToString([]byte(zboxTeamWallet.ClientPublicKey)))
+	if err != nil {
+		return authTicket, err
+	}
+	url := blobberUrl + "/v1/auth/generate?client_id=" + clientID
+	req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", url, http.NoBody)
+	if err != nil {
+		return authTicket, err
+	}
+	req.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
+	req.Header.Set("Zbox-Signature", signature)
+	client := &http.Client{}
+	resp, err := client.Do(req)
+	if err != nil {
+		return authTicket, err
+	}
+	defer resp.Body.Close()
+	var responseMap map[string]string
+	err = json.NewDecoder(resp.Body).Decode(&responseMap)
+	if err != nil {
+		return "", err
+	}
+	authTicket = responseMap["auth_ticket"]
+	if authTicket == "" {
+		return "", common.NewError("500", "Error getting auth ticket from blobber")
+	}
+	return authTicket, nil
diff --git a/tests/tokenomics_tests/utils/general.go b/tests/tokenomics_tests/utils/general.go
index 5ef3d1685a..986158de87 100644
--- a/tests/tokenomics_tests/utils/general.go
+++ b/tests/tokenomics_tests/utils/general.go
@@ -3,8 +3,11 @@ package utils
 import (
+	"regexp"
+	"github.com/stretchr/testify/require"
@@ -43,3 +46,23 @@ func CreateParams(params map[string]interface{}) string {
 func IntToZCN(balance int64) float64 {
 	return float64(balance) / tokenUnit
+func UnitToZCN(unitCost float64, unit string) float64 {
+	switch unit {
+	case "SAS", "sas":
+		unitCost /= 1e10
+		return unitCost
+	case "uZCN", "uzcn":
+		unitCost /= 1e6
+		return unitCost
+	case "mZCN", "mzcn":
+		unitCost /= 1e3
+		return unitCost
+	}
+	return unitCost
+func AssertOutputMatchesAllocationRegex(t *test.SystemTest, re *regexp.Regexp, str string) {
+	match := re.FindStringSubmatch(str)
+	require.True(t, len(match) > 0, "expected allocation to match regex", re, str)
diff --git a/tests/tokenomics_tests/utils/wallet.go b/tests/tokenomics_tests/utils/wallet.go
index 33e4589033..aafc0569f1 100644
--- a/tests/tokenomics_tests/utils/wallet.go
+++ b/tests/tokenomics_tests/utils/wallet.go
@@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ import (
+	"github.com/0chain/system_test/internal/api/model"
 	climodel "github.com/0chain/system_test/internal/cli/model"
 	cliutils "github.com/0chain/system_test/internal/cli/util"
@@ -60,8 +62,13 @@ func CreateWalletForName(t *test.SystemTest, cliConfigFilename, name string, opt
 		return cliutils.RunCommand(t, "./zwallet create-wallet "+
 			"--wallet "+name+"_wallet.json"+" --configDir ./config --config "+cliConfigFilename, 3, time.Second*2)
+	output, err := cliutils.RunCommand(t, "./zwallet create-wallet --silent "+
+		"--wallet "+name+"_wallet.json"+" --configDir ./config --config "+cliConfigFilename, 3, time.Second*2)
+	if err != nil {
+		return output, err
+	}
-	output, err := ExecuteFaucetWithTokensForWallet(t, name, cliConfigFilename, 5)
+	output, err = ExecuteFaucetWithTokensForWallet(t, name, cliConfigFilename, 5)
 	t.Logf("faucet output: %v", output)
 	return output, err
@@ -88,6 +95,28 @@ func GetWalletForName(t *test.SystemTest, cliConfigFilename, name string) (*clim
 	return wallet, err
+func GetFullWalletForName(t *test.SystemTest, cliConfigFilename, name string) (*model.Wallet, error) {
+	t.Logf("Getting wallet...")
+	output, err := cliutils.RunCommand(t, "./zbox getwallet --json --silent "+
+		"--wallet "+name+"_wallet.json"+" --configDir ./config --config "+cliConfigFilename, 3, time.Second*2)
+	if err != nil {
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	require.Len(t, output, 1)
+	var wallet *model.Wallet
+	err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(output[0]), &wallet)
+	if err != nil {
+		t.Errorf("failed to unmarshal the result into wallet")
+		return nil, err
+	}
+	return wallet, err
 func SetupWalletWithCustomTokens(t *test.SystemTest, configPath string, tokens float64) []string {
 	output, err := CreateWallet(t, configPath)
 	require.Nil(t, err, strings.Join(output, "\n"))